Forever Knight (Season 3 Ep 10) - "Night in Question"
Something. No. No. Nothing. Nothing yet.
Doctor:No pulse.
Nurse:Continued compression. How long has he been down?
Rachel:19 minutes.
Nurse:No pulse, no rhythm, no cardiac output. Let's call it. Note the time. It's 12:36. Death occurred at 12:36 AM.
Nurse:Called the ME. Cease is identified as metro Police detective Nicholas Knight.
Rachel:Hi. I'm Rachel.
Matt:And I'm Matt. And this is
Rachel:Come In 81 kilo.
Matt:A forever night podcast.
Rachel:Welcome back, friends. It's time for another episode. Forever Knight season 3 episode 10, night in question. You know, it's funny. I was talking to Kate, and she was like, how much longer do you have on that forever night?
Rachel:The the forever night podcast? And, of course, she's never seen it or heard of it.
Matt:Right. She hasn't listened to any episodes?
Rachel:No. And I said, well, you know, we got 10 episodes, 12 episodes left in the season, and then we'll be all finished. And she goes, oh, you guys are going, like, episode by episode? I said, yeah. Like, what have we been talking about for a year and a half?
Rachel:We were just thinking, and she's like, oh, you're like a super fan cast.
Rachel:Okay. Well, I just thought that was really funny to, like, oh, like, what would we be doing?
Matt:She didn't know how seriously you were taking this whole thing.
Rachel:I can't imagine what it would be like to, like, try to group episodes because none of the plot lines are sequential.
Matt:Right. There's no
Rachel:So you can't see
Matt:season story arcs.
Rachel:They're each one or each one's like a short story that sometimes relates to the others and sometimes doesn't.
Matt:It's like the weekly comic strip.
Rachel:It's like I you couldn't group them. You couldn't group them and do them justice. So, anyway, I'm happy with our format, but I thought that was really funny.
Matt:Well, you could skim through multiple episodes in one podcast episode.
Rachel:I mean, I guess, but at the same time, like, I wouldn't feel good about it. Like, I wouldn't feel like we really touched on everything I wanted to touch on.
Rachel:Because the fun comes in picking these apart and really talking about what are they trying to say, and what did they actually say, and what was just flat out ridiculous, and what was fun and what was funny and what was intentionally funny and what was unintentionally funny and, you know, all the things that we like to do. And I bring this up because, when I put this episode on, you were like, oh, it's this one because you've probably seen this episode. Like Yeah. I don't know. Like, a lot.
Rachel:Because if I sit down and I'm like, I'm gonna put an episode on 1 like a slam dunk. I love this episode. I know I'm gonna love it. It's my favorite. Probably CurioSear and CurioSear is my favorite, and this is probably number 2.
Rachel:And I put it on a lot. So you've seen this one a lot. So we we maybe we'll have a little bit more fun chatting about this one because this was not fresh for you at all. You had absolutely seen this episode before. And to me, this episode is sort of a bit like curiouser and curiouser where the events that happen in it literally have nothing to do with anything ever ever ever again.
Rachel:It's almost an alternate reality. Part of
Matt:the story is What
Rachel:would happen if happening
Matt:between the characters.
Rachel:What would happen if Nick lost all of his memories? We got one of these up these are always my favorite. These are always my favorite episode. We got one of these in true blood, and it's, like, one of the few episodes in true blood that I genuinely enjoyed and watched multiple times. And it's the one where Eric loses his memory, and he ends up with Sookie.
Rachel:And, it's just Alexander Skarsgard being, like, sweet and protective and slightly psychotic and just adorable, and I love it. He doesn't forget he's a vampire. He just forgets everything about his life, whereas Nick forgets everything. Except
Matt:English and how to drive his car and how to get to the warehouse. And
Rachel:Yeah. Oh, we're gonna get there. Don't worry.
Matt:It's How
Matt:do you
Matt:use the elevator that's not in the elevator?
Rachel:It's on my notes. Because I was like, wait. Does he just remember the map? Because they tell him once the crossroads where the, warehouse is, and that's the only time it's mentioned to him. And yet he knows how to get there immediately, but you know what?
Rachel:You're making me get ahead of myself here.
Matt:We I guess we're still waiting on the flashback to, like, the founding of Toronto when he was the partner of the city planner that laid out the street plan and the names and everything.
Matt:And so it's, like, burned into his memory, like, language.
Matt:That's how he can navigate. That's how the Toronto Mothman navigates the streets so well.
Rachel:Maybe it's like in, the first Good Omen season when Crowley, helps design the the highway that goes around London, and he Oh, yeah. He arranges it demonic symbol. This demonic symbol. Yeah. So maybe it's like that.
Rachel:I don't know. We get demons in the next episode. So we start out with, they're rushing into the hospital, and we just get the top of somebody's head on a running, and they're like, oh my god. Bloody matted hair. There's no pulse.
Rachel:There's no rhythm. Let's get this guy back to life or whatever. And so we're doing chest compressions, and we're shocking him. And yet, somehow, through all of this, we haven't ripped his shirt off because, God forbid, God forbid. Even the square like, you know what we get?
Rachel:We get his, like, I wonder if he used a body double for the scene where Natalie pulls his shirt up and you get to see like the space just below his ribs. Is he like, no, no, that can't be me. We got him. Like, when they use a body double for nudity scenes, that counted. Like, no.
Rachel:That's too much. But, apparently, this guy has been down for 19 minutes, because they're trying to bring him back. They're trying everything they can, and then they're like, well, how long has he been down? 19 minutes since the doctor's like, it's cool. We'll call it.
Rachel:Like, it's 12:36 AM. Deceased is identified as Metro Police detective Nicholas Knight, and then it, like
Matt:Bum bum bum. Like,
Rachel:pans over, and he's laying there with his neck brace on. Oh, no. He did. And she says, call the Emmy, which is lucky because, again, he's real fucking lucky he made friends with Natalie.
Matt:It's so convenient.
Rachel:What does he do in other situations? Does he just, like
Matt:I guess he just pretend to be
Rachel:dead You leave.
Matt:Until Yeah. You get left alone.
Rachel:You pretend to die, and then you leave. And then we go to the end.
Matt:Except in this case, he wouldn't because he lost his memories.
Rachel:Well, I guess he'd go outside and just burn to death.
Matt:You just Oh my god. You just wake up Yeah. And, like, in the hospital morgue, and they'd be like, what? Like, how did I get here? Who am I?
Rachel:What's happening here?
Matt:Oh, let let's get you some fresh air.
Rachel:That's when Lacroix shows up again. We'd like he does in this.
Matt:Lacroix is there to run interference.
Rachel:Yeah. Yeah. And I think the only reason Lacroix isn't just, like, murdering and removing him forcibly from the hospital is because he he owes him a favor, apparently. And, like, this is the moment he's gonna cash this in. No.
Rachel:Nothing has happened since. What is it? The Bolshevik revolution? What is happening?
Matt:What what's
Rachel:because they're speaking Russian. He's got a fancy, like, furry hat with many, many buttons.
Matt:He's dressed up like a drum major. He's supposed to be like a about to be marching down the road
Rachel:I don't know. Leading a band. If this is the Bolshevik revolution, then it's, like, 19 ten ish. Yeah. Yeah.
Rachel:The same time that Sean Connery arrives at Wimbledon? Ten ish. Ten ish. That joke never gets old. No.
Rachel:Okay. We come back, and Tracy and Reese are in the waiting room. And Tracy Tracy has, like, a bloody jacket. Like, it's pretty graphic what she went through. She went through some shit.
Rachel:This woman has been through shit. Okay? She's already been kidnapped by a serial killer. She already had to murder somebody on the job. Oh, you know, she had to shoot somebody on the job in self defense.
Rachel:Yeah. She just has already gone through so much, and I just you know, it's funny, actually. I was thinking about that crack you made last time about how she is the Daniel Day Lewis of undercover police officers. And it reminded me because I wanted to watch this one episode of forever night, and I did because you weren't here. And so I got to just watch forever night recreationally.
Rachel:So I watched the season 1 episode. I watched danced by the light of the moon because there's a scene towards the end where he, like, walks out of the shadow, and it's one of the coolest scenes in the whole show. And I just wanted to, like I don't know. I'd been thinking about that scene, and so I wanted to watch it because that's how my mind works. And so I was watching it, and I realized he pulls a Tracy in that episode.
Rachel:Because, remember, he's being an asshole to everybody
Matt:in the
Rachel:entire episode because he's trying to get on the side of the sex worker lady, the, lady who saves Anne Foley.
Matt:You'd you'd talked about how, for him, it's really easy to just switch his personalities because he's had to be different people. He's had to switch up his life so many times.
Matt:And so for him, he's going undercover as an asshole douchebag. Yeah. And he's able to just fully commit to it because he's been that before.
Rachel:Right. So he pulls a Tracy.
Rachel:Yeah. So I was like, well, maybe that's why he's so understanding. He's like, well, this is a phase. I did the same thing at the beginning too.
Matt:He can see himself in her when she's when he sees how she does her police work.
Rachel:Right. But Reese is comforting Tracy. He's, you know, like, oh, you're okay. This wasn't you. And this is when the doctor comes out, and she's like, look.
Rachel:We did everything we could, but he didn't make it. And Tracy is so sorry.
Rachel:Sorry. We watched Slings and Arrows with, Meg for, Gare Can Get It, which if you haven't noticed, Gear Can Get It has started airing, so it will be coming out every Sunday. If you're expecting order, don't. It's sort of what can we stomach. Also, Gare's size of role varies so greatly that it's difficult to, like, go in order because it's like, well, here's the thing he was in in 1980 where he was in it for 30 seconds.
Rachel:So let's talk about that. No. Some of those things are gonna get grouped. So Care Can Get It has started airing, but we watched slings and arrows because he is in a season of slings and arrows as a character named, Henry Breedlove.
Matt:Yes. Yes.
Rachel:And there's a character in there, a woman who says that she's sorry constantly. And so Meg was watching it, and she must have, like, hit her that this woman sounded extremely Canadian every time she said sorry, because she goes, sorry, every time. And so Tracy is also sorry. And Reese is like, no. It's nobody's fault, but the guy who pulled the trigger.
Rachel:Don't this isn't you. You didn't put him in this position. You didn't get him shot. The man who shot him shot him. I don't wanna hear anymore about it being your fault.
Rachel:And she actually has, like, a memory because she's like, I'm trying to remember. Like, I'm trying to remember what this guy looked like. And she gets a black and white memory because all of our present day memories are black and white in this. And she remembers, like, turning Nick over, and his head wound is super graphic. Like, maybe because it's black and white, they felt like they could make him really bloody, but, like, that wouldn't be really traumatic to see because there's, like, a puddle of blood, and then his hair is all bloody.
Matt:Well, it on on the other hand, it was probably, like, really nice because pretty much every other time she interacts with Nick, she can't see what's going on in his head.
