Forever Knight (Season 2 Ep 25) - "A More Permanent Hell"
At exactly 714 AM on June 30, 1908, an asteroid 100 meters in diameter entered the Earth's atmosphere and exploded with the force of a 12 megaton bomb.
Speaker 2:A column of fire rose 20 kilometers in the sky as hot and as bright as the sun. The entire forest below was incinerated and blown flat. The shockwave circumnavigated the earth twice. Now we have our friend 6748. When it hits, the 1, 000 megaton blast will raise an impenetrable cloud of dust that will obliterate the sun for 20 years or more.
Speaker 1:The temperature on earth will fall below freezing and stay there. The air will be filled with dirt and toxins.
Speaker 2:Within a short time, all plant,
Speaker 1:animal, and human life will be gone.
Speaker 3:Hi. I'm Rachel.
Speaker 2:And I'm Matt. And this is
Speaker 3:Come in, 81 kilo.
Speaker 2:A Forever Knight podcast.
Speaker 3:Welcome back, friends.
Speaker 2:Welcome back.
Speaker 3:It's time for another episode. 1 of our last season 2 episodes, season 2, episode 25, a more permanent hell, or as I personally think of it, the asteroid episode. This felt like something that was so much in the zeitgeist at the time because we had deep impact, Armageddon. Yep. It really feels like the it's like the climate collapse movies of the 20 twelves.
Speaker 3:And everyone was like, oh, climate collapsed.
Speaker 2:And the whole after
Speaker 3:tomorrow, blah blah blah.
Speaker 2:And the whole, like, Mayan end of the world 2012 stuff?
Speaker 3:Yeah. Yeah. It was just a really funny I don't know. For just a brief period of time there, we were all like, shit. We could die if an asteroid hit us.
Speaker 3:Then we're like, let's make some movies about it. And, apparently, somebody said, let's write a television show episode about it. I mean, wow. This is ambitious. Okay?
Speaker 3:The the scale
Speaker 2:of the freak out. A, like, world changing event
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:In in a, like, a format where at the end of the episode, you're supposed to have the same kind of conditions in the total world as the beginning of the episode? Of course.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Yeah. They're like, oh, you know, he stands to make millions when the when the markets go back up. You mean years from now when the markets recover?
Speaker 2:In the countries that still exist?
Speaker 3:What? Okay. But we're gonna get there or so we're gonna get there. But we have to start at the beginning, which is the setup, the, the very ambitious setup for what turns out to be a very ambitious episode because we start out at this observatory and there's 3 people. And the 1 lady is just typing furiously and it like, boop, boop, like the whatever program they ran ran.
Speaker 3:And they're like, doctor Carter, please. You know? We've already run it. We've been running it for 3 days, and she's like, no. She throws, like, a baby tantrum.
Speaker 3:She's like, no. And pushes the 1 lady off, like, no. Gonna run it again. And you're like, oh, no. Something terrible is happening.
Speaker 3:The scientist has lost her ever loving mind. And so they leave because she's like, no. I'm gonna run it again. And so they go out.
Speaker 2:So the they're kinda like, okay. Well, we're we're gonna go home and get some sleep or whatever.
Speaker 3:Well, they go stand outside the door for a convenient length of time, and the guy's like, maybe I should start smoking cigarettes. And she's like, well, you don't smoke. What are you gonna smoke cigarettes for? And he's like, it's not like it matters now. We just get allusions to impending doom.
Speaker 3:And the guy, the male character here, whose name, I'm sorry, I just don't know. In the show, he is actually like a really prolific actor. He's been in a bunch of stuff. Anytime there's a you need an, like, really high cheekbone, hollow cheek man to be in something, they're like, I know the guy. It's that guy.
Speaker 3:This is 1 of his first things, but he's been in a ton of stuff. They hear a gunshot while they're standing outside, and they're both like, oh, snap. And so they turn around to run back in, and doctor Carter has 99 1996 herself. She's killed herself. It's been a while since we've used suicide as the main driving force.
Speaker 2:Yeah. But
Speaker 3:so there you go. That's kind of our setup, but we don't go to the intro yet because we we opt forward in time a little bit. And here's Knight and Skanky talking, and Skanky is like, you know, my cousin Arthur is a stockbroker. It take and Nick goes, it takes money to make money, Skanky.
Speaker 4:I'm telling you, Nick. My cousin Arthur is also my stock broker. He'll help you get your feet wet. Takes money to make money, Skank. You got the cash invested.
Speaker 4:You're not gonna be young forever, Knight. Holy moly. Check out this eyepiece.
Speaker 3:And Skanky goes, you've got the cash. You need to invest it. You're not gonna be young forever, and it gives them a look like, I might be. I don't know.
Speaker 2:You don't know me. You don't
Speaker 3:know me. Maybe you know me. I don't know. I don't know how much you know. You know, you think you know me.
Speaker 3:And then we kinda, you know, we we actually segue into the crime because they're like, you know, what what's going on here? And Nick's like, okay. Well, we know the who and we know the how, but we don't know the why. Like, why did she do this? Is this a homicide?
Speaker 3:Do we need to be here? And they kind of gesture over because all the the 2 people that were standing outside are kind of standing over by the instrument panel or whatever. And this is the fellow staff at the observatory, and they walk over there and they're basically like, okay, we're gonna ask you some questions and you need to tell us the truth And don't lie because if you lie, we're gonna figure it out, and it's gonna look bad. So just tell us the truth. And they're like, okay.
Speaker 3:Well, she she killed herself. Like, we were standing outside. We heard the gunshot. She died. I don't know what else to tell you.
Speaker 3:And he's like, okay. But, like, why? Like, there's no suicide note nearby. Come on. Can you can you tell us what's going on?
Speaker 3:And the guy's like, okay. Well, you can't tell. You have to promise. You're not gonna tell anybody. And Skanky actually says, I can't tell you.
Speaker 3:I can't make that kind of a promise until I know what it is you're gonna tell me.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:Instead of being like, yeah. Yeah. Sure. Whatever.
Speaker 2:Yeah. The the guy's like, you need to swear to secrecy on this information. You cannot tell anyone at all ever. And Skanky is like, I can't do that. And the guy's like, oh, okay.
Speaker 2:I'll tell you anyway.
Speaker 3:Yeah. It's fine. Here you go. So it's like, oh, no. There is an asteroid number 6748, and it's going to crash into earth within the next 3 months.
Speaker 3:And Natalie, who is, of course, conveniently standing there is like, don't these things usually burn up in the atmosphere? And this guy's like, yeah. But it this 1 is 5 miles wide. It's bigger than the 1 that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Speaker 2:So big deal.
Speaker 3:So big it's a big fucking deal because it's a big fucking asteroid. And they were like, okay, bada bada bada. We got the alien for the intro. Okay. Well, I just want to address the idea of the fact that for some reason, all of the vampires are operating under the assumption that they will survive.
Speaker 3:1st, we don't talk about where it's going to hit. Right. But we know that the asteroid that hit the earth and destroyed the dinosaurs actually hit the earth at such a high velocity. It dis placed the atmosphere around it and instantly incinerated everything immediately beneath it.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It compressed the air so much that the air superheated Yeah. And flash burned Yes.
Speaker 3:Killing everything. Incinerated. I'm pretty sure fire bad. We've had several episodes about how fire bad.
Speaker 2:Other side of the planet, you could survive the initial impact.
Speaker 3:Yeah. But and then they're like, okay. Well, there's gonna be winter, but that's cool. We don't really care when it's cold. But if you don't generate your own body heat and you don't have blood to replace the blood because we know vampires only have the blood that they drink, Will you freeze solid at a certain low like low enough temperature?
Speaker 2:Will you freeze solid? Would you freeze solid?
Speaker 3:Like the zombies in world war z? And then would you have to wait for the and then they all thaw and they wake up, like, whew. Okay. Well, that was alright. Could you use freezing solid as a way of surviving?
Speaker 3:Because they're concerned that they might starve to death.
Speaker 2:Go into, like, hibernation
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:By freezing solid
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like stasis.
Speaker 3:Like stasis. Like in that movie what's that movie with, yeah. It's called Iceman, and it's got Timothy Hutton in it. It's a 1984 movie, and they find this guy frozen in the ice. And for some reason, he is capable of being frozen and thawed and then coming back like those frogs that do that.
Speaker 3:And so he froze, like, during the ice age, like, tens of 1000 of years ago.
Speaker 2:Like, Encino Man?
Speaker 3:Like, Encino Man. Yeah. But serious. Oh, okay. Not Brendan Fraser.
Speaker 2:Not a Pauley Shore.
Speaker 3:Not not a Pauley Shore Brendan Fraser comedy. Yeah. More of a Timothy Hutton, in exploration of what it would be like to wake up 10000 years after you fell asleep and everything has changed and your family's all dead.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 3:I don't know. It's just interesting because we just take as rote that the vampires are going to probably survive Right. Somehow, even though we know they can starve to death. I I don't know. It's just a it's a a really weird thing to just be like, okay.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah. We're all gonna make it, and y'all are gonna die.
Speaker 2:Right. The they're not, like, super concerned about starving to death even though they have to drink, like, a lot of blood regularly. Yeah. Although Nick went cold turkey on the blood and lasted, what, like, a week? And he felt really good.
Speaker 3:Yeah. But then Natalie gave him a transfusion because she said he was starving starving to death.
Speaker 2:Even though he he was enjoying himself.
Speaker 3:You know what? We are you know, we're just gonna table the discussion about the scientific backing of this episode. Okay? I think that's probably a good place to start,
Speaker 2:but we're never gonna get this. Our best material comes from.
Speaker 3:Oh, you're gonna harp on it again. I know. I'm just tabling it for now.
Speaker 2:Gotcha.
Speaker 3:Got okay. Because we come back, and Cohen is talking to a guy who we don't introduce, but she's like, tell me, Forbes. Is this are they right? Is their data right? And the guy's like, I mean, I don't know.
Speaker 3:It it'd literally be like opening a computer program in front of Matt and being like, does this code look good to you? Like, I don't know. I haven't sat down and looked at it. I haven't gotten into their math without it.
Speaker 2:I haven't It depends on what, like, algorithms you're using.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like, for so in this case, what you what you would end up doing is you'd say, oh, there's an asteroid. We've seen it. Now we're gonna get some really accurate information about its position, velocity, I guess, position, speed, and direction of movement.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And and then we have a lot of information about where all the planets and moons and all that stuff are, And then you put those in as the initial conditions of a numerical simulation and calculate where this thing would continue moving, how much it would be affected by the gravity of all these other things around it. And then you'd be running this numerical simulation of all the gravitational stuff.
Speaker 3:Variables.
Speaker 2:And then you'd see, oh, its path intersects the Earth. Well, how close does it get? Yeah. And so then you zoom in and you, make the time slices on the numerical simulation smaller so they get more accurate, and you can see, like, more precisely, more, accurately where where the asteroid is actually going to be. And then it's like, oh, okay.
Speaker 2:It's gonna hit here, but then you have, like, margin of error.
Speaker 3:Yeah. So Within 3 months. That's a margin of error.
Speaker 2:Well, no. That's that's that's the time frame. The margin of error is No. In in the in your simulation Uh-huh. Every time you're doing a, like, time slice calculation of the movement
Speaker 3:It's plus or minus a certain amount.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Yeah. You have some you're always balancing the accuracy of the simulation versus how long it takes to run the simulation. I don't see a whole lot of computers here. So they would to get a they wouldn't be running it on the on this computer.
Speaker 2:They would they would go to, like, I think Cray had the world's biggest supercomputer at the time.
Speaker 3:I'm gonna get there. I'm gonna get there because the we're talking to this Forbes guy. Cohen's like, give it to me straight. Is this is this right? And he's like, well, I mean, I I don't know.
Speaker 3:Like, initially, yes. It appears based on what I can see that they're correct. And I have a high level of confidence in doctor Carter and her team, So I don't have any initial reason to just dismiss this, but this is something that, like, we're gonna send it to JPL. We're gonna send it to York University. We're going to rerun the data, which I feel like is the methodology doctor Carter would have been using all along, because there is absolutely no way a 5 mile asteroid has gotten this close, and nobody has been tracking it.