Rachel:Don't even. Did you oh my god. It's too soon. That's not okay. Wow.
Rachel:Thank you. You're welcome. Yeah. I'm sure Tracy really appreciates that joke after seeing, like, her her partner's brain matter on the floor. Gross.
Rachel:So Natalie arrives. Just, we know we're just gonna it was like we went over a speed bump, and we're just gonna Let's go
Matt:back to his deal.
Rachel:Keep on that's exactly how we deal with you. So Natalie arrives, and she's like, where's Nick? And they're like, oh my god, Natalie. I am so sorry. Which He did not make it.
Matt:If if the hospital had called her to come over Yeah. She should have
Rachel:She knew it already. She just walked in and was like, where where is he? What's going on? Or she could have already been on the way, and they could have called the Emmy's office, but she was already en route.
Matt:Okay. I was thinking she probably has an administrative contact in the hospital that she would go to instead of acting.
Rachel:How she well, I mean
Matt:It's probably just more conversational.
Rachel:Yeah. Oh, also, like, I'm here. Where is he? What's going on? And so she runs in, and they're like, oh my god, Natalie.
Rachel:I'm so sorry. He is not among the living anymore. And she's like, spoiler alert. He never was. But
Matt:That's not news.
Rachel:That's not news. And she's really not hearing it. She's like, okay. Okay. So where is he, though?
Rachel:And so she ends up, while she's having this conversation, we cut back to, the detective, the good detective who is lying in bed. And this nurse comes in, and she's like, I gotta schedule a pickup. We need to get this guy down to the morgue because he's sitting here and things are happening. We need to, like, get this body out of here. And he takes a, nice deep breath, and she's like, oh, shit.
Rachel:That's not normal. Like
Matt:That's not how the bodies spasm.
Rachel:They breathe out, but they don't really, you know, inhale. That requires, like, work. And so Natalie pops in just as she spins around, like, she spins around, and Natalie is right there. And she's like, oh, hi. This guy's alive.
Rachel:And she goes, well, then you better go get some help. And so this lady runs off, and Natalie runs in to care for Nick in the way that only she knows how to do. And she, like, rips her jacket off, which in case you're counting, this is number 1. The first time she takes her jacket off in this episode, pretty much every time she walks into a scene in this episode, she's wearing the same outfit. And
Matt:She she went to a seminar, and they were like, when you walk into a scene, you need to establish your presence. Like, I'm gonna stay in this scene Yeah. By taking your jacket off. And she's like, alright. I'm gonna practice that.
Rachel:Yeah. And if you pay attention, she doesn't have anywhere to put it, so she throws it on the ground. So when they wheel him off, it's, like, kicked up in the corner because there's no chair or
Matt:anything for
Rachel:a drape it on. Yeah. I watched a somebody else watched forever night and mentioned it on Instagram.
Matt:Like Why?
Rachel:I know. And she's a pretty big creator. I think her name is Gingerlocks. I'll find it, and I'll put it in the thing. But she was like, listen, if you guys need something to watch, I know the perfect vampire telenovela.
Rachel:And she Telenovela. She described forever night as a telenovela, and I have never felt so validated in my entire life. This is a fucking telenovela. It the drama
Rachel:The and this is the most telenovela episode. The dude wakes up from a coma and has amnesia. You don't get more textbook telenovela than that. Okay? So Anne meets his greatest enemy, who he doesn't know is his greatest enemy, and who tries to say that he's it's the it is like the it's like they watched a soap opera episode, and they were like, okay.
Rachel:Noted. Okay. What's next?
Matt:Alright. Yes. That in the mix.
Rachel:Okay. So then Natalie's pregnant. Got it. Okay. No.
Rachel:Wait. We can't do that. Never mind. Scratch that one out. And so after she rips off her jacket dramatically, which totally takes, like, 10 seconds, she does not have.
Rachel:opens her bag, and she pulls out this blood bag with, like, a long needle already attached to the end, and she
Matt:just sticks it into his stomach.
Rachel:Sticks into what I can only assume is Garrett Wendaby's body double because there's no way I had to see that much of his skin. And she sticks it into his stomach, and it immediately starts, like, going through the tube.
Matt:She kind of squeezes it a little bit. Yeah. But then some people come in, and she, like, just tucks it under the blanket.
Rachel:Yeah. She tucks it under the blanket and the the when the doctor arrives.
Matt:Yeah. She pulls it out in a minute, and it's empty. Yeah.
Rachel:He's there's toys.
Matt:His his stomach was slurping the blood up.
Rachel:Yes. Well, okay. So we know
Matt:when only doesn't generate suction.
Rachel:Yes. It does. Okay. So
Matt:May a vampire's stomach does.
Rachel:And so we know from only the lonely, he is capable of absorbing blood through orifices other than his mouth because Wait. What? Yes. So in only the lonely
Matt:I need a reminder.
Rachel:Yes. You do in a butt to give to you. So in only the lonely, remember, he's in the body bag. The blah blah blah, I think, is what I said. Only the lonely.
Rachel:And blood has, like, run out of the body bag and pulled on the table. And as she's on the phone, the blood starts running back into the body bag.
Matt:Oh, yes. When he was reassembling himself.
Rachel:Yes. So it is he is capable In
Matt:my mind, that was a healing thing. Although, we also know that the only vampire that's the the only blood that's ever in a vampire's body is the blood that they've recently consumed. So so that would have been the blood that he fed on.
Rachel:Yeah. So he needed he I mean, it was a healing. It like, he needed blood for healing. He got shot in the fucking head. So so she put
Matt:it in there. She could've just, like, poured it on him. Yeah.
Rachel:I mean, it might But he was But that would've been, like, if they'd come in and she'd slit a blood bag and was pouring it
Matt:on top of him,
Rachel:that would have led to more questions.
Matt:So so when he's drinking blood out of, like, the glass bottle
Matt:Could he just stick his finger in and hold the bottle upside down
Rachel:But maybe
Matt:and just absorb it through
Matt:his finger?
Rachel:No. No. No. A slower I don't know. Maybe this is less satisfying.
Matt:Could he
Rachel:use like a could he use like a nicotine patch? Like, stuck up. So listen. Maybe it needs to have, like, an opening. Like, that blood went into a cut.
Rachel:This blood went in through the tube into his stomach. It can't go through his skin. That's not a permeable membrane. He can't. Although, you know, Elizabeth Battery did bathe in blood, and maybe that's why.
Rachel:Maybe. I don't know, honey. These are just questions we're not gonna be able to answer. So the doctor arrives, and she's like, as she's walking in, she's like, ma, sometimes this is a reaction to medication. I'm sorry.
Matt:What? Death?
Rachel:Yes. Sometimes Cardiac arrest. Sometimes death and cardiac arrest is a symptom of medication. I'm not so sure that temporary life signs after life signs have ceased for a significant duration are a side effect of anything? And if they are, that probably requires further study, and I can't believe you're just flippantly like, sometimes they breathe.
Rachel:I don't know what to tell you. But she walks in
Matt:sprinkle salt on, like, freshly slaughtered meat, the mussel twitches.
Rachel:Thank you for
Matt:that. Oh,
Rachel:yeah. Okay.
Matt:So Maybe somebody sprinkled some salt.
Rachel:God. On freshly slaughtered meat. Thank you, honey. So Natalie is like, oh, don't worry. I already took his vital signs and just hands her a chart on which she has written nothing.
Matt:I caught that too.
Rachel:She picks the chart up, and it's just like, oh, yeah. No. No. His, his
Matt:Here's his blood pressure. Blood pressure
Rachel:is just 110 over 60.
Matt:It's stabilizing. No problem.
Rachel:Yeah. It's absolutely not a problem. And then the doctor goes, aren't you a little off your beat, doctor Lambert? And she's like, well, you know, right time, right place, I guess. And she oh, she says, I'm a close personal friend of the revived.
Rachel:And the doctor goes, well, your friend's a miracle man. And Natalie's like, I mean, how bad was his head wound, really? And she goes, well, I mean, it was pretty bad. He got shot in the fucking head. And Natalie's like, did he, though?
Rachel:Like, she gaslights her immediately. She's like, but did he? And so the doctor turns to look, and that's when Natalie, like, lifts up the lifts up the blanket and lifts the blood bag out. The doctor's not the only person in the room.
Matt:Right. That's
Rachel:fine. Everyone
Matt:else is like, oh, I I wouldn't I wouldn't necessarily say Natalie's gaslighting the doctor. I would say Nick is gaslighting reality by being a vampire.
Rachel:You're just gonna macro step that back all the way. Like, you're just gonna be like, whose fault is this? Natalie's just just Natalie's doing it. It's Nick Paul Smitty. Yes.
Matt:But, she's she's, cooperating with Nick's more egregious gaslighting Oh. Against the universe.
Rachel:Well, they immediately run him off to surgery slash X-ray. And, Natalie, that's when they wheel him away, and you can see Natalie's jacket is, like, hitched up in the corner where she's tossed it. And then Natalie comes out to tell Reese and Tracy that Nick is alive. She's like, good news.
Matt:Good news, everyone.
Rachel:He ain't dead. And they're like, I'm sorry. What? And Natalie's like, well, he went in into temporary cardiac arrest, because of the shock. It's not unheard of.
Rachel:He's alive.
Matt:But the doctor pronounced him dead?
Rachel:Nick went into a temporary cardiac arrest. With that kind of a shock to the system, it's not all that unusual. Is he gonna live? Well, he's still in a coma, but I have a feeling that he's gonna pull through. But he's back.
Rachel:And they're like, oh, is he gonna live? Which she does not answer. She goes, well, I have a feeling he'll pull through. She doesn't say, yes, he's gonna live because, spoiler alert, he went alive beforehand. But he will continue to exist.
Rachel:Yes. You are correct.
Matt:As you have known him, he will continue to exist.
Rachel:Yes. And then the doctor the doctor goes in to look at the X rays. I love this episode partly because this is a pivot point for Lacroix's character. Because up until now, Lacroix has softened, but he is not he is not the soft character we get in the second half of season 3. And so this is kind of our first indication of what we could have with LaCroix, because LaCroix is there to actually help Nick against his will slightly, but in, like, a he got himself into shit again, and I'm gonna get him out.
Rachel:And I don't love it, but, hey, maybe he'll say thank you. Maybe. I don't know. So the doctor is looking at the x rays, and she goes, man, we should be talking about this guy in past tense because she's not alone in the room. There's somebody else in the room.
Rachel:He's off in the corner, in the dark corner facing away from her.
Matt:As you do.
Rachel:And I wrote in my notes, sneaky Lacroix, because he's, like, in the corner with his back to where, like, you can't see me if I can't see you.
Matt:So And LaCroix here fulfills the role that a lot of other vampire shows use, like, vampire politics for. Yeah. Like, they the there's an organization of vampires that have their fingers into all the human or human Organicians. Yeah. And and they can intervene in situations when vampires get caught up in the human machinery.
Matt:And it kind of brings to mind, like, what's the normal procedure for when something like this happens? Like, if it if a vampire, like, accidentally gets Shot in the head. Very injured
Matt:And brought into a human hospital, and there's no vampire accomplices there to intervene. And then the hospital's like,
Matt:what is this? This is not human.
Rachel:Well, you just disappear. You just disappear.
Matt:Nick didn't disappear?
Rachel:I mean, I'm a regular human woman, and sometimes I can go into the hospital and feel like nobody knows I exist. I feel like a vampire could also go in.
Matt:But but this is a white man.
Rachel:Oh, that's fair.
Rachel:Well, I think it's, a, there's not that many of them.
Matt:Yeah. There's probably a lot fewer of them in the Forever Knight universe than there
Rachel:are That's usually in other stories. When you get that is when you have, like, huge vampire populations. And I think the implication is there are not that many, and they generally do not involve themselves in human affairs. So there really are very few situations where a vampire is going to get injured and have to go to the hospital. Yeah.
Rachel:Or, like, you think of Nick. The first time this happened to Nick, when he jumped on the pipe bomb, he was just so injured, they immediately took him to the ME. And in that situation, you would have just woken up, hypnotized whoever was in the room, and dipped.
Matt:Right. And if you couldn't hypnotize them, you just kill them.
Rachel:Yeah. If you can't hypnotize them, you kill them. Then it's just a mystery that never gets solved because you never existed anyway, and you just disappear off into nothingness.
Matt:But if you wake up and you have no memories?
Rachel:I mean, this, I think, is an extraordinary circumstance. And it's also why you are never alone as a vampire. Like, why probably why he The
Matt:buddy system.
Rachel:It's a buddy system. Yeah. That's exactly what it is because it's probably why he is so weird at being, like, the loner that he is.
Matt:Nick is actively avoiding the buddy system. Yeah. And Lacroix is like, no. This is how we do things. I'm going to be your buddy whether you like it or not.
Rachel:He's that kid in class that refuses to participate in the group work. Everybody else is doing group projects, so he's not doing the group project. Even though it makes his job, like, way harder,
Matt:he still won't do it,
Rachel:because he just doesn't trust the other people in his group to have the same goals as he does.
Rachel:So it's fair. But sneaky LaCroix turns around, and he's like, maybe you were wrong. And the lady's like, the doctor is like, no. Half his brain has been scrambled. And then we get the cool love when the clock hypnotizes people because this is exactly
Rachel:I would imagine that, like, a skilled person using like, a skilled vampire using hypnotism would work because Nick
Matt:is contrast to Nick.
Rachel:Nick is just like, look me in the eye, and then he's just like, you know, is it he's a hammer. Lacroix is a scalpel.
Matt:Well, I think it's in character.
Rachel:Yeah. For no. That's
Matt:so weird. Actors. Because he likes to nail things.
Rachel:Oh my god.
Matt:2. 2 in 1 episode. Yes. I'm on a roll.
Rachel:You are on a roll.
Matt:Alright. So we get we get very suave. No. We get very suave Lacroix Yeah. Gaslighting this doctor.
Rachel:Minute and, like, fucking Nigel Bennett. Right? He is pretty buff. Like, you don't see it normally because he's in, like, 16 layers. But him and scrubs, you're like, you take care of yourself, and I just really appreciate all the work that you put into yourself because his shoulders look really nice in these scrubs.
Rachel:Just wanna point that out. And he literally walks over as he's hypnotizing this woman, which does not require him looking in her eyes at all. Just hypnotized with his presence. Mhmm. And he's like, you know, the weird things about X rays is, they tend to be flawed.
Rachel:And I think this is one of those times, and she's like, yeah. One of those times.
Matt:So we we know Lacroix prepared. Like, he he brought materials. He brought his props.
Rachel:Switching out the X rays. He's taking off the X-ray that has the bullet in it.
Matt:We have established that you can't actually hypnotize someone if they have
Rachel:Empirical evidence? Evidence. Yeah.
Matt:And so he gaslights the X-ray.
Rachel:Does that mean that the bullets are still in Nick's head? Because they showed up on the X-ray Yeah. Unless they removed them.
Matt:Is it gonna be like Wolverine where they're just gonna pop out in a few weeks?
Rachel:Maybe. That would have been really awkward if Natalie had not had succeeded in gaslighting him into believing he was human, and then, like, he wakes up one morning with a headache, and then a bullet pops out of his forehead. And Natalie's like, oh, no. That happens sometimes.
Matt:If it if it went to the extent of, like, the multiple personality disorder Yeah. Person where they actually biologically were not a vampire
Matt:When they believed themselves to be human.
Rachel:Would have just died.
Matt:Yeah. Right? Right? If if he had if Natalie had succeeded in convincing him of his humanity, would he have reverted back to, like, human biological function? And then because we see him eating.
Matt:Would he have, like, gotten a brain infection and died?
Rachel:Well, it's food for thought. So LaCroix is switching out the X rays, and he he goes, this man is, he goes, it's nowhere as bad as it first seemed. I mean, the good detective is the luckiest man alive, And she's like, yeah. Luckiest man alive. And he says, the bullet bounced off the detective's very thick
Rachel:Skull and caused
Matt:Look, wow. How how do you feel about Nick?
Rachel:He really he just slid that dig right in there. He was like, well, he's quite dense. It's very difficult for bullets to penetrate when your head is that dense. And the lady's like, yeah, very thick skull. And then I love this moment because I fucking love how Nigel plays Lacroix.
Rachel:I think Garrett does a really good job as Nick, and I appreciate him as Nick, and I enjoy his character. But there are times when it feels like Gare is telling a joke, and we're all in on it, and Nick is the joke. Every once in a great while, you get the sense that, like, he doesn't get why Nick would do this, so he's really not into it. He's doing a good job. He's giving it his all, but he doesn't love the role.
Rachel:I never get the feeling that Nigel doesn't love being Lacroix. Like, he gets to show up every day and be this delightful fucking villain. And this moment where he, like, tilts his head to the side and just, like, strokes his finger down this woman's neck and does, like, a, like, a lip lick thing, like, you got a pretty neck. It's just like a if only these were different circumstances, and we could have had a moment together. But instead, I'm here rescuing my dumbass son.
Rachel:And he goes, you know, just the most remarkable case. And the lady goes, yeah, the most remarkable case. And he goes, so glad we concur, doctor. And it's just this really awesome, like, vampire scene where he just you know, it's very subtle. It's very well done.
Rachel:And, of course, it's Nigel Bennett. So fucking Nigel Bennett is just, like, crushing this moment as Lacroix. And Natalie is still out talking to Reese and Tracy. And she's telling them, like, oh, no. No.
Rachel:He's gonna be fine. And she actually looks over, and LaCroix walks by in the background, and he's just like, sup?
Matt:They make eye contact.
Rachel:Like, don't worry. I got this. And it's when the doctor's briefing everybody, really, because she's like, yeah. The he's a miracle. The bullet bounced off his very thick skull.
Nurse:The bullet glanced off the good detective's very thick skull. He's the luckiest man alive.
Rachel:Like, why am I saying these things? I don't remember why I'm saying these things. And Tracy is like, oh, I'm just so glad he's okay. Do you think I could go back and see him? And Natalie's like, yeah.
Rachel:I think that could be arranged, except she doesn't ever go back and see her. They walk back together, and then the next time we're back there, it's Lacroix with Nick in the room Mhmm. Because Nick is still in a coma. And he's like, poor Nicholas. See what being, like, mixed up with mortals has got you?
Rachel:There's so much trouble. Like, I don't know why you're fucking with them. And, I just wanna point out that Nick now has a heartbeat before he had one heartbeat every 10 minutes.
Matt:Natalie must have hacked up the machine or something.
Rachel:Yeah. She just put like a little metronome on there. Beep. Beep. Because, he's got, like, he's got blood pressure and a heartbeat, and he does it normally.
Rachel:Forever night being the paragon of consistency
Matt:Why wasn't this episode called called, like, titled quid pro quo?
Rachel:That's just night in question. I don't know. And he goes, I always pay my debts. Really? Like, good ones, bad ones, all of them.
Rachel:I I take payment or I give payment, whatever. And then we go to a Lacroix flashback. And it's Lacroix on the battlefield in his
Matt:We need some context for the quid pro quo.
Rachel:In his jaunty hat. And he's cruising for a snack because he gets off is he on horse? I think he's on a horse, which didn't we just establish they can't ride horses or can't be around horses. But he hops off his horse, takes his hat off, and he's like, wonder if anybody's still alive around here. And then he hears a heartbeat, and he's like, and he's like, he's
Matt:he's going grocery shopping.
Rachel:Yeah. He's going grocery shopping. So he heads over to this guy who's apparently just alive enough, which we know he likes to follow follow war even though he finds them messy. He can't if he can't turn down all that free food, which is what he tells Nicholas in, can't run, can't hide. And he's like, okay.
Rachel:Well, I'm gonna eat this dude. So he takes his hat off, puts down. He's kneeling down, and the guy's like, oh my god. Are you dead? And Lacroix is like, honey, I'm whatever you want me to be.
Rachel:He's like, death shirt. I'm death now. And so he goes in to bite the guy, and the guy's like, oh, shit. You're a vampire. So he actually grabs a steak and rams it into the claw's chest, and LaFollette is like, like a dead spider tumbles to the back like, oh, god, you got me.
Rachel:And then, apparently, this is a mortal flesh wound, even though I've seen him staked and burned to death before, and he got better.
Matt:So it can't be bad.
Matt:It wasn't complete enough.
Rachel:The It
Matt:was staked. Enough wound to be painful and slightly, like, immobilize him. Yeah. But it didn't fully, like, kill him in a way that he could evaporate.
Rachel:It must have been. Be yeah. Because I was gonna say the last couple times that we've seen a vampire get steak, they literally, like, poof and die. So
Matt:Not not as dramatically as in Buffy.
Rachel:No. You know why they did that because they didn't wanna keep up with, like, getting rid of bodies. Yeah. It's literally the same reason that they invented the transporter for Star Trek because they couldn't afford landing and taking off scenes.
Rachel:So they just created the tell the transporter. And then in Buffy, they did the, like, poof because, otherwise, Buffy's always having to deal with dead bodies. So, yeah, it doesn't matter. He doesn't quite die, but that's the end of that part of the flashback. We don't know what happens next.
Rachel:And Lacroix comes back, and he does, like, a blood pact, wrist to wrist thing with Nick.
Matt:Well, I was just thinking about this
Matt:Based on what we said a few minutes ago about, like, pulling in blood from somewhere else without a parent, like, mechanism Yeah. He can just like, he needs blood.
Rachel:He can
Matt:just There's blood. There's an opening in his skin, touching an opening in Lacroix's skin, and Nick's body
Rachel:We'll just take what it needs.
Matt:In the blood.