Speaker 2:It it could totally happen. Okay. Well It depends on how
Speaker 3:reflective it is. So here's how I feel like any scientist would naturally proceed would be, oh, I have found this 5 mile wide asteroid that appears to be on an intersection course with Earth. I will send my data out to as many colleagues as possible and encourage them all to repeat my simulation or start their own. Let's see if we all come up with the same findings.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It it would be like, oh, my initial simulation looks like it's gonna hit the Earth, or it's it looks like from my simulation, it's going to pass close to the Earth, and you would have numbers. Like, it's going to pass within, I don't know, 5000 miles of the Earth. Yeah. Especially if you're projecting it out months in advance.
Speaker 2:And then you say, okay. Like, within 5, 000 miles is, you know, pretty tight. It could actually hit the earth. So then you send your all the measurements you've taken, how you calculated the velocity and the exact direction and all that, and you send it out to different places with probably bigger supercomputers than you have at an observatory. Yeah.
Speaker 2:And Yeah. Wait for them to reproduce it.
Speaker 3:It really feels like this is the community college observatory.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:And they caught it, and they they ran it through their student simulation. And then that got leaked to the news, and the whole world fucking fell apart. And it was literally like the 2 year associate degree students that take this as an enrichment course said that there was an asteroid coming towards the Earth. Yeah. And that's the setup.
Speaker 3:That's the setup for the episode, and it's fine. I think this episode is interesting in that Nick is the only 1 who keeps a cool head of everyone. Literally Cohen keeps
Speaker 2:a pretty cool head.
Speaker 3:No. I I heartily disagree. I think Cohen completely falls apart. Yeah. So we go to skanky.
Speaker 3:They they get this news. Right? Okay. Oh my god. We're all gonna die in the next 3 months according to, the 3 hour night course that has 8 8 actual, like, lessons throughout the semester, whatever.
Speaker 3:Anyway, and Skanky's like, oh my god. Are you serious? Like, all all of this, everything that we've built, all of our progress, it's just gonna go away? Like, what kind of God has a what kind of God has that as their plan that that we've come so far, and it's all gonna go away? And Nick is like, what
Speaker 2:What progress?
Speaker 3:What progress?
Speaker 4:It doesn't make any sense. This is part of God's grand plan. Smash humanity into millions of itsy bitsy teeny weeny little pieces after all the progress we've made? What progress? The Cold War's over?
Speaker 4:Fiber optic technology? Airbags. Nice try, Skank.
Speaker 3:From where I'm sitting, it's all I mean, I've I've literally watched the man in power take advantage of a woman who ultimately turns around and kills herself, like, 4 times in this series. That doesn't include every single time that's happened. And, again, that's what happens here again. Isn't that interesting? And, Skanky, I think walks it back a little bit because he realizes he's talking to an 800 year old guy who's like, nothing's changed, Skanky, and Skanky is like, okay.
Speaker 3:Well, I mean, we had the cold war's over and we developed fiber optic cable, and now we have airbags, not in this particular car, but we do have airbags. And Nick smiles and he's like, nice, nice play. Like, okay, well done. Like, you walked that back enough for me. And actually, John Caplos directed this episode.
Speaker 3:He wrote the code, and he directed this episode. And this one's interesting because if we don't if we kind of squint a little at the somehow vampires are all gonna survive this thing, really, the stakes for Nick are actually the same as everybody for the first time ever.
Speaker 2:That's a good point.
Speaker 3:He's always looking forward to standing in the wreckage untouched while everything around him burns. But in this case, not so much. And yet he is still the only 1 capable of holding his shit together because skanky is still going on. Like, he walks it back a little bit, but then he's like, I mean, are you serious? All of this is gonna be gone?
Speaker 3:Everything? Just because some raw some space trash took a wrong turn at Pluto? I mean, this has to be some kind of joke. Right? Like, this is a joke.
Speaker 3:This can't actually be happening, and Nick is just like Mhmm. Yeah. Shit happens. He's like, I don't know what to tell you, man. Shit happens.
Speaker 2:Nick, who knows that there is an afterlife?
Speaker 3:Well, Nick is like, shit shit's happened to me. Like, unfair things happen to fair people. Good things happen to bad people, and bad things happen to good people, and there's no fucking rhyme or reason. And absolutely, yes. A 5 mile wide asteroid could hit the earth and destroy everything, and that would just be, you know, whatever.
Speaker 3:The sun could go out and we wouldn't know for 8 minutes. Yep. So, I mean, whatever. And they go back to the precinct, and Skanky actually goes and calls Myra.
Speaker 2:He immediately calls Myra. He's just like, I just wanna say I
Speaker 3:love you. Oh, Skanky is no prince, but at least he cares. And everyone's kind of reeling. Cohen is reeling because she walked he Nick walks into her office, and this is when she's like, tell me, Nick, How how do I have a contingency plan when there's when we're all gonna die? Like, how do I plan for that?
Speaker 3:Do I plan for that? Like, what do I fucking do? She is lost. She's lost this whole episode, and everyone is immediately leaning on Nick. Everyone is asking Nick, like, well, what do I do?
Speaker 3:And Nick's like, oh, I don't fucking know. We we investigate the case. Why is everybody just all of a sudden, like, yeah, The the observatory across the road, like, the observatory that's 2 doors down from the subway said that that that asteroid's gonna hit our gonna hit us.
Speaker 2:Right. The the least plausible part of this story is that everybody is 100% convinced that this is going to happen.
Speaker 3:But, I mean, we had a global plague that people were literally dying of. Like, a 1000000 plus people died of, and half of the people still don't think it existed.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And you tell me that there was somebody that went, oh, there's an asteroid that's gonna hit us, and everybody was like, oh my god. We're all gonna die. I don't believe you. I just don't believe you, but that's okay. That doesn't matter.
Speaker 3:That's not the setup. That's not the point. The point is how Nick handles it and the fact that he is capable of and how everyone else handles it. Because how Natalie handles it is a revelation. The fact that she okay.
Speaker 3:Well, we're gonna get there because Nick is Nick is trying to talk to Cohen, and Cohen is, like, looking at a picture, and she's, you know, what am I gonna do? My whole family's gonna die. I'm gonna die. And Nick is like, hold on. I don't think we have the whole story here.
Speaker 3:She didn't leave a note. She didn't call and say goodbye to her family. If she killed herself because this asteroid is going to hit us, certainly, she would have said goodbye. She would have made some kind of preparation. She wouldn't have just shot herself like that.
Speaker 3:This feels wrong. And Cohen's like, are you telling me you think this is a murder? He's like, I just don't think we have the whole story, and I don't think we have anything to lose if I keep it open for a couple of days. And Cohen's like, fine. You got 2 days, but no longer because I'm going to need you.
Speaker 3:Like, when news of this leaks, I'm gonna need you. And then they go to the morgue and Natalie's looking in her microscope and he's like, did you find anything? And she's like, yeah, hair follicles, but they're hers. And the gunpowder on her hand was was from her gun, and there's a thumb print on the trigger, meaning she pulled the trigger with her thumb, which is consistent with the self inflicted gunshot wound. I'm pretty sure she killed herself.
Speaker 3:And Nick is like, there's got to be something missing. And Skanky goes, yeah, Evidence of a murder. Here. This is all yours.
Speaker 4:Something's missing. Yeah. Evidence of a murder, perhaps.
Speaker 2:Which, to be fair, the lady actually killed herself. Yeah.
Speaker 3:I mean, she really did do it. But, it
Speaker 2:Was was that the plan of the antagonist? No. No. But I mean
Speaker 3:It happened. It happened. And it ends up drawing the police in, and it ends up putting Nick in a position where he ends up saving the world. He saves the world with his, legendary gut feelings because he cannot let this go.
Speaker 2:He has a hunch.
Speaker 3:He has a hunch. But Natalie comes over, and she gives him the gun. Skanky actually kinda walks around and sits down. He's looking in the microscope, and he's like, you know, what are we gonna this is gonna get out. When it gets out, what are we gonna do?
Speaker 3:And Nick's like, what do you mean when it gets out? And he's like, well, I'm not gonna tell anybody, but, I mean, other people are gonna tell or they're gonna talk about it. What are you gonna do? Threaten threaten to kill them if they tell people about the apocalypse? I mean, come on.
Speaker 3:And and Natalie is like, that's it. Fucking that's it. You gotta get go. Get off. Get out of my room.
Speaker 3:Get out of my space. I can't have you in here right now. You are harshing my mellow. I just need to chill. I got a lot of work to do.
Speaker 3:And Skanky actually apologizes. He's like, sorry, Natalie. Like, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just like, I'm in my feels. You're in your feels.
Speaker 3:Nick's the only 1 who's not in his feels. Like, I'm so sorry. And he ends up leaving because Nick is like, he gives him the he gives him the bro signal that he's gonna spend some alone time with Natalie, which is you go ahead, I'll follow you. Just you go around.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you go around.
Speaker 3:And so Skanky leaves to go around, and he has a minute with Natalie where he's like, Natalie, he didn't mean to upset you. And she's like, I know. I'm sorry. Like, I didn't mean to freak out like that. And he gets really close to her face.
Speaker 3:He, like, leans in, and this brings me back to where I'm gonna make some cocktails up for our live watch of season 3, episode 1. And 1 of my cocktails is definitely gonna be, Nick's mixed signals. Yes. Yeah. Because we just had an episode where he was like, oh, no.
Speaker 3:I don't love that bitch. I just love what she can do for me.
Speaker 2:And and I'll eat her right now. I'll I'll I'll watch. You just wanna fucking do it. Mhmm.
Speaker 3:And the moment to reassure the audience that he was lying to Lacroix is now, and I don't really think he does a very good job of that. I mean, as the 1996 viewer, you're supposed to be like, oh, it's so cute. He actually does love her, but they can't be together. But as a 2023 viewer, you're like, he was telling the truth. He's just using her because he just leans in.
Speaker 3:And then he doesn't really get close enough to be intimately close, but he's too close for casual friendship. It's a it's a weird invasion of her bubble because he's trying to give her a little bit of a pep talk, and she goes, like, I love your optimism. Because he's like, we're gonna be fine. Oh, you just need to calm down. This is all everyone's already blown this out of proportion.
Speaker 3:You shouldn't you of all people should not blow this out of proportion. And she's like, god. You're such an optimist. And he's like, well, let's hope that spreads. Let's hope that that's more infectious than anything else.
Speaker 3:And then we cut to the observatory and, uh-oh, there's a beat cop there, and he's making a phone call to break the news.
Speaker 2:You'll never guess what I heard at work today.
Speaker 3:Bump bump bump. And then we see Nick in his apartment with the vest.
Speaker 2:No. This is a button up shirt that has had the sleeves removed.
Speaker 3:What the fuck is this? Because it goes all the way up. It does not have a collar. He does not have the collar of his own shirt outside of it. It is just over the top of his button up shirt collar thing, and it's like, I don't know what this is.
Speaker 3:This is a choice. That's what Flynn says. This is a choice. And he wears it, like, the remainder of the episode. He was basically, like, well, this is my double vested protection vest, so I can't remove it.
Speaker 3:And he's watching
Speaker 2:He has another vest on underneath it. Yes. This is his safety vest.
Speaker 3:It's like those thunder vests you get for dogs. You know that they're, like, weighted, and they squeeze the dog to help them get through a thunderstorm.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah. There's there's other stuff that lets it's, like, extra tight.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Like a weighted blanket. It's like a weighted blanket, but it's it get to help them stay calm. Okay? That's that's good.
Speaker 2:That's why he keeps a cool head.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:Because he has a vest that's, like, weighted, and it's giving him a hug, like, squeezing
Speaker 3:him a little. Exactly.
Speaker 2:He's he's being comforted.
Speaker 3:What if Nick's love language language is physical touch, but here he is unable to really touch anybody? The poor dude. Of course, he wears so many layers of clothing. It's like being held. I can't be cuddled by people, but I can be cuddled by this giant ass coat.
Speaker 3:That's how I go wear it.
Speaker 2:His anti that's his, anti anxiety treatment.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Exactly. That maybe Natalie prescribed that. She was like, have you tried vests? And he was like, vests?
Speaker 3:And she's like, yeah. Vests.
Speaker 2:It it's like getting a hug.
Speaker 3:It's like having Oh,
Speaker 2:I love hugs.
Speaker 3:It's like a turtleneck is being choked by a really weak person all day long. It's exactly how it feels to me. But anyway, he's watching TV and he's watching a Daniel from JPL. This is the propulsion lab, jet propulsion lab. And he's like, look.
Speaker 3:We're reviewing the data, but we don't have any he's basically just like, guys
Speaker 2:We just got the data.
Speaker 3:Got this. Would you fucking hold on?
Speaker 2:It's gonna take, like, days to run a full simulation with enough accuracy to say whether or not it's gonna hit the earth.
Speaker 3:Right. And true to the news being the news, they're like, okay. Expert, god. That's that's boring. Look, guys.
Speaker 3:Look, guys. Looting, rioting, panic, confusion in the streets. People are rioting.
Speaker 2:Literally, the entire world falls apart. Everything's on fire.
Speaker 3:Shit. People are
Speaker 2:just dying. People people are committing suicide. People are
Speaker 3:Yeah. Cars are on fire. There's burn barrels in the middle of the street. Shit's shit's fucked up. Okay?
Speaker 3:Like, it's immediately a mess. Nobody is like, oh, no. I called bullshit. Everyone's like, oh my god. Right?
Speaker 3:I'm gonna die. And then we just proceed from there, and it is wild. Yes. Listen.
Speaker 2:What? Just just spending a few minutes imagining the worldwide impact is
Speaker 3:Yeah. Countries collapse. Shipping collapses. Supply lines collapse. The stock market collapses, real estate collapses, securities collapse, currency markets collapse, everything collapses.
Speaker 3:The world fucking ends. And then 1 cop in Toronto is, like, oh, I figured it out, and everyone's, like, oh, thank god. Dodge that bullet. Okay. But we're not there yet.
Speaker 3:In fact, the the the person on the news, the newscaster is literally like, this is so terrible. It's happening everywhere. I couldn't even tell you specifically where this is happening because this footage could be from anywhere because this is what the whole world looks like right now. And Nick is just sitting there, like, sipping his water sipping his his Ribena and his blood. Sipping his blood, watching the news in his vest, like, that sucks.
Speaker 3:And then Natalie calls, and Natalie calls him in. She's like, I need you to get down here, and I need you to get down here right now. Are you watching the news? And he's like, yeah. I was about to switch to the nightcrawler, but yeah.
Speaker 3:And then he goes down to the morgue, and, while we're waiting for him to arrive, Natalie walks over to a body and she, like, flips the sheet back and pulls the head to the side so that we can see that this guy was killed by a vampire. Uh-oh. Yep. And then we have another mix mix signals moment because as soon as he comes, they, like, cuddle over this body. Like, she leans over the body and he leans over the body, like, really close to her.
Speaker 3:And he ends up, like, leaning his cheek against the side of her head, and he's like, you're exhausted. You should go home. You need to get some rest. And she's like, I can't. Half the shift didn't come in today.
Speaker 3:It's just me here. These bodies are just rolling in. There's literally bodies everywhere. Like, the freezer is full. There's just gurneys covered, and she says they're stacked up like firewood.
Speaker 3:And she says she's gotten 6 vampire victims already, and there's been so many homicides and suicides. She's pretty sure she can hide that, but not if too many more comes in come in.
Speaker 4:You're exhausted. You should get some rest.
Speaker 3:Oh, there's there's too much to do.
Speaker 4:-Look, someone else can handle it.
Speaker 3:-There is no 1 else. Most of the department didn't come in today. I'm all alone here, and I've got more bodies than I usually get in a month.
Speaker 4:You're not alone, man.
Speaker 3:I finished doctor Carter. There's nothing. She killed herself. And Nick is, like, so predictable.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And, like, half of the morgue staff didn't show up. So she's, like, mostly by herself
Speaker 3:on all this. By herself. She can't do any of this by herself, and there's nobody there to help her, and she can't go home, and what the fuck is she supposed to do? And she's exhausted and she's depressed because the world is falling apart, and who knows it better than the coroner because all of these bodies are suddenly rolling in. And this is just the tip of the iceberg because it's just the bodies that have been found.
Speaker 2:In this area of Toronto.
Speaker 3:In this area of Toronto. And Nick is like, oh, you should probably go home and take a nap.
Speaker 2:Okay, Nat.
Speaker 3:Yeah. She goes, I've got more bodies than I get in a month, and I'm all alone. And he goes, you're not alone, Nat. Alright. Well, I'll see you later.
Speaker 3:Okay?
Speaker 2:You're not alone. You have me. Oh, but III need
Speaker 3:to minutes. Yeah. He's like, you're not alone. She goes, I'm afraid, Nick. And he's like, yeah.
Speaker 3:We're all afraid. That's cool. We're all special in our own way now.
Speaker 2:Afraid. I'm Nick. That's as helpful as he is in that movie.
Speaker 3:Really is. Because then immediately, apparently, he goes to the precinct because Cohen is giving a little speech to the precinct, and she's like, only a third of the detectives came in and the uniforms are at 50% strength, And we're getting a homicide call every 10 minutes.
Speaker 5:Is this all? Well, thank you for coming through. We're less than 1 third strength. The uniforms are 50%. I need everybody on the street.
Speaker 5:I knew there'd be a reaction, but nothing like this. We're getting homicide calls about 1 every 10 minutes. Suicides, assaults. Your badges don't count for much now, so watch your backs. Any questions?
Speaker 5:Alright. Good luck.
Speaker 2:I I thought it was interesting that a third of the detectives came in. So 2 thirds of the detectives have abdicated, you know, abandoned their post, whatever. But half of the, like, beat cops have showed up to work. Mhmm. Yep.
Speaker 2:So the it's like the more skeptical you should be, the more convinced you are
Speaker 3:What are they gonna do?
Speaker 2:The end of the world actually is.
Speaker 3:What do you do? What do you do to all the people that didn't show up? And then all of a sudden, when you're like, oh, the world's not gonna end, they come in, and they're all wearing, like, nicer watches and they've all got brand new TVs because they're out riding with all those what do you do? Like, what do you do? How do you discipline those people?
Speaker 2:Right. It's
Speaker 3:Do you send them to some kind of, like, a I feel like you should have to go to some kind of critical thinking course. Like, okay. I'm gonna give you a scenario and
Speaker 2:you tell me the detectives.
Speaker 3:Yeah. And you tell me.
Speaker 2:I think this is I only have 1 piece of information from 1 source.
Speaker 3:I don't have any corroborating evidence. Ho ho ho.
Speaker 2:Except, oh, well, she's always done good work.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Oh, she hasn't lied before. Well, oh, okay.
Speaker 2:Her numbers have always been accurate.
Speaker 3:I mean, I think you can sort of hand wavy this a little bit as, like, a there's a general misunderstanding of how science works, and you see this a lot when people say, oh, well, 2 months ago, they said this, and now they're saying that. They don't know what they're talking about instead of they do. That's the point of science. Things change.
Speaker 2:Here's here's the best analogy I can think of to that may have helped convince people not to trust this 1 piece of evidence that this asteroid is gonna hit the Earth. Look at weather forecasts for where a hurricane is going to go. Yeah. Okay. It's like a month out.
Speaker 2:Here's where we think the hurricane is going to go. The next day, oh, it's a little bit closer. The path has the predicted path has changed. A week later, oh, yeah. It's not even gonna hit the US.
Speaker 2:A week later, oh, it is going to hit the US. Right? Because they're running, like, more and more refined simulations of the hurricane on, like, more recent data, and the results change. Solar system is a little less complicated, but and it's still it's the huge distances add so much error.
Speaker 3:Right. People don't even believe the weather forecast when it says it's gonna rain.
Speaker 2:Right. They walk outside and look up.
Speaker 3:Yeah. You check, and yet they're like, an ashtray is gonna hit us and we're all gonna die. And they're like, well, yeah. That's a checks out. That's fine.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Okay. Whatever. So Nick goes to the precinct, as they're getting 1 homicide every 10 fucking minutes. I can't I cannot stress that enough.
Speaker 3:That does not include suicides or accidental deaths
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:Or the people they haven't found yet. And so and Nick walks up to Cohen, and he's like, I just need more time on the case.
Speaker 2:She's like, fine. 1 more day. Oh, she
Speaker 3:goes, you think that's important right now? Do you really think that's what we need to the suicide? That's a slam dunk suicide. That's what we need to focus on. And he's like, I literally think it's the most important thing in the world right now.
Speaker 2:He he should have explained.
Speaker 3:Okay. Cool.
Speaker 2:What is that? I'm not investigating the suicide. I'm investigating the observatory.
Speaker 3:Well, he's like, something here does not fit. It does not feel right. III have 1 of my hunches. I just don't think all the pieces are fitting together the way they should.
Speaker 2:It's not the suicide. It's the world ending news came out of this place, and I'm going to keep investigating these people.
Speaker 3:It just doesn't feel right. Why did this woman do this like this? This just doesn't sit. And Cohen is like, 1 more day, and that's it. It's all I can give you is 1 more day.
Speaker 3:And Nick's like, cool. I'll take it. 1 more day is fine. And this is when Skanky, like, comes over and he's just sitting there and he looks really dazed. And they're like, well, what's going on, Skanky?
Speaker 3:And he's like, I just got a call from my cousin Arthur. I made $5, 000. That's like $15, 000, 15 to $20, 000 in in now money. And they're both like, oh, okay. Nick is like, okay.
Speaker 3:Congratulations. And Cohen's like, fucking seriously skanky. That's what we're gonna talk about right now. She is not even supportive of him in this moment. Cohen, this man is about to die.
Speaker 3:You believe See,
Speaker 2:she's consistent.
Speaker 3:You believe with your whole heart that this man is about to die, you could just go, congratulations, Geggy. Now get back now get back to work. But she's not. She takes a minute to just like grind it in there because she's like, oh, what are you gonna do with it? Because I don't know if your cousin your cousin apparently wasn't paying attention because the currency markets have collapsed too, which means by the time this is all done, $5, 000 might be enough to buy donuts for the entire department.
Speaker 4:She doesn't understand. She just doesn't get it. It's not about the damn money. I know. We have got 3 months to live, Nick.
Speaker 4:Myra's got 3 months. Jenny's got We can't think about that. I can't save them. I can't protect them. I know it doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 4:I just wanna leave them something. You know? We don't know for sure how this is gonna work out. Alright? So we've gotta stay focused on something.
Speaker 4:Let's make it the case. You're right. But you find out about the guy.
Speaker 2:I hope you bring those doughnuts in.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Congratulations, Skanky. And then she does, like, a turn and walk away. Like, what the fuck, Cohen? What is your problem?
Speaker 3:Skanky has only ever tried to be nice to her. And in the last couple of episodes, she's been really trashy to him. That's not fair. He's there. He showed up.
Speaker 3:He's 1 of the third of the detectives that fucking showed up. Those people should all get a medal. Every single 1 of those should have your undying gratitude because 2 thirds were, like, fuck you and just left. 2 thirds of your department was not critical thinking enough to go, hey. I'm gonna wait for a corroborating source before I believe that this is actually going to happen.
Speaker 2:Right. Yeah. Besides punishing the people who didn't show up Yeah. You need to reward the people who did.
Speaker 3:And Skanky, you know, Skanky is still sitting there while she walks away, and Nick sits next to him and he's like, she doesn't get it. It's not about the money. Like, it's just not about the money. That's not what I was talking about. And Nick is like, yeah, man.