Rachel:Yeah. Hey. Look at that. We solved the problem. We solved the problem solved.
Rachel:I love LaClaus' line here because he goes, I do hope this wave of altruism passes quickly. I find it quite distressing.
Matt:Quid pro quo. I do hope this wave of altruism passes quickly. It's quite
Rachel:And so Nick starts to wake up, and he's like, welcome to the living, such as it is. I fucking love Laquaid so much. And Natalie goes back to see Nick, because Nick's awake now because Laquaid did did what he needed to do. Everything's healed up. He dipped.
Rachel:And, Natalie goes back. Nick is sort of he's still prone. He's awake, but he's not, like, moving. She doesn't bring Tracy, so she doesn't fulfill her promise to take Tracy back.
Matt:Maybe she brought Tracy back, and Nick was still out.
Rachel:Unconscious. Could be.
Matt:And they just didn't include that scene because it's
Rachel:really weird. Hypnotized them and sent them off. Like, you saw Nick. He looks like shit. Now go home.
Rachel:And she's like, how you doing? And he goes, well, my head's killing me. She goes, well, you did just get shot in the head. And I had to do some pretty fast talking. And he's like, what?
Rachel:Who? And she's like, yeah. That's what we're all hoping you can tell us, like, who shot you. And he's like, no. No.
Rachel:No. Who are you? And then Natalie's like, Nick, say my name. And he's like, yeah. I got nothing.
Rachel:I got I don't know who you are. And she's like, oh, shit. But also
Matt:She see she sees an opportunity.
Rachel:Right. And so Reese she's talking to Reese about it, and Reese is like, fucking amnesia? Like, seriously? What is this? A telenovela?
Rachel:And he does say, well, it's better than being dead, which is true. It's better than being dead. And so Natalie is talking to the doctor and Reese, and she's like, well, maybe if I took him to his house, it could jog some memories. He could he could, you know, familiar setting could shake things loose. And she's like, you know, and, I volunteer as tribute.
Rachel:Like, I'll I'll take him home.
Matt:I'm a I'm a close personal friend.
Rachel:Of the revived. Wink. Wink. I'll take him home, and, I'll make sure he, jogs a few things loose. Sound good?
Rachel:And they're like, yeah. Yeah. That makes that makes sense. She's like, yeah. I'm I'm a doctor.
Rachel:He doesn't have any family. I'm already wearing my laced underwear. Like, I'm ready to go.
Matt:What what was that about your underwear? What? I mean, I have a fresh a fresh change of underwear Yeah. In my car Yeah. I've pressed it.
Rachel:Emergencies. I've always kept them with me. Absolutely not the teddy that
Matt:I was given at my birthday party. Him, like, for a day or 2 Uh-huh. Overnight Maybe. If need be. And and I won't have to, like, leave him to go get fresh clothes.
Rachel:Nope. I won't have to no clothes at all.
Matt:She's prepared. Yep. Clothes will not be an issue.
Rachel:Clothing optional, if you know what I'm saying. I mean, like, going to get clothing optional. Like, I'm okay. Yeah. I'll take Nick home, and they're like, Yeah.
Rachel:That's fine. So they come around the curtain to find Nick eating because, of course, he's getting better really fast. He's a vampire, and he's healing. And so, Natalie's like, oh my god. You're eating.
Rachel:And he's like, well, yeah. And she has to do this thing where she composes her face. Like, can we take a moment and also appreciate how good of an actor Katharine Disher is in this episode? She actually gets a role. Like, she doesn't just show up, provide information, and then disappear, and she's having a great time because Yeah.
Rachel:She has to, like, compose herself, and you can see her you can see her as Natalie, like, okay. Okay. Okay. Act cool. Don't act like this is weird.
Rachel:He should be eating. This shouldn't be a big deal, so just, like, play it cool. So she reins it in, and, they just spent the entire hallway talking about how he has amnesia. But he's like, Nick literally says, well, I know doctor Lambert because she introduced herself, but I don't know who you are to Reese. And Reese is like
Matt:Offended. Reese is offended.
Rachel:He's like, oh my god. You don't know who I am. Like, dude, he has amnesia. What do you think that means? That means he have you not watched Days of Our Lives?
Rachel:That means he doesn't know anything. Or what's that? Was it a full house where the lady loses her memory?
Matt:Didn't Reese make a comment in a previous episode about how he needs to listen to his wife more? Yeah. Because she watches all the Stay
Rachel:Time television. It just sounds like the Charlie Brown mom.
Matt:And so this is just reinforcing his previous story about how he doesn't watch any of that daytime TV stuff
Matt:But his wife does. Yeah. And so maybe he goes home, and he's like, honey, what let's say, hypothetically, you had a detective that got shot in the head, and he woke up in the hospital with amnesia. What what does that mean?
Matt:She's like,
Rachel:yeah, that happened, like, 2 episodes ago. I mean, keep up.
Matt:That happens all the time.
Rachel:Can't remember anything. Okay?
Matt:Do you have amnesia?
Rachel:He's like, but he can still talk and eat. And it's like, well, no. It's memory. It's not like skills. Skills is in a different part of your brain.
Rachel:So he does. He looks offended.
Matt:Reese, talk to your wife more.
Rachel:I know. But they tell you guess.
Matt:Listen to your wife more.
Rachel:Yeah. May like I said, maybe when women talk, it just sounds like the Charlie Brown mom. So they do tell him that he's a homicide detective and someone shot him and his partner, and he's lucky to be alive. And Nick looks mildly uncomfortable, and he's like, oh, is he dead? And Natalie goes, no.
Rachel:She is fine. Your partner, Tracy, is fine. And we're just trying to figure out who shot you. And so he tries to remember, and he has, like, a brief memory flash, but it's not any more enlightening than Tracy's is, except that the parade warehouse is super creepy. Yeah.
Rachel:Yeah. I I can't imagine going there and being like, oh, somebody wants to meet us here? Cool. This is absolutely not a setup. There's just too many blind angles for this to be a setup.
Matt:Wonder if this is, like, the actual city of Toronto warehouse for storing the parade floats.
Rachel:I don't know. That'd be interesting. They tell they tell Nick that, Natalie wants to take him home and, you know, see if he can get more comfortable, just remember some things. And he's like, oh, I mean, yeah. Cool.
Rachel:I mean, if that's fine with doctor Lambert. And she goes, please call me Natalie. And my first thought was, you can take the memories out of the fuck boy, but you can't take the fuck boy out of the fuck boy because he looks at Natalie, and he's like, okay, Natalie. Like, like, here comes the smolder, because he's literally like, oh, we're on a first name basis. And then he gives her a look that is absolutely like, oh, I'm hitting that.
Rachel:Like, I must already be hitting that. Yes. Fucking yes. And now she's taking me home. I'm so excited.
Rachel:And Natalie gives him the same look back. In fact, in my notes, I put Natalie feels a stirring in her jellies.
Matt:If it's alright with doctor Lambert.
Rachel:Please, call me Natalie.
Rachel:Like, oh, yeah. Thank God I brought a change of underwear. So Nick says Nick says, I'll keep trying, cap'n. He doesn't say captain. He's like, cap'n.
Rachel:Yeah. Reese goes, well, good. Like, yeah. Cool. You know, you do take your time.
Rachel:See if you can figure it out. I just want you to know we were all praying for you. Like, a lot of people were praying for you to come through. And you have to imagine it's like, I wish you wouldn't. Like, that might be why he lost his memory.
Matt:Like Oh, yeah. Please stop that. Yeah. It's blocking my feelings.
Rachel:It's unhelpful. And Tracy's back at the precinct. She doesn't actually go home until, like, the very end of this entire episode. So she goes to this thing. Her partner gets shot.
Rachel:She's covered in blood. She witnesses her partner, like, almost die, really die, and then actually come back to life. And they just take her to an interrogation room, and they're like, cool. Tell us everything that happened. And she's like, I I'm so sorry.
Rachel:Like, I got nothing. And she's like, we went to the parade warehouse to meet an informant who had a tip on, oh, the Yorkville Ripper. Oh my god, you guys. That's a callback. That's a callback.
Rachel:They referenced
Matt:history of the show.
Rachel:What? That's the one from the bad blood episode, the Jack the Ripper episode with, Patrick Zohoulihan, like, the most most Irish Irish fan ever. I was like, oh my god. It's a meta joke, because the next guy goes, oh, yeah. Everybody and their dog has a theory on that one.
Rachel:Oh my god. Did Perry call? It's just like, oh, wow. Look at that. They actually referenced something and an because it's an unsolved case.
Rachel:So and it's, like, one of the few unsolved cases that we have. In fact, not the unsolved case in the entire show, because, otherwise, they nail it. Whether they nail it through police work, occasionally, sometimes they they nail it through. They blunder so badly into the bad guy that the bad guy actually thinks they're onto them, and then they kidnap them and reveal themselves that way. Or sometimes, sometimes they literally just stumble on the truth through no actual work of their own.
Rachel:Those are the 3 ways we solve cases. But, apparently, they have informants, and this one maybe knew something about the Yorkville Ripper. So, of course, Nick went. He was like, oh, maybe it's a vampire. I should probably go.
Rachel:And so, Tracy says, it seemed like a normal meat, but, like, it went screwy pretty fast. Like, we got in there, and we were like, this ain't right. Of course, you were. It's dark, and it was full of large, foam cutouts of animals and clowns and shit. And then shit went down pretty fast.
Rachel:Like, there was a flash. She goes, I saw a glint of something, maybe a weird costume. I don't know. I'm tired. I'm traumatized.
Rachel:This is like last week, I accidentally shot somebody in the line of duty. This week, my partner got shot. Like, I'm just having a bad month, guys. Then I got kidnapped by a serial killer. And then there was that time that that talk show host tried to kill me, and they're like, actually, can we just sit down and talk about your record, Tracy?
Rachel:And Reese does try to get them to lay off, but they're like, no. We can't because the bullet your partner was shot with was a cop killer bullet. It was a Teflon coated.
Matt:Right. For going through body armor.
Rachel:Yeah. For going through body armor. So this guy was specifically gunning for cops. We can't leave him out there if he's trying to kill cops. And while poor Tracy is going through all of this, Nick and Natalie go to the loft.
Rachel:And Natalie's a little smart when she walks in the loft. Like, I am so glad I never bothered to take home that present I got for my 30th birthday, the really super inappropriate one that everybody got me, the lingerie, because it was still in my desk drawer, and I just stuck it in my purse, and I am so fucking ready. And it goes, oh, it's a little dark, isn't it? And she goes, that's how you like it. And this is really the moment where she could have gone because you have a sun allergy, and you don't go outside during the day.
Rachel:You were born that way.
Rachel:Look me in the eye. You were born that way. You also don't like crosses. It's an atheist.
Matt:39 years ago. You were born that way.
Rachel:Yeah. Don't don't go outside during the day. You have a sun allergy. Instead of just being like, you have to trust me.