Speaker 3:I know. I get it. I get it. And he's like, I just everyone's gonna die. My wife's gonna die.
Speaker 3:My daughter's gonna die. Like, what am I supposed to do? I can't stop this. I can't protect them. I can't and Nick is like, ho ho.
Speaker 3:We don't need a spiral on this. He's like, we gotta focus on something. Let's focus on the case. What did you get about the gun? Tell me about the gun.
Speaker 3:Walk me through it. You know, get back to get back to work, and that will help you focus on what's really important. And Skanky is like, okay. Well, you know, I put it I put some feelers out. I'm just waiting on some phone calls, and he's like, cool.
Speaker 3:You sit here and you wait for that phone call. Can you do that for me, Skanky? And Skanky is like, yeah. Yeah, man. I can do that for you.
Speaker 3:And he's like, cool. I'm gonna go. And he's like, where are you going? And he doesn't he didn't let him finish. He's like, you know what?
Speaker 3:Never mind.
Speaker 2:I'm going around.
Speaker 3:You you just stay safe. Okay? Yeah. You just stay safe. And Nick is like, thanks, man.
Speaker 3:They have like a bro hand grasp, but like put your manly hand in mine. And they're like, I will, because he knows. Skanky deliberately didn't wait for him to answer. He was like, you know what? I don't need to know.
Speaker 3:You just stay safe. And so Nick leaves, And luckily, Luke Lacroix is there to still be the nightcrawler and really just lift everyone's spirits because he's clearly still still feeling great from last episode or actually from, be my valentine.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And he's talking about how in 19 0 8, another asteroid hit the Earth's atmosphere, and it exploded with the force of 12 megaton bombs, and the shock wave circled the Earth twice.
Speaker 2:The Tunguska event or something?
Speaker 3:Yeah. And but this 1 will be, like, a 1000 megatons, and it will kick up enough dust into the atmosphere to block out the sun for 20 to 30 years, and the temperature of the earth will fall below freezing and stay below freezing. And by the time 20 to 30 years is up, all life on earth will be extinguished.
Speaker 2:All surface life on earth.
Speaker 3:Yeah. All surface life, not ocean life, probably. And then we get a flashback, and it is Lacroix's flashback. And luckily, this was the flashback because Matt and I were shock shopping for liquor. And I was like, I don't know, is Pompeii Roman or Greek?
Speaker 3:And Matt was like, why why would we, why are you asking about Pompeii? And I'm like, oh, because Lacoste from Pompeii. And he was like, he's from Pompeii. And I was like, goddamn it. Supposedly free love.
Speaker 3:But look at that. We didn't have to wait very long. Yeah. This is Pompey, which it's a big reveal at the end of this little flashback snippet because we just know that he's the greatest general in the empire, and he's finally returned home. And they're all admiring his bust, like, the bust of him, which is actually a pretty good bust.
Speaker 2:Carving.
Speaker 3:Yeah. And the guy he's talking to, the pro council is like, oh, I just you know, he did a really good job. Do you think you could loan him to him? And he's like, I would, but I put out his eyes And he wept as he thanked me, and they're all like, oh, you're such a kidder. Oh my gosh, LaCroix.
Speaker 2:Except this is LaCroix.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Except LaCroix. Lucius. Lucius. Yeah.
Speaker 3:So he's like, you know, I really fucking did that. It's fine. Lucius, of course, he did that. They're like, oh, Lucius. You're so you're such a funny guy.
Speaker 3:And he's like, yeah, I know. And I do it again. And they're like, tell me tell me, did you really did you really tell your men to rape the like, to have their
Speaker 2:way women.
Speaker 3:With the women when you were in Gaul? And look look Lucius, Lucius is like, course I did. What do you think I am? An amateur? And they're like, oh, you're so good at this.
Speaker 3:And you all rascal. And then we meet Divya. Well, we don't quite meet her
Speaker 2:here because we
Speaker 3:meet well, we do We
Speaker 2:meet Divya's mom first.
Speaker 3:We meet her mom. We meet Divya adjacent, which is fucking enough for me because, I forget what his wife's name is, but she comes out. And he's like, oh, hello. We need to, Celine. Her name's Celine.
Speaker 3:He's like, how's your, your daughter doing?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And she says, oh, you know, she was sick, but then an ancient healer arrived, and he spent some time alone with her, and then she rose from her bed that very night. And Lucius is like, oh, that's fucking great. I'm so glad that your daughter is so much better. And she goes to leave to circulate among the guests, and this is when he's like, we need to spend some time together. We need to spend some time together.
Speaker 3:And she's like, well, we will later, like, after I've talked to all the guests. And then the proconsul comes over, and he's like, yeah. If that girl is alive and well, I'll eat my fucking shorts, my toga. I'll eat my fucking toga because, that he was like, she's pale. She's withdrawn.
Speaker 3:She never plays in the sun. She's weird as fuck. She's creepy. She's fucking divia. It was just it's like, okay.
Speaker 3:Well, I mean, okay. Fine. Whatever. Like, I'm gonna reserve judgment till I meet her. And he's like, you know what?
Speaker 3:Welcome back, general. Welcome back home to Pompeii. And you're like, oh my God, he's from Pompeii. And then back to the present. Yeah.
Speaker 3:And Nick is driving around. I'm not exactly sure where he's, like, planning to go, but he ends up hearing something. Like, he hears a woman screaming. And so he's driving past cars with, like, their front popped open on fire.
Speaker 2:There's probably just dying people strewn along the side of the
Speaker 3:road. There's, like, savages running like, feral ass groups of people running around the street, and he just gets out of his soft top convertible in the middle of the road and flies off, just real bold that that's gonna be there when he gets back when literally the world is falling apart and nothing is safe. But he ends up saving a woman because this vampire, who we finally learned that we learn later his name is Spark. But Sparky They call me Spark. Spark.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Sparky is chasing this woman, and the lady's like, no. Don't kill me with your teeth. Nick shows up, and he's like, I believe the lady said don't kill her with your teeth. And Sparky's like, and Nick, and then they like snarl fight.
Speaker 2:Yeah. They hiss at each other.
Speaker 3:They hiss at each other and he ends up flying off. And Nick is like, well, I solved that problem. I'm so good. He's definitely not going off to go do that to just another woman.
Speaker 2:Right. Anywhere in the city.
Speaker 3:Literally anywhere else. And he turns around to the woman and he's like, are you okay? You cool? And she's like, yeah, I guess I'm fine. She doesn't really answer because then we end that scene and then he goes to the raven.
Speaker 3:I love this scene because he's going, he parks up front. We know that because we see the car.
Speaker 2:So he
Speaker 3:went back and got his car, and he takes that to the Raven, and the Raven is hopping. And he walks into the raven and this woman hugs him, and he, like, kisses her out of reflex. I wonder if it's like so when my grandma had dementia, if you put a basket next to her, she would fold whatever was in the basket. It was like a reflex. So a woman gets close enough and touches him, and he just kisses her.
Speaker 3:Because he does, he leans down and kisses her, and then he goes, do I know you? And then he keeps walking, and he walks up to Jeanette. And Jeanette's just hanging out at the bar, like, I don't know. It's fucking anarchy.
Speaker 2:Party's rocking.
Speaker 3:I'm making money. I don't give a shit, except the currency markets collapse. So whatever, I guess. Because she's like, Nick, live a little. You wanna come out?
Speaker 3:We get we go hang out out back. You wanna go hang out out back? And he's like, look. I'm here. I'm here on business.
Speaker 3:And my business is you need to stop people from you you need to stop our kind from killing people. And she's, like, meh. Too high. She goes, it's the end of savings accounts and safe sex
Speaker 2:is what she
Speaker 3:says. It's the end of the savings account and safe sex.
Speaker 4:Our kind are losing control, Jeanette.
Speaker 3:And he's like, who is Jeanette? I don't know. I don't I feel like it needs to be addressed within the community how little it took for them all to be like, well, guess we're all going on a murder spree. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 3:You know how you get people to figure out that there are vampires? You have a minor crisis and all of a sudden you're having 1 homicide every 10 minutes, half of whom have vampire bites.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:They are real, real fucking lucky that Natalie knows vampires exist, and she covers for them.
Speaker 2:Well, do you think it's just the vampires in this this small part of Toronto No. That are going wild or worldwide?
Speaker 3:1 would assume worldwide. And there is not a expectation of infrastructure to support that. So like in being human, the US being human and the British being human, vampires have infiltrated the police force with the express purpose of hiding vampire crimes.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:But we know from everybody's reaction to Nick that they think it's real, real disdainful that he has a day job at all, especially that
Speaker 2:he's integrated into human society. At all. Like, at all.
Speaker 3:Yeah. So you have a situation where worldwide, we are going to have a sudden, unexplained, like, surge of vampire deaths, like people vampires killing people in obvious vampire ways. And only Toronto theoretically has a coroner coroner who's willing to hide that.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:Isn't that interesting? Unless that's what they are talking about at the corner, like the corner cage, about trading notes. Oh my god. How many did you get this year? I don't know.
Speaker 3:I I feel like my population is is pretty tame. Oh, yeah. Well, mine's gone fucking wild. I've been hiding vampire bodies all over the place. So, like, we don't say the v word.
Speaker 3:And Nick is like, they're killing people. Jeanette, they're out killing people, and she's like, yeah. They're all gonna die anyway. So who cares? Like, once the asteroid hits, they're all dead.
Speaker 3:So whatever. Right. Enjoy the humans while they're asteroid hits, they're all dead. So whatever.
Speaker 2:Enjoy the humans while they're still alive. She's like, why do you always care about them and you're never worried about us?
Speaker 3:What about me, Nick? What about my mild discomfort that I'm going to experience? Did you even consider that? No. You only think about yourself.
Speaker 2:Going to disappear in 3 months.
Speaker 3:She's like, what about our slow death by starvation? You're used to denying yourself. I am not. I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to suffer. I'm gonna have to be you.
Speaker 3:Can you take a minute and realize I'm gonna have to be you and how much of a sacrifice that is for me? And she says, if you truly believe that everything's gonna work out, you're either, like, hopelessly optimistic or naive.
Speaker 2:Fair.
Speaker 3:And then she says, I can't hold back the tide and neither can you. So shit's fucked up. Shit's getting fucker upper, and Nick is off trying to get a handle on the vampire feral impulse to just murder people at a drop of the hat kind of thing. And meanwhile, Skanky is at the precinct, which I mean, kudos to Skanky. He's got a wife and daughter.
Speaker 3:He thinks the world is ending, and he's still at work.
Speaker 2:Because he thinks he can make a difference.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I mean, what else? Yeah. He'd rather do that and make a difference than flake off and stay at home, like, apparently, 2 thirds of the other
Speaker 2:Detectives. Detectives.
Speaker 3:But we find out because Natalie comes in, and he's like, oh, did you get caught up? And she's like, fuck no. Wait. No.
Speaker 2:I just needed a break.
Speaker 3:I just needed a break because she's wearing her smock. Her.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:She didn't even take off her, like, autopsy clothes. She just wore them straight there. Nice. That's real clutch.
Speaker 2:Well, she's gotta go right back to work.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I guess. But, like anyway. And she asks Genki, you know, what's up? Where's where's Nick?
Speaker 3:And he's like, oh, you know, I heard back about the gun, and she bought it in Albany a couple months ago. She because they couldn't find the serial numbers in Canada. So, clearly, it was a US gun. And she he's like, yeah. She bought it in Albany.
Speaker 3:You know, maybe she was already suicidal, and this just pushed her over the edge.
Speaker 2:Mhmm. Albany's in New York, by the way.
Speaker 3:Oh, yeah. Love the Canadian assumption that the only reason somebody would buy a gun is because they're suicidal.
Speaker 2:Specifically, a handgun. Yeah. You buy a handgun because you want a human dead. Yeah. That's what a handgun is for.
Speaker 3:Correct. Yep. And Skanky's like, you know, how are you doing that? How's it going? And Natalie's like, yeah.
Speaker 3:I've got a morgue full of bodies. She literally says they're stacked up like firewood. And she says, you know, the more I think about it, the more I think, hey. Maybe doctor Carter had a point. Like, maybe she did the right thing.
Speaker 3:And Nick, Skanky is like, are are you are you being serious right now? Like, you thought about killing yourself.
Speaker 2:Any ideas.
Speaker 3:And she's like, oh, no. Yeah. I definitely thought about it. She's like, oh, yeah. Totally.
Speaker 3:No. I totes thought about it. And Skanky's like, oh, okay. And she goes, but then it occurred to me, Skanky, I don't have to die. And then she just kisses him on the lips and, what?
Speaker 3:Leaves and leaves Skanky there to just be like, did she
Speaker 2:Now Skanky's like
Speaker 3:think I was Nick. Shit. What just happened? He can't I mean, nobody has time to spare for Natalie's shenanigans.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:And so everyone knows she's clearly having some sort of crisis, but literally no 1 can spare
Speaker 2:the time. Understandably.
Speaker 3:Yeah. But nobody can spare the time to go in, like, be with Natalie in this moment because Nick has gone off to see, 1 of doctor Carter's colleagues. I think we get her name once.
Speaker 2:And then we just refer to her
Speaker 3:as the colleague. Yeah. Who left to see the colleague. And he kind of walked in, and she's talking about, like, oh, man. You know, this is all just terrible.
Speaker 3:I can't believe this happened. I can't believe we're all gonna die by an asteroid, and doctor Carter killed herself. And Nick is like, okay. So you do this nice house, you live here alone? And she goes, yeah.
Speaker 3:Well, no. Technically, I have someone who lives with me. And he's like, okay. Defined technically. And she says, well, I don't have a husband, but he travels, like, almost full time.
Speaker 3:He's in real estate. Yeah. They don't really have any other new
Speaker 2:investments, I think.
Speaker 3:He she said just says real estate. Okay. And he's like, man, I don't she goes she says, I don't really have anything new. Like, I'm I'm just here in my house watching TV, sipping on sipping on wine, wearing fancy clothes. I don't really have anything.
Speaker 3:And Nick's like, okay. Well, you know what? Thanks. Thanks for your time. And then he comes back to the precinct, and Skanky and Cohen are both there, and Skanky and Cohen are like, listen, we hear you Nick, but it's time.
Speaker 3:Right? We know this is a suicide. Literally, if this were if the whole world wasn't falling apart at the seams, I would have threatened you into giving this up long ago, but I can't threaten you because you could just leave and I can't afford to have you just leave. So Cohen actually says, I think that it's time for you to be done with this. Does my opinion count with you?
Speaker 2:Good angle.
Speaker 3:I mean, that's a legitimate question. Am I a valid person? Do you believe my opinion is valid in this moment? And Nick is like, yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 3:It does. Your opinion counts. Of course it does. Of course it does, captain. And, you know, I'll give it up.
Speaker 3:You whatever you need me to do, I'll do it. And then he turns to Skanky because Skanky is getting ready to leave because Skanky's been there all day. He's gonna go home for couple of hours, come back, and get some more work. And he tells him, hey. You know what, Skanky?
Speaker 3:Give my love to Myra and Jenny. And Skanky is really touched. He's like, yeah. I will. Thank you, man.
Speaker 3:Like, thanks for remembering. And, you know, I will. I'll tell him. And Nick having nothing else really to do in this moment, and actually because Skanky also tells him, hey, you might wanna go check on Natalie. She came by earlier and she was weird, weirder than you.
Speaker 3:I think you should probably go. So Nick goes to the morgue and Natalie, Natalie, Natalie, who will stare straight at her buddy, who she knows is a vampire, an 800 year old vampire, and say, I don't believe in supernatural or I'm a scientist. I believe in the scientific process or whatever, has lost her ever loving mind. She's like, I figured it out. The only way to survive this is for you to turn me into a vampire.
Speaker 3:Turn me into a vampire. Do it. Do it right now. And Nick's like, oh my god. I just did this 2 episodes ago.
Speaker 3:I can't I can't go through this again.
Speaker 4:This is wrong. An eternity of darkness is not living. You know that.
Speaker 3:But how
Speaker 5:can I unless I experience it myself?
Speaker 3:Am I just supposed to
Speaker 5:take your word for it?
Speaker 4:You mean you don't?
Speaker 3:Come on. What choice do I have? And he looks tempted to his credit because she's like, I'm here. I'm right here. You want me?
Speaker 3:You can have me. All this, this blood, this blood's for you. And he's like, don't don't do that. Don't ask me to do that. And he, like, closes his eyes and, like, oh, like, I can't even look at you when you're doing this because there's probably a part of him that is immediately like, oh, hell, yeah.
Speaker 3:Let's get down that right now. And he doesn't want to because this is a permanent choice. And he he is well aware that I mean, first of all, we have 3 months. This isn't like happening tomorrow. This is the we have a a 3 months.
Speaker 3:Right? We have a full season. Like, all of summer could pass before the asteroid hits, and she's asking him to do this right now. A lot can happen in 3 months, and that's a permanent decision. And she actually tries to convince him by being like, you know what?
Speaker 3:Maybe this was meant to happen if you think about it, because the whole world's gonna be perfectly adapted for the type of people that can live in darkness. It just makes sense. Like, vampires will be the most well adapted creatures in this world after the asteroid hits. So, like, maybe vampires
Speaker 2:turn to vampsicles.
Speaker 3:Maybe vampires have been here all along just to ensure that a part of us survives the, like, coming apocalypse. You know? It kinda just took kind of makes a whole lot of fucking sense. And Nick is like, it makes no sense because a life of eternal darkness isn't the life at all. And she's like, that's just like your opinion, man.
Speaker 3:And he's like, hello. I think I'm the 1 I think I am the reigning subject matter expert in this room right now. Like, you have made me some shakes. You've taken some blood from me. I've I've told you a couple of amusing anecdotes, and all of a sudden, we're back to I will repay where you feel like you have a complete handle on what it is to be me and you really fucking don't, Natalie.
Speaker 3:And she's like, okay. Fine. Whatever. It's not like if this rejection is the end of the world. Oh, wait.
Speaker 3:It kind of is. And then she just storms off. And Nick Nick, the king of not giving people personal space, like physical personal space, is the king of giving people space when he absolutely should not, like emotional space, chase that woman and talk her down. Instead, he's like, well, I guess she needs to work this out on her own. It was like earlier when he was like, you're not alone, Natalie.
Speaker 3:Oh, I gotta go to the office. I'll see you later. I mean, come on, Nick. But then Nick decides that the best possible course of action here is not to chase Natalie down and try to save her, figure out what's going on with that. He should probably just go home, hang out at home for a few minutes.
Speaker 3:Maybe he's tired. Maybe he wants to go spend some more, like, a minute on his fuck sheets, just kinda get back in the vibe. You know? But, little unfortunately, Lacroix is, at his house
Speaker 2:Waiting.
Speaker 3:Waiting. And as soon as he walks in He
Speaker 2:just came in the the skylight.
Speaker 3:In the skylight. Yeah. Because as soon as Nick walks in, LaCroix starts pontificating. He's like, I guess it's gonna take I'm guessing I'm going to have to adapt my palate to this vinegar because he's drinking Nick's cow blood.
Speaker 2:Although, how much does he have? Does he only have 1 cask at a time, or do you think he keeps a a couple around?
Speaker 3:Couple of casks?
Speaker 2:The the giant barrel of cow blood that he fills his bottles from.
Speaker 3:I think if in killer instinct, when they'd gone through his apartment, they'd found actual casks, like multiple casks full of blood. I don't think we would have been able to explain our way through that with it's painting supplies. Yeah. Nick actually retorts, if you don't like what's on the menu, you can always leave. And Lacroix is like, oh, I'm so sorry.
Speaker 3:Far be it for me to question your hospitality. And Nick goes, yeah. Especially when you're not fucking invited.
Speaker 2:Pretty much.
Speaker 3:Burn. Like, I didn't ask you here. I didn't ask you to steal my dinner. You walked in my house. You pulled 1 of my microwave dinners out of the freezer.
Speaker 2:You're eating it. Salted the quality of it.
Speaker 3:You you're eating it. And now now you're mad at me for you having to eat it. Nobody asked you to come in here and do any of that. You could just leave right now. But then we actually get a moment of actual conversation and interaction between Lacroix and Nick, which doesn't happen very often.
Speaker 3:We get a lot of, I'm your master, and I know what's best and blah blah blah.
Speaker 2:It's usually monologuing Yeah. From both sides.
Speaker 3:Yeah. They talk at each other a lot, but we actually have, like, a legit conversation because, Nick is like, what? Why are you even here? What do you want? What's I like, I've had a hard day.
Speaker 3:What do you want, Lacroix? And Lacroix is like, what I always want, companionship.
Speaker 4:What is it you want?
Speaker 1:What I have always wanted.
Speaker 2:Companionship.
Speaker 4:Why me? You can best appreciate
Speaker 1:the irony of my situation. You young ones are fortunate. Most of you will eventually starve and die.
Speaker 2:I'll grieve on that day, for my Nicholas, my Chanette.
Speaker 4:And what will happen to you?
Speaker 2:Ah, we ancient immortals will linger for some while after you're gone. I have been delivered from death
Speaker 1:to a more
Speaker 2:permanent hell. I just want a friend.
Speaker 3:I mean, from his perspective, yeah. That's what he want. That's what Nick is. Nick is, someone who can understand him completely. He just needs to get Nick enough on his side that they can vibe like he wants them to vibe.
Speaker 3:And it's just, oh, it's always just slightly out of his grasp. And he goes, you know, you can appreciate the irony that I'm here just to be with you. And he's like, you young are fortunate because you'll starve and die, and thus ancient immortals won't have that luxury. And he goes, I'll grieve for you on that day for my Nicholas. Oh, and for my Jeanette.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I guess whatever.
Speaker 2:What what whatever.
Speaker 3:What's his website?
Speaker 2:But I like the implication that which backs up why he survived the end of season 1.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That, or He's he's the beginning of the Yeah. The beginning of season 1. Yeah. So that you get to a certain age, and as a vampire and something changes, you gain some abilities or your presence becomes less attached to your, I don't know, physical body, whatever.
Speaker 3:You're capable of surviving far more than you are Yeah. When you're younger.
Speaker 2:And you don't starve to death, apparently?
Speaker 3:Yeah. Not in 20 to 30 years.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:I'm making that face because I can't give you more
Speaker 2:they can consume other blood Yes. Obviously, because They can consume other blood. Yes. Obviously, because Nick consumes cow blood. Yep.
Speaker 2:Deep ocean life will generally be fine for quite a while. So I can't.
Speaker 3:I know where does this go.
Speaker 2:Would the vampires be able to move to the bottom of the ocean and eat like lobsters and stuff?
Speaker 3:Can they survive the level of compression? Multiple Sure.
Speaker 2:Sure. But can they drink, like, horseshoe crab blood, or
Speaker 3:can they drink Probably not because that's different. Horseshoe crab blood specifically is different.
Speaker 2:And then lobster blood is also different.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I don't know. They'd probably have to go whale.
Speaker 2:Well, the whales are gonna die once the surface freezes.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I don't know what to tell you, honey.
Speaker 2:All the all the aquatic mammals are gonna die.
Speaker 3:This isn't something we solved. Can we stick to the, like, overarching theme of this episode?
Speaker 2:I guess.
Speaker 3:Okay. Semi aquatic vampires aside, the whole point of Lacroix is like because Lacroix is the 1 driving the flashback in this episode. And the point of his flashback is he has actually lived so long, he can do nothing else now. Even if he wanted to die, there isn't really an avenue for him to do that. He can get staked, burned, starved, frozen, whatever, and, he's gonna be perfectly fine.
Speaker 3:And is that a gift? Is that not a gift? Because at this point
Speaker 2:just a more permanent hell?