Matt:And you have some religious trauma.
Rachel:You have religious trauma. So you also you you light on fire in the presence of crosses.
Matt:Well, the last couple times
Rachel:It was very traumatic.
Matt:He just got, like, inflamed skin.
Rachel:Yeah. Yeah. It's psychosomatic. Don't worry about it. But he does find a picture of them on the table.
Rachel:And he's like, oh, this is us. Oh, okay. And she goes, yeah. You remember what that's from? And he's like Nope.
Matt:Do you have it too? Do you suffer from short term memory loss?
Rachel:Do you suffer from short term memory loss? But Natalie has a grocery bag. She has her coat, which she takes off, by the way. And then she has a grocery bag, and she starts putting away groceries. And I made notes because she's like, what do you bring?
Matt:What what did she bring, Rachel?
Rachel:What do you bring? I mean, what do you shop for? You're like, do I get meat, or should he be vegetarian? Like, if he ever apples. That's the first thing she puts away, and then she puts away a clamshell, like a clamshell container or something red.
Rachel:So it's either berries or strawberries or cherry tomatoes or something. And then she puts away an entire either an entire thing of celery with the leaves or a single large leak.
Matt:It's really difficult to say.
Rachel:And then this is the first time she puts away the loaf of bread. Okay. And all of it goes in the refrigerator, including the loaf of bread. So if you didn't have It's Canada. That Natalie was a psychopath.
Rachel:She put her loaf of bread in the refrigerator. She just shoves it in there too and then, like, shuts the door like that.
Matt:Does she really want to have him eat apples? Because she want
Rachel:Oh, we get that line.
Matt:Oh, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Rachel:We get that line. Yeah. You could've Okay. Well, it's a good one.
Matt:It's a
Matt:good one. It's a
Matt:good one. That one.
Rachel:So she says, you know, those pictures are from last year's birthday. We went out to dinner. I ate. You didn't ate. It's a thing.
Matt:No eat.
Rachel:No eat. And she goes, do you remember which birthday? And he's like, somewhere between 3040. And she's like, you are so wrong. I can't even begin to tell you.
Rachel:And he's like, oh my god. Am I, like, 21 and I look like this? Do you remember which birthday that was?
Matt:Alright. Let me guess. Somewhere between 30 and
Rachel:40. Oh, you are so far off. I cannot begin to tell you.
Matt:It's like there's a guy on Instagram that's he looks like he's in his mid thirties, but he's like, guys, I'm like 24.
Rachel:Aw. I know.
Matt:He said somebody contacted him. It was like, hey. It's great to see somebody making content, like, so youthfully even in their forties. And I think it they wanted him they wanted to, sponsor him on some product and have him do, like, a sponsored thing. Yeah.
Matt:He's like, I'm dying in my forties. It's like, guys, do I look that old? Oh, it was hair dye. Oh, no. It was hair dye.
Matt:They want they're like, whatever hair dye you're using, like, hey. Maybe we can work out a deal where we get you hair dye. And he's like, I'm I'm, like, 25.
Rachel:Aw. Well, as someone who is not allowed to wear sunscreen growing up, premature aging is a real thing. Okay? So we don't joke about it.
Matt:That's why all the millennials look so ambiguously aged because
Rachel:All the other ones.
Matt:Most of us have worn sunblock our entire lives.
Rachel:Yeah. I didn't until we got until we started dating. Yeah. Because I wasn't allowed to. Because mom thought I was the year old.
Rachel:Die. Well, mom thought I wanted have
Matt:a sun allergy.
Rachel:Also known as being ginger. You walk outside. God, it burns us. Well, I don't. I have, what is it?
Rachel:Oh, we have some friends. Maybe that's not a good joke to tell on the podcast, but but when she anyway, I'm, like, the most European white lady in the world ever. Like, I'm from America. I am American, but we did the, like, genetic testing thing. And Matt's was cool.
Rachel:Like, lots of different parts of the of the world were all lit up. You know, you had some Ashkenazi Jew, Sub Saharan African. You're from here and over legit only your like, England.
Matt:Rachel's just like the Iberian Peninsula, like France, Spain.
Rachel:Like, tiny bits of it. Yeah. Yeah. And then then, like, book England. Yeah.
Rachel:Like, just like my ancestors sprang forth fully formed, like, from the From the
Matt:British Isles.
Rachel:Like, we crawled out crawled up the, like, chalk cliffs, and we were like, this is where we live now. And, like, nothing nothing else. Literally just just European.
Matt:You were, like, 99.8% Northwestern European.
Rachel:Yeah. Some I'm 99.9% European. 1.1% me. That's what I said. Yeah.
Rachel:Somebody at some point got spicy with somebody in the Iberian, Peninsula. And I
Matt:can tell Some Spanish guy on
Rachel:the line. Can only imagine it was a Spanish sailor who came to England, and they were like, okay. Well, you're here. I guess we can make this happen. The point of the story is I don't burn.
Rachel:I tan. And you would think I would burn given my descendants, but we were talking to a lady from Ireland, a friend, like, a my friend's very fun Irish grandmother, who just constantly tries to get you to drink and is amazing. And she was like, oh, you're a black Scot. And then she got this look of horror on her face. Like, she was too many Irish creams in, and it was just like that came out of
Matt:another dish that came out of that. Vodka drinks.
Rachel:Anyway, I was not remotely offended,
Matt:but the potatoes.
Matt:It's look.
Matt:They like potatoes. Class.
Matt:The Irish like the potatoes
Rachel:in all the forms. I'm designed to work in the fields day in and day out. I I maintain my resources. I do not lose them. I I tan.
Rachel:I don't burn. I'm literally designed for, like, heavy labor. I just that's just who I am. Okay? And you know what?
Rachel:It's fine. And I've embraced that. I have literally don't care, but I just think it's hysterical that I'm literally the wisest person ever. And, let's say, now everybody knows, unless I cut this out, which I won't because I cut nothing out. So Nick and Natalie are at her his loft.
Rachel:Anyway, so he sits down at the piano, and he starts playing moonlight sonata. And Natalie's like, oh, do you remember what that's called? And he goes, nope. But it's by Beethoven. Right?
Rachel:And she's like, yeah. Yeah. That's really great. And he's like, yeah. It's really weird.
Rachel:Like, I remember playing that with a friend who was writing
Matt:Who was hard of hearing?
Rachel:No. No. He was writing stuff on a staff, and then he goes, with a quill. And Natalie gives this look like, oh, goddamn it. That's what you remember?
Rachel:And he goes, he was hard of hearing. It was really weird. Like, so canonically, Nicolas de Brabant composed Moonlight Sonata.
Matt:Yeah. Or was it Fur Elise?
Rachel:Mhmm. Do do do do do do do. Was it or no? I thought it was Moonlight Sonata that he plays, or
Matt:was it for Elise?
Rachel:I think
Matt:it was
Rachel:for Elise. Oh, I don't know. Either one. But on that note, she's like, well, I gotta go to work, for a little bit because I can't let things pile up at my line of work. It can get very unpleasant.
Rachel:Trust me. This happened when you had this whole, like, meteor scare thing, and they were legit, like, a bunch of bodies that came in. And I had this whole mental breakdown. It's a thing. So I was not at work, and when I got back, let me just tell you, not great.
Rachel:So she she knows the value of staying on top of, moving bodies through her morgue.
Matt:Yeah. Yeah.
Rachel:And he goes, oh, that's right. You're a doctor. And she goes, no. I'm a pathologist. And he's like, oh, okay.
Rachel:And so while she's talking to him, she, like, sneaks his bottle of blood out of the refrigerator and sneaks it into the grocery bag. And she tells him, you know, eat if you're hungry. And he's like, yeah. I am actually really hungry because that hospital food tasted like shit. And she's like, yeah.
Rachel:It's hospital food.
Matt:And she brought him mostly red stuff.
Rachel:That's true. And then she gives him an apple. She tosses an apple to him, and she goes, well, just remember, an apple a day keeps the coroner away. And he goes, but I wouldn't want that, would I?
Matt:Thanks. I'm a bit hungry. That hospital food was dreadful.
Rachel:Just remember, an apple a day keeps the coroner away.
Matt:I wouldn't wanna do that now, would I?
Rachel:And she's like, I'll be right back. My plan is working so well. And so then she runs off like, yes.
Matt:I'm just
Rachel:Just gonna do a couple things at work, and then we'll come right back. That's gonna be great. And then we get a flying scene, which is not Nick, obviously, because Nick has forgotten he can fly. And then we see Nick, and he's going through, he's going through his house trying to figure out who he is. And he finds his gun in the desk, and he loads his gun.
Rachel:And when he, like, pushes the bullets in, he has a brief flash of getting shot in the head, and then he spins around and draws the gun on Lacroix because Lacroix is standing behind him. And Lacroix goes, is that any way to treat your savior?
Rachel:In more ways than one, Nick, because you'd have been dead, like, 100 of years ago. It wasn't for me. Also, I saved you recently. Listen. I'm a great guy.
Rachel:Okay? And Nick goes, how did you get in? And LaCroix just goes, I have a standing invitation. And he's like, oh, okay. Cool.
Rachel:And he puts his gun down.
Matt:It seems we know each other.
Rachel:Yeah. He goes, it's called the fact that you haven't boarded up the skylight. And I have to assume if you didn't want me here, you would have boarded up the skylight. So as long as the skylight still exists, I have an open invitation. This is my this is my line of reasoning.
Rachel:I will accept no no.
Matt:Actions speak louder than words. Even though you told me never to come back, you haven't closed the door.
Rachel:Yeah. And I love how good of a job Gare does in this episode of seeming like a different person. Like, you believe he has no idea who he was, and that this is who Nick would be without all of his baggage. A relentless flirt who literally immediately started getting into trying to get into the pants of the one woman who showed any amount of interest to him in a cute, like, oh, you're I like you. You like, we have some chemistry.
Rachel:We've probably acted on it. Let's do that some more. Like, I'm really enjoying being around you. And as soon as he sees Lacroix, he's like, oh, yeah. You're the doctor from the hospital.
Rachel:I remember seeing you there. Like, we must be friends. Like, it's great. I'm a friendly dude. I'm so glad.
Rachel:Like, I I feel like a friendly dude, and I have friends. Like, this is great.
Matt:I don't remember anything, but already I have 2 very good friends.
Rachel:This is very nice. I have a nice apartment. I have nice friends.
Matt:Glad I'm not a lonely person who spends all my time alone.
Rachel:And I protect people, which just feels right. I have a great life. I'm so excited to remember everything
Matt:I have at the beginning. Same personality shift that Nick got in the Native American American Mysticism episode when his guilt got taken.
Rachel:Very good point. Yes. That is a very good point. Good job. A little bit consistency there.
Rachel:Yeah. But he says, oh, you're the doctor from the hospital, and Lequois goes, oh, I'm much more than that. And he goes, doesn't the sensation you're feeling right now tell you that I'm more than that? And Nick's like, well, it's not the same sensation I have around Natalie. Is it?