Speaker 3:A more permanent hell. Exactly. Because at this point, like, the vampires will outlive mortals. So all mortals then become kind of disposable, So all mortals then become kind of disposable commodities. To the Lacroix, vampires as young as Nicholas are just as fragile as mortals.
Speaker 3:So he is looking at outliving not only any mortal companion, but also any vampire under a certain age would also feel fragile and capable of being lost. And as much as he blusters and is kind of a dick to to Nicholas, he does see himself as Nick's father. He's not a very good father, but that doesn't mean he doesn't see himself as his father.
Speaker 2:At least he's there.
Speaker 3:And I think he is completely sincere when he goes, I will grieve for you.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah.
Speaker 3:Like, I will lose you forever, just like I lost your sister forever. Remember that 1? Yeah? So, I'll be I I will. I will mourn for you forever because that's what I have is forever.
Speaker 3:And then we immediately go into a flashback and LaCroix is on his own satin fuck sheets. Clearly, he taught Jeanette everything he knows because not only does he have satin, like, fuck sheets, he has, like, a satin tube pillow that he's laying on.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah. Yeah. And Nick and Jeanette both got, you know, their aesthetic from somewhere.
Speaker 3:Yeah. And hot damn, we got a lot of thigh. Oh, got a lot of Nigel Bennet thigh right there. Matt was like, he's only 44 in this. Thanks.
Speaker 3:Thanks, honey. We do like a pan up from his feet too. It's like, hey, guys. You know how we haven't seen, like, seen Nigel Bennett in anything but, like, pancake pale makeup and oversized clothes, well, here you go. You're welcome.
Speaker 2:Get the whole picture.
Speaker 3:Here you go. And it would really be, you know, great, but the the bucket of ice water at the end of this is motherfucking Divya, because Divya is sitting by his head, like, hello, father.
Speaker 2:Since you don't like Divya
Speaker 3:I don't know. I don't know what you're talking about. So she he sits up like, oh, god. What? Like, kids literally do this.
Speaker 3:This is like a thing. They just come in, and they're like, good morning. And you're like, oh, god. What? What is happening?
Speaker 3:In fact, our daughter came in the other day at, like, 7 o'clock, and she was like, you guys are still sleeping? And, like She's
Speaker 2:like, it's 7 o'clock. It's time
Speaker 3:to clean
Speaker 2:out our bed.
Speaker 3:Because I'll open the windows for you. And so she went to go walk around and open all the curtains. It's like, please do not do any of those things. So Divvy is sitting there and he sits up like, oh God, like I've got, I really tied 1 on last night. Like I am, I am hungover.
Speaker 3:And she's like, is it true you ordered your men to rape the women? And he's like, well, yeah. I mean, it was to demoralize the enemy and reward my men. What do we why are we talking about this? Where's your mother?
Speaker 3:This is my favorite 1. Where's your mother? She's doomed.
Speaker 2:Okay. Okay. So the precursor to earth earthquakes Yeah. Generates infrasound, like, very low frequency sound
Speaker 3:Could you hear it?
Speaker 2:That dogs can pick up.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:Can vampires hear infrasound that could thus predict earthquakes Yeah. Or erupt volcano eruptions It's possible. Before they happen.
Speaker 3:Yeah. But if you don't know what that sound is,
Speaker 2:like, you've You know. You'd know. It's very unsettling.
Speaker 3:You would know? Okay. Mhmm. Alright. Well, if anyone would know, Divya would know.
Speaker 3:Divya probably made the volcano
Speaker 2:or And conclude that it would be the cause of everyone's due date.
Speaker 3:Listen. Divya went to try to have a conversation with the volcano and ended up erupting just to, like, get her to go away. Shut up. Where's your mother?
Speaker 2:Before I punch your face.
Speaker 3:Yeah. This actress is actually only 13 in this, and if you look up a picture of her now, she looks exactly the same. But, anyway, he's like, what? Your mom's doomed? What?
Speaker 3:I don't what is going on? And she's like, listen. Yeah. So she's doomed, and she can't hang with the cool kids, but you sound pretty cool. Like, I don't know.
Speaker 3:I think I get my viciousness from you or whatever. So, like, do do you wanna, like, join my club? And he's like, what? What? And then it, like, you know, the camera shakes, and he's like, woah.
Speaker 3:And then he runs out
Speaker 2:Like star trek.
Speaker 3:I know. And then he runs out to the courtyard, and he's like, you can't defeat me. I'm the most powerful general in the in the entire empire. Even the gods fear me. And then his bust falls over, and, the the proconsul runs out.
Speaker 3:I know. The proconsul runs out, and he's like, oh, the the Vesuvius is awake. Vesuvius has exploded. And he's like, what? Fuck no.
Speaker 3:And then Divya comes out, and she's like, yeah. So this looks pretty dire. Yeah. You wanna die or do you wanna live? Like, what is your choice?
Speaker 3:You have to choose now. We have minutes. We have minutes, father. And he's like, to live, Divya. To live.
Speaker 3:Like, clearly.
Speaker 2:Obviously.
Speaker 3:Obviously, clearly, I choose to live. And then we cut back to the present. And they're kind of making their way around Nick's apartment. So they're coming down the stairs, and we actually see his painting supplies. I mentioned the other day that we haven't seen his painting supplies in a while, but they're under his stairs.
Speaker 3:They're you can kinda see him when they're coming down.
Speaker 2:Was this the shot where we could very clearly see the screaming woman painting above his fridge?
Speaker 3:Yeah. You know, it's really funny because you were like, wow. I have never seen that screaming woman picture above his fridge before. And so I mentioned to Meg that in this scene, you can see this wardrobe that we were trying to figure out where this wardrobe is. Don't even ask.
Speaker 3:This is how these things go sometimes. And I was like, oh, you can see the wardrobe in this shot. So she went back and watched it, and she was like, what the shit is that painting over his refrigerator? So you are not the only 1
Speaker 2:who did
Speaker 3:not see it. It's always been there, though. Sorry. I can't I don't know what to tell you, at least in all of season 2 because it's there in killer instinct. Because I thought when they go through his refrigerator and they find blood in his refrigerator, and they're like, does anybody know why this man might have blood in his refrigerator?
Speaker 3:He has a picture of a screaming woman over his refrigerator full of blood. It kinda feels it kinda feels on the nose a little bit, but, no, it's alright. Whatever. And LaClaw is like, you know what? I don't know what's worse.
Speaker 3:Is it gonna be worse to live or, like, just survive? Like, this is gonna be of course, I'm not gonna die, maybe, but I'm just gonna be surviving because it turns out that mortals not only give us blood, they also kind of make all the fun shit. Right? Like, we're not painting anything or doing anything cool. Like, we don't create all this culture.
Speaker 3:Mortals create culture and we just sort of ride the wave.
Speaker 2:We just consume it. We consume their culture like we consume their blood.
Speaker 3:Right. And once they're gone, we'll have neither their culture nor their blood. And so Nick goes, yeah. So who do you think is more powerful in the end, the hunter
Speaker 2:Oh.
Speaker 3:Or the hunted?
Speaker 1:Or to be left in a living hell,
Speaker 2:a form of life whose only purpose is survival and nothing more, To exist for the sake of existing. Such bitter irony. The mortals sustain us their art, their laughter, their society, their blood. Our eternal lives aren't worth much without them, are they?
Speaker 4:So who is the more powerful in the end,
Speaker 2:the hunter or the hunted? I don't know.
Speaker 1:Perhaps there is a power that's greater than both.
Speaker 3:And and They're both important
Speaker 2:to each other.
Speaker 3:And Lacroix goes, perhaps there's a power that is greater than both. And Nick's like, oh, okay. We're about to talk about God now? K, dad. Whatever.
Speaker 3:Because Laquaza was like, what kind of God would do this? What kind of god would do this? And he kinda sounds like skanky, and I feel like Nick should point it out in that moment and be like, you sounded like skanky right now, and Lacroix would just be like.
Speaker 2:What? God. That blasted that idea right out of my head.
Speaker 3:Right. You are
Speaker 2:so think like that again.
Speaker 3:Did I get to this place? I gotta go home. I gotta go I gotta go record a podcast episode. That's what I need to go to because that's immediately what he goes off to do. And then we find out that martial law has been declared everywhere.
Speaker 3:Oh, everywhere. All the martial law. All the places.
Speaker 2:As we're discussing this more, I'm imagining that the the, like, rioting, the, I don't know, societal societal collapse, frenzy, martial law stuff is just contained to, like, Ontario. Oh, yeah.
Speaker 3:I don't know. It's supposed to be everywhere because the currency markets have collapsed.
Speaker 2:And, like, Britain is like, who the fuck cares what some
Speaker 3:What's going on? Toronto. Over there. Yeah. The the Toronto community
Speaker 2:theater. Community observatory? Yeah.
Speaker 3:I mean, what's happening over there?
Speaker 2:Who cares about, like, the community college observatory? Why are they Well,
Speaker 3:we know it's happening in New York too because that's where the lady's husband is.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Maybe it's just, like, the northeast
Speaker 3:I don't know.
Speaker 2:North America. Anyway.
Speaker 3:Yeah. We don't know. We don't know because the the reporter on television didn't even feel like it was worth telling us where all of this rioting was happening. And then we go to a nightcrawler. We go to a nightcrawler recording because I told you, Lacroix was so disturbed, he had to go record a podcast.
Speaker 3:And he's like, fear. Fear kills us just as well as any other disaster. And he's like, the idea that we are neither unique nor special, because he says we cling to life like parasites, hoping it won't notice us and brush us off like the bugs we are.
Speaker 2:Well, I highlighted a line in a book I was reading. This lady says, this thing is a snowflake. I don't mean that it's special and unique. I mean, it's part of a blizzard.
Speaker 3:And on that really uplifting note, we go back to figure out what Natalie is up to. Because Natalie has made her way to the raven. And she's
Speaker 2:having a party.
Speaker 3:She's having a party. She's dancing. She's doing, like, the swim. She's doing really I mean, she's dancing kind of like skanky dances, honestly. Yeah.
Speaker 3:And Jeanette comes over and kind of cuts in on her dance because she sees her over there and she's like, oh, no. She's bringing down the tone of the place. This is not okay. And she brings Natalie over to the bar and she's like, okay, so this isn't the kind of place that you wanna come in and act like somebody who doesn't care what happens to them. And Natalie's like, I kind of think I know that.
Speaker 3:But have you seen him? And she's like, seen who? And he's like, she goes, the boy. I found a very special boy, and he was about to go get me a drink. And Jeanette goes, I think you're a little bit drunk.
Speaker 3:And she goes, you bet your ass I am. And then she pulls a cigarette out, lights the cigarette, and starts smoking the cigarette. And Jeanette's just like, okay. Well, here's a drink. And she tries to hand her a cup of coffee, and she goes, and then she just chink, like, cheers the cup of coffee with a glass of wine.
Speaker 2:Yeah. She just, like, reaches over, and I don't know if it's somebody else's drink or She
Speaker 3:just picks it up.
Speaker 2:It's just there.
Speaker 3:Yeah. And meanwhile, Nick Nick goes to the precinct because, again, Nick doesn't have time to solve Natalie's shenanigans right now. The world is a little bigger than Natalie. And as much as you would love him to drop everything and go save her, he can't. He's focused on what he's trying to do right now, which is save the world.
Speaker 2:Unwrapping this contradiction that he's perceived is more important than havoc in Southern Ontario.
Speaker 3:I mean, he I think he thinks it's connected. I think he thinks if he can figure out what happened to doctor Carter, he might figure out more about what's going
Speaker 2:on. Right. Because this isn't about the suicide. Yeah. This is about this something is happening, and it's involved with the discovery of
Speaker 3:Yeah. This collision. It all smells pretty fucking fishy to him.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And he's not willing to let it go. And so he comes back to the precinct, and the army is everywhere. There's this man with They've
Speaker 2:occupied the police station. Right.
Speaker 3:And Cohen is sitting outside of her own office in her office chair. And he's like, what's up, captain? And she goes, oh, yeah. They kicked me out because they thought I'd be in the way. And he's like, with your level of experience?