Rachel:Am I bi? Emma? I could be.
Matt:Hey. I feel a tingling peep somewhere.
Rachel:Yeah. I gotta there's a there's a little bit there's there's some stuff going on. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe.
Rachel:Maybe. I mean, he's hot. This is fine. And he says, we have a special relationship, which does not clear it up. Like, it doesn't clear it up for Nick
Matt:at all. Laquan never clears anything up.
Rachel:No. But he does say, I'm your oldest friend, and we have been through so much together. And then he goes into his own flashback, and it's him, like, rotting on this couch. And then Nick shows up and Nick's like
Matt:Which I kudos for how, like, hard they leaned into the makeup.
Rachel:I fucking love this episode. I love this episode so fucking much. But, yeah, he's, like, rotting on this couch, and Nick walks by, and he's like, he has this look on his face. Like, I have to tell you, I'm really enjoying seeing you like this. Like, how far the mighty fall.
Rachel:And he goes, Nick, can you, like, get this out? Like, you'd be doing me, like, a really big favor if you could just, like, you know, I got a thing. I got a thing right here in in my chest, and it goes, yeah. Okay. How'd that get there?
Rachel:And, Laquaza, like, oh, you know, I was I was
Matt:I was grocery shopping.
Rachel:I was out grocery shopping and groceries fought back. And Nick is like, oh, you were killing people on the battlefield again, and he's like, semantics. Can you just get this out? And he actually says, I wish you would remember that our relationship hasn't always been this difficult because Nick is like, I'll take it out, but then I'm leaving, and you're not gonna follow me this time. Okay?
Rachel:And LaCroix is like, okay.
Matt:The buddy system here.
Rachel:He's like he's like, okay. But in his mind, he's like the fay. You can't make a deal with with that with Lacroix without having, like, 16 caveats. You need to be like, you cannot follow me for a minimum of 3 decades. And when you do make contact, you cannot murder my friends.
Rachel:You must come and talk to me.
Matt:Repeat that back to me. Yeah. And then please explain any loopholes that you are aware of in this logic.
Rachel:Oh, you don't want him to explain the loopholes because he never would. He'd be like, no. It's solid. It's perfect. I can never come talk to you again.
Matt:Well, like, right now, while while Nick has leverage over LaCroix, it's like, okay. Here's here are my conditions.
Matt:Now before I pull that out, I want you to find 3 loopholes and explain it to me, and I'm adding Yeah. I'm gonna add that. Yeah. To cover those loopholes. Yeah.
Matt:Just to be a little extra thorough.
Rachel:Yeah. He tells him, like, it's time I moved on, and then he goes, at least for a while. He's like, yeah. Well, you were the one that came back to me, Nick, is what Lacroix says. He's like, you're the one who came back this time.
Rachel:It wasn't the other way around. Like, the last time we broke up, I found you, but this time, you found me. And I he says, okay. But you really do like me. You just don't know you do.
Matt:Of course. I only hope that you will consider that you chose to remain with me for so long of your own volition. You really do like me. You just don't know that you do.
Rachel:I love that line so much because to me
Matt:That's the core It
Rachel:is like
Matt:of Lacroix's perception Yes.
Rachel:Their relationship. Yeah. You like me. You're just not showing it. It's fine.
Rachel:If you hated me, you'd kill me. And you haven't killed me, so you must like me. It's like, if you didn't want me here, you would board up the skylight, but you don't. It's all
Matt:it's all projection. It's like, if I hate somebody and I never want to see them again, I rip their head off Yeah. And throw them in the ocean. You say that you hate me, but you have not even attempted To kill me. To kill me.
Rachel:I mean, you did that one time, but you didn't try
Matt:very hard.
Matt:Mean it. You can't
Rachel:mean it. This is
Matt:all just playing hard to get, and I get that.
Rachel:It really feels like LaCroix doesn't know how to connect on the same level as Nick. Like, Nick is human enough that he has human expectations for relationships, and LaQuad does not. And so it's like oil and water trying to be friends. They can coexist, but they can't mesh. Like, they can't they can't see eye to eye.
Rachel:They are communicating 3rd ingredient. You need gelat.
Matt:Yeah. I I was going to say a surfactant.
Rachel:I like mine better.
Matt:Like soap because it bonds to water and oil. Right. Maybe that's what Jennette was.
Rachel:Jennette is.
Matt:Jennette was their
Rachel:suspectant their bridge. Of their own little water. And so he's like, I really wish you would remember that you like me. I know you like me, because you haven't I mean, there's that one time you tried to kill me where you, like, staked me and let me on fire, but you didn't try hard because I got fathered. Emotional.
Rachel:You stake me in the stomach. You didn't try very hard.
Rachel:It's fine. Look. I pushed you a little hard. I'll admit that. That's on me, and I just won't do that again.
Matt:Yeah. You lashed out because that's the only recourse I gave you.
Rachel:It was an emotional bid. I get it. Like, I'm I hear you. But we come back to the president, and Nick is, like, let's, yeah. I don't know who you are.
Rachel:I don't remember you at all. And LaCroix was like, that's cool. Like, we've got time. We've got a lot of time for you to remember who I am. And it's not so much who you are that you need to remember.
Rachel:It's what you are because you're special, and you're a killer.
Matt:You have a special nature.
Rachel:Yeah. And, you need to go outside. Like, if you don't believe me, that's fine. You don't need to believe me, but you could go outside and rediscover yourself for yourself. Like, don't listen to Natalie.
Rachel:Go outside. Find out who you are.
Matt:Get some fresh air.
Rachel:And this is when Natalie comes back and removes her coat for the 2, 2, 2, 3rd time. It's making a lot of I've seen this episode a lot of times, so I was like, I can pick this stuff apart. I can find little details because otherwise I could probably recite this from memory, But Natalie arrives, and I wanna point out that Natalie has actually never met Lacroix that she remembers. So she immediately recognizes who he is. She's like, oh, shit.
Matt:Well, in this context, yes. I would say in the hospital, it might be less likely
Matt:That Natalie would recognize LaCroix for being LaCroix.
Rachel:Knows vampires on-site, so she could just know that's another vampire.
Matt:That is true. She has been able to recognize vampires on-site. Yeah. But walking into Nick's apartment with Nick and this older fella Yeah. This, what what do they call it?
Matt:Silver Fox.
Rachel:Hell, yeah.
Matt:But, oh, she knows exactly who this is.
Rachel:She's like, oh my god. I didn't know we were gonna have a threple situation. Keep it cool, Natalie. Keep it cool.
Matt:Channel Jeanette.
Rachel:Yeah. What would Jeanette do? Oh god. I don't wanna know. So she's got more groceries.
Rachel:She's got 2 more bags of groceries, and she sets them on the table, and she's like, LaCroix, thank you for your help. Now get the fuck out. Like, thank you for helping me at the hospital. I appreciate the backup. Now I want you gone.
Rachel:And he's like, I mean, cool. I'll go. But, I have to question your motives here. Like, are you gonna are you gonna try and use this as an opportunity to redeem him? And she's like, get out because poor Nick is over there like, what?
Rachel:Redeem me. What did I do? What it what was it? Okay. I don't get it.
Rachel:Guys? Guys? I thought we were all free. Aren't you both my buddies? I thought we were all friends.
Rachel:And she's like, leave. Just get out. And so he looks up at the skylight, and she goes, by the door. I think you'd better leave by the door.
Matt:Whatever you say, doctor.
Rachel:He's He's like, I ain't fucking fine. So he leaves that.
Matt:I'll play along.
Rachel:But when they come back over to Nick, Nick looks up at the skylight and then looks over like,
Matt:why don't we all look at this kid's It's like the the social experiments where people just stand on the corner line. Yeah.
Rachel:Yeah. He looks up, and then he gets this confused like, what? I don't get all this. Hey. I thought we were all together.
Rachel:Like, he said we were special friends. Natalie and I are special friends. Aren't we all special friends? Like, can't we all have a where is he going? Come back handsome, man.
Matt:That gave me tingling second sensations.
Rachel:And Natalie's like, whoo. Dodge that bullet, and then she just starts putting away groceries. And Nick is like, boy, I have questions. I have so many questions. He's like, he said I'm a killer.
Rachel:What does he mean I'm a killer? And she's like, I don't know. You're a cop. Like, sometimes you shoot at people. Sometimes they shoot at you.
Rachel:You don't miss. They do. I don't know what's out. I don't know. I don't know.
Rachel:I don't know what he's talking about. And he's like, okay. Well, you said I had a special nature. What does that mean? And she stops, and she's like, you don't have to believe anything that he said to you.
Rachel:I mean, that's a good life tip. Like, that's just a good blanket statement, but, also, you don't have to believe anything he said to you does not answer any of his questions, and she should know Nick well enough at this point to know she needed to stop, sit down, and give him some explanation even if it wasn't the full explanation.
Rachel:It's like I just stopped at the ATM the other day to get cash, and I was getting cash to pay somebody back who didn't have like, I couldn't give him a check. I couldn't pay him with Venmo. I needed cash. And so my daughter was like, why are we here? I'm getting cash.
Rachel:Okay. What for? How much? And I was like, well, I'm getting this much to pay back this person because they helped me pay for this HVAC thing that happened, and they were there. I wasn't, so they paid, so I need to reimburse them.
Rachel:What's HVAC? So I had to stop and give a 15 minute dissertation on the situation so that she would know why we were there, why we were getting cash, who I was paying, how much I was paying. And I know my daughter well enough to know we could have gone back and forth like this for hours where she would just pop up with more questions, or I could sit down and explain it, and we would be done with it. So I did that, and she was like, okay. Okay.
Rachel:Well, that's all Nick wants. He wants Natalie to stop and be like
Matt:Explain things thoroughly.
Rachel:That guy is not well, and he's trying to draw you into something that
Matt:been psychologically manipulating you For really most most for most of your life.
Rachel:For a really long time. And you were getting out of it, and you were getting away from him, and you were trying to heal your trauma from him. And, him coming here was kind of not cool, and I want you to kinda forget anything that he said because it's not healthy. Okay? And instead, she's just like, let me put the
Matt:fact, assume he was lying.
Rachel:Yeah. Just assume he was lying to you because he's trying to manipulate you. And he's like, well but she doesn't do any of that. She's just like, no. No.
Rachel:Don't believe him. And he's like, but he said he was my oldest friend. And Natalie's like, I'm just I can't I'm not receiving this right now. So she takes out a pack of tortillas and another bag of bread, which is actually the same bag of bread that she put in the refrigerator earlier. And she grabs it in the middle.
Rachel:She goes, yoink, and grabs the bag of bread in the center.
Rachel:Oh my god. And then she goes over and shoves all of that in the refrigerator, and that's all she takes out of her grocery bag. So she got him apples, some sort of berry, celery, just like a whole thing of celery, and bread. That's it. And then she refuses to answer any of his questions, and she just goes, you have to trust me.
Rachel:Okay. I mean, I I will trust you if you tell me anything, but you're not telling me anything. You're just like, trust me. Okay. What am I trusting?
Rachel:Your existence? I don't get it. And she's like, you have to trust me. Oh, yeah. And I just remembered, don't leave this apartment no matter what you do.
Rachel:And he's like, where would I go? He doesn't answer. She says, promise me promise me you will not leave this apartment, and he does not promise her that he will not leave.
Matt:Is a totally Nick move.
Rachel:It's a total Nick move. He goes, why would I leave? And she's like, listen. This is where she actually stops, and she's like, I'm not gonna answer your questions, but I'm gonna give you a brief summary here. We've been trying to make a change.
Rachel:You've been trying to make a change for a long time, and this might be our chance to do it. Okay? And he's like, what changes that? And she goes, I mean, it just feels like we're finally getting somewhere, and you have to trust me. You have to trust me.
Rachel:And she, like, walks over to the mantelpiece, and he follows her over, and he's, like, super close to her face. And she goes, you have to go slowly with me. I mean, I mean, we have to go slow. And he's like, I can do slow, but you have to trust me. You have to go slowly with me.
Rachel:We we both have to take this slowly.
Matt:We. What do you mean by we? Do we have a relationship?
Rachel:No. No. We're just friends. And then he goes, what do you mean by we? Do we have a relationship?
Rachel:And she's like, no. No. No. You gave me a card that said with affection. He's like, shit.
Rachel:I was a dick. She's like, yeah. That was a dick move. I will never let them with affection go.
Matt:Yeah. Yeah. Look. Here's the birthday card you gave me.
Rachel:Yeah. Yeah. And here's the flowers you gave me, when you went turned into a raging asshole, and here's the flowers you gave me the last time you were a raging asshole. And then I've just dried the flowers, and then I marked them with what you did. And then I took it to my wall.
Rachel:Wall. And she goes, we have a we have a a unique relationship. Because he goes, you know, when I first saw you, like, I knew we had a connection. I could tell. Like, you gave me special feelings, and she's like, well, you know, we have a unique relationship.
Rachel:And he goes, why? And she's just like, I don't know. And he goes, is it important? And I put in my notes, sex hammer, which credits credit Meg for sex hammer via another fan who referred to him as having a sex hammer. It's like just right between the eyes because she's like, no.
Rachel:What? I don't understand. Because he just
Matt:Because he want he likes to nail things.
Rachel:Yeah. And so this is a moment where we maybe will have a little bit of a debate because there's a slight debate in the community, maybe in my own mind, about whether or not they actually have sex. Do we think they have sex? Because from here So we fade to black.
Matt:They kiss, fade to black. Yep. Usually, making out fade to black. Is is sex. Is sex.
Matt:And then we get
Rachel:Then we get next dream.
Matt:Where immediately after the fade to black, we get bare shoulder Natalie.
Rachel:Dream. He has a sex dream.
Matt:He has a sex dream.
Matt:And and then we get Natalie waking up on the couch. Yeah. So in in an interview that Gare did, he explained that vampires can do the physical stuff.
Rachel:Is this the playgirl the playgirl article?
Matt:Oh, I wasn't gonna
Rachel:Oh, we're gonna do a special episode on the Playgirl article. Yeah. But that's There were questions
Matt:about vampire sex. And so Garett was explaining that vampires can do the human physical stuff
Matt:But it's not as fulfilling or
Rachel:It's not all they
Matt:as they do. Sensational Combo. As actually drinking blood. Yeah. And so, like, the whole Nick and Jeanette drinking each other's blood when they get riled up, that's the whole thing.
Rachel:Yeah. That's all they need.
Matt:That's all they need, but they can do the the regular human physical stuff.
Matt:So if Gare is he's full up on blood from Natalie's blood bag.
Matt:He's he's got a little extra mojo from Lacroix blood.
Matt:So he's not really hungry.
Rachel:And then doesn't know that that's what the hunger is.
Matt:Right. And then he doesn't even know if that hunger was strong, he wouldn't even know that it was for blood.
Matt:So it's totally feasible that fuck boy Nick would be like, yeah. We're getting it on, and take her to bed.
Rachel:I mean, they're both adults. They're both in their thirties. Yeah. They clearly have chemistry. They're alone together.
Matt:She is broadcasting that she wants this.
Rachel:This feels consensual on both sides.
Matt:Yep. And so for for them to have sex Yeah. And then and then she goes to sleep on the couch is, like, totally plausible.
Matt:And even if he's not as sated as he could be, he wouldn't know any better.
Rachel:Right. This kind of to me, that's why I like to think of this episode as like a moment out of time, almost like a non canonical episode. Because, one, we're never gonna reference the fact that he lost his memories at really ever again, because it's implied at the end that he doesn't get them back and that Lacroix is the one who supplies him with all of his memories. And how much do we think Lacroix didn't tell the fucking truth so that he could get this guy on his side? A 100%.
Rachel:He did not tell the fucking truth. So we can't rely on Lacroix being the one who, like, filled in all the gaps. 800 years' worth of stories and he wasn't even there for a good portion of them. Mhmm. So, we don't really come back to this ever again, which means that we can kind of to me, I feel like I can separate it out because there are events that will happen later in the 3rd season, which imply Like, I like to think that Natalie got this moment.
Rachel:And so for me, I go with yes because I like to think that whether or not it affects what happens for the rest of the season doesn't matter. Now we got this one moment with effectively human Nick.
Rachel:Where they got to be together.
Matt:Or as Nick would say, she got that dick.
Rachel:Yeah. She got that dick For just this moment.
Rachel:Just this moment. And this isn't the Nick that we're this isn't really Nick. It's not.
Matt:This is this is,
Rachel:raw Nick.
Matt:Uncooked. Prevamp Nick?
Rachel:Yeah. This is Nick who Nick would be without any life experience.
Rachel:And without the vampire hanging over him, without any of he just gets to be himself and himself wants Natalie, and I really hope she cashed in that check. That's all I'm saying. So Nick goes immediately from this make out session slash bang session, whichever one you wanna go with, by the mantelpiece, which ended with Natalie falling asleep on the couch, which maybe they had sex on the couch. She fell asleep, and he just got up and went to his bed.
Matt:Very possible. It is right in front of the fireplace.
Rachel:It is. It's right there. And so he goes upstairs.
Matt:Place 20 years earlier. It would have been on the
Rachel:On the
Matt:the fur rug in front of the fireplace.
Rachel:It's like the horrible seventies movies I put you through. So Nick's sex dream is Natalie with bare shoulders, so implied nude Natalie. I wanna point out, however, that Nick is wearing his bathrobe.
Matt:Pulled up tight.
Rachel:Pulled up, like, cinched. Like, ain't nothing getting out. He is even in a sex dream, he is not nude. And he, like at first, they're, like, making out, and she's like, take me, turn me, like, let's make this happen. And so he bites her, and it pans out, and Lacroix is watching them.
Rachel:In a cuckold situation, I guess. I don't
Matt:know what you wanna call this.
Rachel:I don't know. It's a I mean, this is a okay. I don't know. I don't wanna get into, like, threeple. Like, what I don't
Matt:want This would just be, like, a voyeuristic thing.
Rachel:Yeah. Which is it, like, a thing that there are there are people for whom that is what is satisfying.
Matt:There are people who like to watch. There are people who like to be watched.
Rachel:And, apparently, in the in his sex dreams, Lacroix is watching. I'm just gonna put that on the table. Okay?
Matt:I could totally see Lacroix wanting to watch. I don't know that Nick would want to be watched.
Rachel:Does he have a choice, or does he just show up mid whatever? He's just like fucking Lacroix back. Don't don't don't just don't look over there. Okay.
Matt:But then Lecla hypnotizes Natalie so that Natalie thinks she can't see Lecla. So Natalie's like, what do you why are you distracted? Like, there's nobody else here. Just let's get on with this.
Rachel:Anyway, it's a sex dream. It doesn't matter. I'm just gonna lay that on on the table. That's the thing that happened. And, apparently, it was fine with him because they they proceeded even with him, like, dramatically lit in the background.
Rachel:And then he, like, pops awake, and he has this really, like, shook look on his face. Like, what the actual fuck? Like, oh my god. What is in my oh, Jesus. He's like, those are my buddies.
Rachel:Why were you putting my buddies in my dream?
Matt:Okay. So from his his, like, limited psyche
Matt:His brain spanking new consciousness
Matt:He only has 2 close personal connections in the world.
Matt:And he just says, like, you know, he's a dream. He has a dream, and he's integrating these relationships as he perceives them, and his brain threw up something weird.
Matt:But it's not it's not surprising that it involved the only 2, like, close personal connections
Rachel:that he's made. Seems surprised. He is shook when he wakes up, and he's like, there's only one thing to do, and that's investigate. Disturbing,
Matt:but it's not surprising that the 2 other people in his dream were the 2 other Yeah. Like, friends that he's met since he woke up.
Rachel:And he's like, honestly, there's only one thing that I could possibly do in that situation, and that's leave, just like I told Natalie. I didn't actually promise that I wouldn't. So I
Matt:don't said, where would I go?
Rachel:Right. He's like, well, now I know where I'm going. Yeah. Now I got a place to be. So he gets his gun, which I have to question letting the amnesiac police officer keep his weapon, but that's fine.
Rachel:And so he gets his gun, and he goes out, and he's driving because he can still drive. So that's nice. And he remembers what station the nightcrawler is on. That or every single button on his radio is set
Matt:to Yes.
Rachel:The nightcrawler. Or as Matt implied, maybe he's not on the radio at all. Maybe he just shows up in Nick's head.
Matt:A proposal I made to Rachel was regarding the nightcrawler, maybe when Nick is just driving in his car, listening to the nightcrawler, maybe it's not always on the radio. Sometimes it's on the radio. Like, Skanky could hear the nightcrawler sometimes. Natalie's come into Nick's apartment when he's listened to it on his stereo system. So we know he does actually broadcast at some point Yeah.
Matt:Sometimes. But it's oddly convenient that every time Nick is driving LaCroix on. LaCroix on. Yeah. The nightcrawler's on.
Rachel:Let's see if that might
Matt:be taped. Maybe sometimes, LaCroix is just broadcasting psychically directly into Nick's head.
Rachel:Maybe Lacroix is recording himself on tape, and then he just finds Nick's car and changes the tape out. Goddamn it, Lacroix.
Matt:Yeah. The the car is turned off. He just sticks the tape in and presses the play button so that way when it turns on, it auto plays.
Rachel:Plays? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like you used to do in your friend's car. Like, you'd turn the you'd put play, and then you turn the volume all the way up.