Speaker 3:Because we know she's been in the FBI. So, clearly, she has a lot of experience, and she's been brushed aside. And Nick is like, well, they're gonna realize pretty soon that they need you, and she's like, yeah. Okay. Well, whatever, Nick.
Speaker 3:And he's like, well, you know what? Why don't you go home? And once they do figure out they need you, they'll come get you. And she's like, you know what? That sounds like a pretty great idea.
Speaker 3:And then he turns around and there's a guy with his feet on his desk, and he's got, get your feet off my desk. And then Skanky walks up, and Skanky and him both look in Cohen's office at this guy on his phone. And Nick goes 4 stars. Skanky goes 3 stars, and then they both look at each other and go, none.
Speaker 4:Get your feet off my desk. Are you there? Can you believe this? You see Natalie. I have no idea where she is.
Speaker 2:Oh, no.
Speaker 4:4 stars. 3. None. If there's some good news in there, I could use them.
Speaker 3:And this is when Skanky's like, have you heard they're gonna reopen the stock market? And Nick is like, why? So we can go all the way down to 0? And he's like, no. Because people are making money on this, like, a lot of money.
Speaker 3:Like, somebody started a rumor that you can survive by going underground, and so commodities are going through the roof because people are just buying up as much shit as they can.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:Although everybody's rioting, so maybe they're just stealing all this stuff.
Speaker 2:Well, in this the stock market is not actually connected to, like
Speaker 3:Yeah. It's betting. Brick
Speaker 2:and mortar sales. So
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's all just speculation.
Speaker 3:Right. So Nick is like, oh, okay. Yeah. 20 to 30 years under ground. That that sounds great.
Speaker 3:And what's what's gonna happen when you come back up? And Skanky's like, I guess real estate will be cheap.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And they both look at each other like
Speaker 2:Real estate.
Speaker 3:Oh, shit. The pieces are beginning to fall into place. Click. Click. Click.
Speaker 3:Yep. And then Natalie, apparently, has, found the vampire, Sparky, from earlier. Spark. His name is Spark, but it's funnier if you call Sparky. She's found Sparky who Sparky is the most, like, nineties.
Speaker 2:He has the most, like, nineties rough macho.
Speaker 3:No. He's the most, like, I'm nineties hot person I've ever seen in my entire life. You just look at him and you're like, wow. I bet he was yeah. But he was real hot in the nineties.
Speaker 3:But at this point, you're like, Natalie, you're gonna do a little bit better. But that's okay because Jeanette immediately steps in and pulls rank. She's like, this 1? Fucking off limits. And she does like a thing.
Speaker 3:Like, you don't wanna be on my bad side. That would not play out well for you. And then Young pup. Then Nick and Skanky are at the observatory, and they're just like click click click click click.
Speaker 2:And then
Speaker 3:so they go Somehow. Beep boop. And Somehow. Nick goes, yes. Yes.
Speaker 3:This is it.
Speaker 2:The 2 of them have, like, computer forensics experience.
Speaker 3:Skanky, who we know couldn't figure out how to print from his computer.
Speaker 2:He was f nineing instead of f tening.
Speaker 3:He found this hidden program that was connected to the modem that was feeding information to the her husband at the New York Stock Exchange.
Speaker 2:Totally believable.
Speaker 3:I mean, yeah. Well, I don't know why you would
Speaker 2:why would you bring in, like, hacker man and say, hey, We think there's something suspicious with this computer. Can can you see if there's any, like, ongoing connections
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:To other systems? And he could pull, oh, yeah. There's this, like, connection here that this program is running that's connected to, like, this address, and it's probably in, like, New York or something.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I have a feeling it's supposed to be that this woman is not great at hiding her tracks. It's just she was expecting nobody to look. Right. I mean, how did they think this was gonna play out?
Speaker 3:What was the end game here?
Speaker 2:Here's I I was thinking about that. Okay. Like, what was their plan? Obviously, they had premeditated this thing with the asteroid collision. What were they gonna do with it?
Speaker 2:So I was thinking that they were probably they they, like, falsified the data
Speaker 3:Yeah. So
Speaker 2:that it would look like the asteroid was going to hit Earth, and then she was going to leak it, like, to a limited set of people, which would have a cascade effect and affect the markets kind of have a short term effect until, like, some other scientific groups responded and was like, no. Like, that's not accurate, and things would stabilize. She probably didn't imagine the lady was gonna kill herself Yeah. Which just threw all of the the information control out of her hands.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I mean, that makes sense. It feels like such a Hail Mary. Right? Because I mean, I guess it was like, let's try this.
Speaker 3:And if it works, you know, whether it might be a moderate amount of panic and we can take advantage of it. And if it doesn't work and nobody believes us, then no harm, no foul. So let's just give it a shot. But maybe doctor Carter killing herself pushes it far over the edge of, like, people immediately believed it because this scientist was so so so committed to her data.
Speaker 2:Yes. She was so convinced by her data
Speaker 3:Yeah. That she
Speaker 2:She killed herself.
Speaker 3:Yeah. She just immediately checked out. It was like, okay. This is a slam dunk. I'm out of here.
Speaker 3:And that might have been too much of a push because it's clear that the colleague, the curly haired colleague, is upset by what's happening. Because she's watching the news and crying because 1, 000 and thousands of people are dying because she lied. Yeah. A little bit like the guy that falsified that report about how, vaccinations cause autism.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:Oh, look that up. So we go back to The Raven because Natalie is out going out the back door to have a cigarette. And the young vampire, Sparky, shows up and he's like, you look lost. And Natalie goes, I guess I am. And then they have
Speaker 2:She's tried to play like
Speaker 3:She has
Speaker 2:tried so hard.
Speaker 3:We're kind of flip flip flipping
Speaker 2:The actress.
Speaker 3:Between, like, Nick and Nick and Skanky, and then Natalie's slowly unraveling psyche and personal safety because she's like, listen. I know exactly what you are, and you you see this? You have this if you bring me across. And then we whooped back to Nick and Skanky, and they're at the colleague's house. And they knock on the door, and she opens the door, and she's all fancy.
Speaker 3:And she's like, well, would you need something? And they're like, yeah. Here you go. And he holds up the he what is commonly referred to as a search warrant, which is what they tell her. And so then they just walk into her house and we back to the Raven, and Jeanette is leaning against the bar watching everybody party with her, like, cool cool bartender friend with her cool little crop top on.
Speaker 3:And
Speaker 2:Yeah. What happened to me close?
Speaker 3:I don't know. Miklos, this this lady is like, where's your friend? And Jeanette goes, oh, she's laying in the back. And then she pauses for a minute and she goes, she's not my friend. Like, oh, girls.
Speaker 3:Girls. And then we go back to Natalie, who is in the in the alleyway outside of the Raven, and this guy's about to, you know, they're about to have a alleyway quickie. And she's like, hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Speaker 3:This is going a little fast. Maybe not here. Maybe we can do some romance. You could light some candles. You could sneak in from my balcony.
Speaker 3:I've got a purple members only jacket you could put on in a blonde wig. Maybe we can work this out.
Speaker 2:We'll keep the lights real dim.
Speaker 3:Just keep the lights real dim. And when you kiss me, I need you to stop trying to just hit my lips. I need the the strike zone to be the entire lower lower half of my face. Do you think you could handle that? And he's like, okay.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Sure. Whatever. And she's actually like, you know what? Maybe maybe not right now.
Speaker 3:Like, I don't know if I want this right now, but, this isn't no forever. This is no for now. And he's like, oh, no. No is no. I there is no no.
Speaker 3:I hypnotize you. You take me to your apartment. We do this now. And she's like, okay.
Speaker 2:Heartbeat. Boom, boom, boom.
Speaker 3:Right. Which we know she's a resistor. And we know as soon as she gets to her apartment that she was never under his spell. So why does she let it get all the way to her apartment?
Speaker 2:I don't know. She was probably keeping an eye out for an opportunity to hit him with something, and maybe there just wasn't anything until she got into her apartment.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. But the colleague is prepped to celebrate. She's got champagne getting chilled.
Speaker 2:Oh, I know why. It's because they have a dedicated set for her apartment.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Because she could have just walked down the alley, and then when she got to the end of the alley, screamed for somebody to get Janette. I don't know. You know what? She's not in a good headspace right now.
Speaker 3:Let's let's just give Natalie all the benefit of the doubt because
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:She's having a real This was a crisis of faith for her in a lot of ways because it was her first like, oh, shit. Maybe I wanna be like Nick. I I don't wanna cure Nick, but I wanna be like him because I'm gonna die and he's not gonna die. And that was a lot for
Speaker 2:her to
Speaker 3:her to wrap her mind around.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:But we go back to the colleague's house because she's all prepped to celebrate. She's got champagne on ice, and this is the most, like, skanky and Nick, like, woohoo. We've we've figured this out. Let's talk through this in front of the in front of the, you know, the bad guy. Cause, cause Nick is like, you know what I've thought?
Speaker 3:I figured out that words and how you say things are real important because you said your husband was on the road because they're like, oh, are you getting ready to celebrate? And she's like, yeah. You know, might as well not waste it. My husband's on his way home. He's been in New York.
Speaker 3:And Nick is like, you said he was on the road, and now you're saying he's in New York. That's an important distinction.
Speaker 2:A week.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Because he's actually in New York 5 days a week on the New York Stock Exchange, and that sounds kind of, suspicious. And she goes, that doesn't prove anything. That doesn't prove your point. And he's like, yeah.
Speaker 3:You said it didn't prove my point as if there was a point to prove. Was I trying to prove something by saying that he was in New York? What would I be trying to prove? Oh, maybe that he's been in New York scooping up low value currency and stock and real estate, and that when it all comes out that this was a hoax and everything recovers immediately because that's what we're expecting it to do, he'll stand to make 1, 000, 000 of dollars like that. And
Speaker 2:And the and the connection from New York to her office computer.
Speaker 3:Right. But this is really funny because twice, they used the line, that was a question. And so first, Skanky asks a question, and she doesn't immediately answer it. And so Nick goes, that was a question, miss Ellis. And then Nick says the thing about, I think he's been on the New York Stock Exchange buying low value stuff so that you'll make a boatload of money.
Speaker 3:And Skanky goes, that was a question, miss Ellis. So they have a very, like, like a smooth back and forth here, which I think is really sweet. Anytime we have a moment where you can tell they work together and work together well, I love it. And here's this like tiny little they're great partners. And then we cut to Skanky is standing outside on the phone talking to JPL because JPL already knew that it was a hoax, and they were just getting ready to tell everybody.
Speaker 3:And Skanky is like, yeah. You know what? I always knew this was fishy. I was onto this from the beginning, and Nick just gives him a look alike. Of course, you were skanky.
Speaker 3:Uh-huh. Of course, you were. And so he's like, you know, we're gonna wait till the husband comes in so we can bring them both in at the same time, and you've put a lot of work into this, Nick. So you go home. Like, I've got this.
Speaker 3:I'll hang out with her until this guy gets here, and, you know, we'll wrap this up. Congratulations. We're not gonna die. And so Jeanette calls Nick on his cell phone as soon as Ganke walks off frame, and she's like, listen. Your friend Natalie was here earlier, and she was acting kinda hinky, and then she dipped because I went to go make sure she was still laying down and she was not there.
Speaker 3:And she was hanging out with this new 1. I think his name was like, Spark, Spark, Sparky, something like that. And then we cut to Natalie at her apartment because the overall crisis may have been averted, but Natalie is still in crisis. Yep. So she walks in through the door and she picks up this plinth thing that I think was specifically there to wallop people on the head should they attempt to follow her through
Speaker 2:the door. She has plans established. She has defense systems in place.
Speaker 3:Okay. Because she whacks them over the head, then she just runs in her room and locks the door, and she's like, done and dusted. Natalie, you know a vampire. You are fully aware of what they are capable of, and you think that door is gonna stop him.
Speaker 2:Back to a wall of windows.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Nick doesn't even need a window. He can just appear in a room. It doesn't matter.
Speaker 2:As does this guy.
Speaker 3:As does this guy.
Speaker 2:Because both windows are closed.
Speaker 3:Right. We know they're closed because Nick breaks both of them. With the guy. With the guy. First with himself and then the other 1 with the guy.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Because Nick is flying as fast as he can to get to Natalie's apartment because he's like, okay. I'm gonna start at her apartment, and then I'll work back. And then you have your friends look around the club. You look at the club, I'll look at the apartment, then we'll figure out a the line between a and b.
Speaker 3:And luckily, she's at her apartment because that's where he goes first. And so he's flying and he actually yells at spark while he's flying because spark is, he's got Natalie and he's gotten her on the bed and he's like, don't worry, I'll be gentle. Natalie almost gets raped. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 3:That's what this is. She was in she thought she knew what she was asking for. And as soon as she realized it was more than she was willing to give, she told him no, and he didn't hear no, and he didn't believe no, and he forced himself on her anyway.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:Which is the very definition of sexual assault. Yes. And that's what is happening right now. And Nick comes to her rescue, and he actually yells at him before he even gets in the apartment. And he's like, get your hands off her spark.
Speaker 3:And then he crashes through the window, and then we have like a spark Nick showdown where we like hiss at each other and throw each other around. And this is a serious moment because the thing that happened to Natalie is very serious, But can we pause a moment to appreciate the sheer amount of destruction that Nick manages to reign upon her apartment?
Speaker 2:Her poor bedroom.
Speaker 3:This isn't there a skit where, like, they throw this they throw the guy through the window and then, like, they walk out another plate glass, and he throws him through that too? That's what this feels like. Because he throws him through the 1 window, and then he ends up throwing her.
Speaker 2:I think that there's, in Robocop, there's there's a big fight scene where they're in this room. It's like a big, like, open concept office, and then there's all these little kind of office, like, mini conference rooms that all have, like, 2 half glass walls.
Speaker 3:Oh, yeah. To make
Speaker 2:a corner. And he throws him through, like, 3 or 4 of these Yes. Glass office books.
Speaker 3:That's exactly what it feels like. And then he puts him through her closet doors, and then Nick gets thrown into her bookshelf. And we just, yeah, we just rain destruction upon this poor woman's room. And then well, I mean, it's all in good for a good cause because in the end, he stakes spark. He does like a and then stakes spark, and, of course, spark is dead.
Speaker 3:Congratulations. He doesn't disappear like Richard, so I guess that's out the window. We don't do that anymore, but whatever. It's fine. And so he ends up going over and comforting Natalie, and it's really interesting.
Speaker 3:This whole scene, I think, is fascinating because Nick actually doesn't vamp out in front of Natalie very often. Mhmm. The first only the lonely is the only other time really where he is, like, vampire in front of her. All the other times, he really is Nick. He just he keeps his game face on when she's around, which There
Speaker 2:was the time where he was vampire behind her. Yeah. Like
Speaker 3:Yeah. Well, she doesn't remember that. So that Yeah.
Speaker 2:She she wasn't, conscious.
Speaker 3:He did the fang flash. He did the, you know, at the end of the fix to be like, see, I'm still a vampire, but his eyes weren't changed.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:So she doesn't get to see full on,
Speaker 2:I'm Full danger mode, Nick.
Speaker 3:Yeah. I'm danger mode, Nick. Exactly. Yes. She doesn't get to see full danger mode very often.
Speaker 2:Danger is my middle name.
Speaker 3:And to see that in this moment when she's already in kind of a really fragile space is probably very traumatizing. And I think that's why Nick feels uncomfortable staying around her in a way that reminds her of what he is. Because as we find out, he stays with her for a little while, but then when the sun gets ready to come up, he leaves.
Speaker 2:And right before he leaves, he said, don't worry, Natalie. You're not alone.
Speaker 3:You're not alone. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. But we go back to the precinct, and Skanky's bought everybody donuts just like Cohen said he would. She was like, oh, you'll have just enough money to buy us all donuts because, the Canadian dollars crashed.
Speaker 3:They're this is the last food that they have. The a week has passed, and everyone was like, poof. Well, that sucked. They swept up the broken glass, and they went back about their business.
Speaker 2:No lasting damage.
Speaker 3:No lasting damage. Congratulations. And there's balloons and Cohen has flowers and, you know, Hey, we got it. We did, we figured it out. And then Natalie comes in and Natalie looks rough.
Speaker 3:Poor Natalie. Okay. Look at all of the shit that has happened to Natalie. She tries to get into a serious relationship with somebody. She almost gets sexually assaulted and killed.
Speaker 3:And then she tries to get in a serious relationship with Nick and she almost gets killed. 1 might argue sexually assaulted and killed because if she'd been turned against her will I mean, this, this gets into a deeper discussion about the fact that a lot of what the vampire does can be interpreted as, like, sexual assault. We're not gonna get into that right now because this is a light fun podcast and maybe we'll cover that another time. But, that happened to her again. And then 2 episodes later, she gets into the situation again and at no point is she asking for this.
Speaker 3:She is a target of these things. She is not requesting this type of attention. It's just unfortunately continues to fall
Speaker 2:on her. Third 1, she's trying to initiate a 1 night stand. Yeah. And then she tries to back out. Yeah.
Speaker 2:But it's like each time she's trying to initiate a romantic or at least intimate relationship with somebody, she's ending up getting hurt.
Speaker 3:Right. It's unfortunate and poor Natalie, because she's like, I kinda thought you would stay. And he goes, you know what? I stayed as long as I could. And she's like, you could have drawn the curtains and just stayed the day with me.
Speaker 3:And he's like Nah.
Speaker 2:Somebody broke the windows. You should you should have somebody look at that, Natalie.
Speaker 3:I wanted somebody to look at that. While I was in your apartment, I noticed the windows were broken and your closet was broken and shit. I don't know who did that. That's really weird. You should probably get that fixed.
Speaker 2:I think there was a dent on your wall. I noticed when I was getting thrown against your wall.
Speaker 3:That's some low quality drywall you might wanna consider moving.
Speaker 2:The studs are not solid.
Speaker 3:My shoulders are approximately 16 or my shoulders are approximately 24 inches. I got hit into that wall, and there was not 16 on center. There's no way. It's like, I've been thrown into walls before, and I did not go that deep. So I think you should probably ask your ask your superintendent about it.
Speaker 3:Poor poor Natalie. Because she's like, I just wanted you to stay. Like, I wanted to feel safe, and you're my safe. Like, you made me feel safe and you left. And he's like, I didn't think that was I didn't think I did.
Speaker 3:I didn't think I made you feel safe.
Speaker 2:Communication. I
Speaker 3:didn't ask you what you wanted. I didn't wake you up and say, hey, the sun's coming up. Do you want me to draw the curtains and stay? I just assumed I knew what you wanted, which is the definition of a healthy relationship. So, you know, it's fine.
Speaker 3:It's fine. And she is like, I'm not fine, but I need to go back to work because my entire morgue was full of bodies that were not in the refrigerator, and they have now been sitting there for over 24 hours.
Speaker 2:And there's going to be more bodies coming in over the next week.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Just As we find out as they clean up the mess.
Speaker 3:Yeah. And I gotta fire half my staff because they ditched me. And I
Speaker 2:don't know at least reprimand them.
Speaker 3:I don't
Speaker 2:know what
Speaker 3:I'm gonna do. Like, it's and the only possible option at this moment is to listen to LaCroix's podcast. We go back to the nightcrawler. And he's like, you know, life is the enemy. You can't defeat.
Speaker 3:You just you cling to it for dear life. And what does it get you? Just pain and suffering.
Speaker 2:And then
Speaker 3:we get kind of the wrap up of the flashback, which is him standing with Divya after she's turned him into a vampire. And he's like, so we're truly eternal now? Like, we're truly immortal? And she is like, yep. You've got all the time in the world.
Speaker 3:And he holds up her little cameo, and he's like, you were right. Damn you, Divya.
Speaker 2:Does he say that on the radio?
Speaker 3:Yeah. Sure. Do you think? Okay. Why not?
Speaker 3:You know, he's the weird podcaster that everybody's just like, somebody somewhere has a chart of all the names he's mentioned to try to figure out who he is because he doesn't give his name. He's the nightcrawler.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:But that was our first introduction to Divya, where she's gonna come back.
Speaker 2:Oh, good.
Speaker 3:She's not gonna come back for a while, but she's gonna come back. So I hope you like Divya because she like a fucking bad penny. She doesn't get any better either. She's just this weird contrived. I don't know.
Speaker 3:I don't know. I don't know. I I can't. I can't. I can't.
Speaker 3:Because there's no way I can talk about it without talking about everything that happens in season 3, and I don't wanna spoil season 3 for you
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 3:Any more than it's already been spoiled. Thank you, Meg. So mostly vampire dog, which we're we're not there, but we have got to put together a vampire dog 5 k for, like, MS research because the fact that the way they treat that poor woman and her chronic illness in that episode is so tragic, and there's only so much nineties you can swallow sometimes, and then you're just like, I have to do something to cleanse the taint from my soul from having absorbed that episode. Okay. So we'll get there.
Speaker 3:But yeah, we're closing in. We've got 1 more episode in the in season 2, and then we'll be on to season 3. And we're gonna have a live watch along of our season 3, episode 1, Black Buddha, and that's going to be the night of October 19th, which for us is Eastern Standard Time, 9 o'clock. And if you wanna watch it with us, watch it and listen to us, watch it as we watch it live, that's a Patreon $5 and up tier perk. If you want a prerecorded version, that will be available for $1 Patreons or I will probably be making the whole audio file purchasable.
Speaker 3:So you can go on and for a dollar purchase the watch along audio from our Patreon website because Patreon now offers, like, 1 off digital purchases. Okay. So you don't have to join. You can just buy the thing. And I was thinking of putting our theme song on there too.
Speaker 3:Okay. Because then people if you wanted that for a ringtone, that's true ringtone. And I I don't know. Just just a way to kind of you know, we we do this for fun, and we mostly do it for free. But it would be really nice if we could cover our hosting costs at least.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:We're we're spending more on the podcast than we receive on the podcast, which is fine, because it's a hobby. Yeah. We It consumes resources.
Speaker 3:I wanna do this because I like doing this because I think that Forever Night gets does not get the love it deserves. And the fact that there's a 150 Buffy podcasts and we're the currently the only in production forever night podcast that I can find is just a shame because everyone who loves it, loves it deeply for a very good reason. And we're getting ready to watch our very last, first episode because season 3 is the final season. So we are in the last third of the come in 81 kilo podcast. And if you want to say thank you, you can come and buy our 1 off, prerecorded.
Speaker 3:You what you do is just put it on while you're watching the episode, and we will kind of watch it together except not live, if that makes sense.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:We've done that a couple other times with movies where we just tell you when we're hitting play, we'll give you a couple of, like, highlights of, okay, now the intro started so that we all know we're on the same page, and then we just watch the episode together. And that will be October 19, 2023. So if you're watching this late, sorry. Listening to this late. Sorry.
Speaker 3:Well, you
Speaker 2:can still go to Patreon and get the audio.
Speaker 3:Prerecorded audio for the win. So, yeah, we'll just leave it there for now. I do make announcements like this on our Patreon website. You can join and follow us on Patreon without paying. You can also follow us on Instagram.
Speaker 3:That's at strange and beautiful network. And you can find links to all of this stuff on our website, which is strangeandbeautifuldot club. So I guess until next time, friends.
Speaker 2:Bye.
Speaker 1:Life will always find a way to cheat death.
Speaker 2:Life is the enemy we cannot defeat, only cling to like parasites on the living flesh of the universe, hoping that
Speaker 1:we're not noticed and brushed away with
Speaker 2:a flick of their hand.
Speaker 1:And we're truly eternal.
Speaker 3:Yes, father.
Speaker 1:You were right, Dovio. Damn you,
Speaker 3:foreign.