Rachel:Yeah. So he's listening to the Nightcrawler podcast in the car as he's driving to the paraded warehouse without having to look up directions or call anybody or talk to anybody at all. And it's like, hi, friends. I'm the nightcrawler. I'm your balm in Gilead is what he says.
Rachel:He goes, this one is for lost friends. The way back for 1 is the way back for all.
Matt:The nightcrawler. And I'll be with you until the sun rises, keeping you company, soothing your confusion. Your barn in Gilead. Tonight's meditation is dedicated to lost friends. Lost from each other, lost from themselves.
Matt:And the simple fact is, the way back for 1 is the way back for the other. For we must never forget what we are or whom we came from. This is our lifeblood, our nourishment. Without it, we wither and may come nothing.
Matt:I'm imagining Nick getting in the car and being like, hey, this guy sounds familiar.
Rachel:Okay. Have I listened to this guy? I must listen to him a lot. Well, maybe he's
Matt:a Was this my friend?
Matt:Oh my god. Am I listening
Rachel:to my friend, Delabranio? He has a radio program? Oh, man. I should gotten his autograph, man.
Matt:I didn't know my friend was famous.
Rachel:Oh, I love my friends. And Lacoste says, never forget where you came from, which is a commonly quoted line for Matt and I. There's a is it, Zoe what's her name? Zoe?
Matt:Zoe Saldana. Yeah. Is it a movie where she's, like, an assassin or something?
Rachel:It's Columbiana, I think, but the preview for it just repeated, never forget where you came from. So we were
Matt:In this, like, sotto voce
Rachel:Never forget where you came from. And it's, like, 5 times in the trailer for it. And we saw it in the the movie theater.
Matt:It was really impactful.
Rachel:Yeah. We're, like, never forget where you came from. So, god, that was years ago. Yeah. Probably, like, a decade or more.
Matt:And I
Rachel:still never forget where you came from. And so Tracy is looking at mugshots because poor fucking Tracy has still never gone home, and she actually doesn't get to interact with Nick at all after he wakes up. She doesn't see Nick in this entire episode. She sees him shot and then never again. And, Reese is like, listen.
Rachel:Can we chill out with this? Because, like, you aren't getting anywhere. You're just spinning your wheels. What do we have to lose from sending her home and letting her rest? And then we go back to Nick because he's arrived at the warehouse to investigate.
Rachel:I put in my notes. Good thing he still has Toronto memorized. And then he goes into the warehouse, and it does this, like, thing where it zooms around his head as he's remembering whatever happened in the warehouse, but it must be uncomfortable because there's this, like, screeching, screaming noise as it's swirling around his head. And so in my notes, I put the amount of screaming you should hear in your head at any given time is 0 because it's just like, because he's just like you know, it's like a traumatic event. He walks in, and, like, all of these memories start coming back, and he's a blank slate, so it must feel terrible.
Rachel:And he gets caught by the security guard, because he's standing there, like, holding his head, and this is a closed crime scene, and he looks awfully suspicious. And she's like, what are you doing here? This is a protected crime scene. A cop got shot here, and he's like, yeah, I know. I'm the cop who got shot here.
Rachel:And he actually goes and gets his badge, and she's like, slowly. So she takes the badge out and hands it to her, and he sounds so tired. This whole scene, he just sounds like, like I am just having a really hard day. I just, and I can I just say, you look delicious? Because she's talking to him and he just hears, like, And he, like, looks at her throat, and then he, like, turns away and vamps out.
Rachel:Like, oh my god. Like, he can't he's so hungry. It just overcomes him. And then he has to, like, reel it back because she's like, are you okay? And then he turns around, and he's back to normal again.
Rachel:And this is another scene that I really like in this episode, which is probably why I watched it a bunch, which is the, like, no. I'm fine. I'm fine. But, like, I'm walking this really fine line. I don't even know what this line is.
Rachel:I don't know what's on the other side of this line because no one will tell me.
Rachel:But for a minute there, I wanted to eat you. And I don't know what that means.
Matt:I'm having weird intrusive thoughts right now. I need to call my therapist.
Rachel:I don't know her number, but
Matt:and I
Rachel:don't have a cell phone, so it's not saved in there. And she's like, okay. Well, you look like shit. And he's like, yeah. Okay.
Rachel:I'm tired. I got shot in the hand. Can you just go? And she's like, okay. But, like, you're gonna be alright?
Rachel:And he's like, okay. I'll see myself out. And so as soon as she walks away, he turns around and goes out the like, the emergency exit, but the sun has risen. So it's a real good thing he didn't take her up on her offer for him to walk out because Yeah. This guy would have showed up at this protected crime scene, given him given her his badge, said he was the one who got shot in the head and miraculously came back to life.
Rachel:And then as soon as they went out into the sun, he would have burst into flames. Yeah. He It would have been a real that day.
Matt:He needs to go outside like he needs a hole in the head.
Rachel:You are on a rock. The smirk. The, like, mhmm. It's the same smirk that Natalie got. They're like, oh, yeah.
Rachel:I am on it today. God, honey. So Natalie wakes up back at the apartment. She must sense a disturbance in the force because she sits up, and it's like, my hair. Her hair still looks amazing.
Rachel:It doesn't even look like she slept, and she's wearing, like, 6 layers. She's got, like, a shirt and a bath. It must be cold in there. I wonder if he only has the fireplace for me.
Matt:Toronto. Good
Rachel:job. And they're always wearing coats. It must be winter in Toronto just constantly. So Natalie wakes up, and she's like, oh, I had a really great night. And then she's like, oh, shit.
Rachel:The windows are open. Nick? Nick? And then she pushes the button to close the blinds just as Nick, like, comes in the not an elevator wrapped in a blanket, which who he must have accosted a poor person experiencing homelessness and taken their blanket and been like, I need this more than you do, and then just run off. And he, like, collapses on the ground and actually rewounded a couple times because he makes this really weird sound.
Rachel:He goes like like, he makes this, like, oh, god. Like, in pain sound. And he falls on the ground, and she's like, oh, why'd you go outside? I should've caught that you didn't promise you wouldn't go outside. And she's like, we were so close, because he starts going, what am I?
Rachel:Like, he's angry, justifiably angry because this was important information, and all she did was, like, listen. Do me a favor. And if you need anything, let me know, and I'll go out and get it for you. Don't leave the apartment. She did not explain he would fucking burst into flames if you walked outside.
Rachel:So he is upset, and he's actually a little bit physical with her in this moment. Like, he grabs her by the shoulders, and he's like, what am I? What could be so horrible that you won't tell me what I am? And she's like, oh, we were so fucking close. Why do you have to be the way you are?
Rachel:And he goes, because I remembered that I sensed the shooter before I saw them. And that means something, doesn't it? What does that mean? And he, like, pulls her into a hug, like, pulls her up against his chest. And then he, like, stops for a minute, and then he pushes her back out again.
Rachel:So it's like, boop boop. Like, he just slams her into his chest. And then he's like, I remember what he looked like. I remember what the shooter looked like. I gotta go.
Rachel:I gotta go help, and she's like, you can't go anywhere until the sun goes down. And he's like, why? Like, did were you there when you burst into flames, like, 5 minutes ago?
Matt:Did you already forget again?
Rachel:Can you like put those 2 together? Maybe that's why. And she goes, Oh, cause you're a vampire. And he's like, I'm a what now? Cause you're a vampire.
Rachel:And he's like, shit. And Tracy finally gets to go home, and she's having a snack. She hopefully had a nap, and she gets a call from the bad guy because, remember, there's a bad guy they were supposed to be catching.
Rachel:Yeah. And this is the weirdest phone call. And, Tracy goes, who is this? And the guy says, not important, which truer words, honestly, not important. Not important.
Rachel:He's like, do you believe in Jimmy? Because Jimmy believes in you. Jimmy also believes in Santa Claus. Literally says, Jamie believes in Santa Claus. And Tracy's like, okay.
Rachel:And he's like, Jimmy's gonna believe in you down by the docks tonight, the concrete docks or whatever. And she's like, okay. So she writes concrete docks harbor on her little legal pad. Well, good thing. She couldn't remember that without writing it down because that's good later when we need to figure out where she is because, of course, she doesn't actually tell anybody that the bad guy contacted her or that he gave her a meeting point or that she might need backup or any of that.
Rachel:Like, she didn't just see her partner get shot, and she doesn't realize that the situation is serious. And so then we come back, and Nick is sitting at his table, and he's like, I'm all better. I'm all better. Right? Like, look at my face.
Rachel:My face is all better. Is that normal? And Natalie's like, yeah. Why do you think you didn't die when you got shot in the head? He's like, because it didn't really get shot in the head.
Rachel:She's like, no. He really got shot in the head. He's like, but you said I didn't get a shot in the head. And she goes, I lied. She just says, I lied.
Rachel:And he's like
Matt:I lied to psychologically manipulate you just like Lacroix. Shh. Don't. Don't. Don't.
Matt:Don't. To form a closer, more personal
Rachel:Nope. Friendship No. Relationship with the dick? No. I I will hold with none of this.
Rachel:I'm sorry.
Matt:I'm not receiving that right now. Some parallels here.
Rachel:No. There's not. It's not. There's no parallels. They're not even on the same grid.
Rachel:Get out of here. Okay. So he's like, how long? How long have I been a vampire? And she's like, 767 years.
Rachel:And he's like, oh, so, like, a while. Yeah. Like a while. And he goes, Natalie, is this what makes you so sad?
Matt:Natalie, is this is what I am the thing that makes you so sad?
Rachel:It's what's kept us apart.
Matt:But we're together now.
Rachel:Like, that's his first question. Not like, how did I get to be this way? But just like, oh, is this why you're sad? Because I'm a vampire and you're not.
Matt:Is this the thing that's keeping us apart?
Rachel:Is this yeah. And she that's what she tells him. She goes, it's kept us apart. Like, it's why we're not together. And he's like, yeah.
Rachel:We'll tell that to little Nick after less.
Matt:Or is it big Nick?
Rachel:Or is it big Nick? Can can we go do that again right now, actually? And she's like, no. No. Put the sex hammer away.
Rachel:Like, we can't have the relationship we want, Nick. It won't work that way. And he's like, pretty sure it works just fine. And then he gets up like, oh, god. This is so traumatic for all involved.
Rachel:And he gets up and he, like, collapses, and Natalie does the, like, like, exasperated, like tries she's like, get up. Come on. Get sit in the seat. She, like, manhandles him into the seat, and then she goes over and pours the blood from the already open bottle. She doesn't have to open that bottle, which means the blood's just been sitting open on the counter.
Rachel:Yeah. It's fine. So he chugs it, rather appreciatively, and she's like, but you don't normally drink that. You drink cow blood. You haven't had human blood in weeks.
Rachel:Like, a while. You haven't had human blood in a while. And he's like, oh, okay. So he, like, sticks the whole end of his the bottle in his mouth, and he's like, like, tips it back. And then he puts it down and then gives her this look that's like, oh, no.
Rachel:I really am a vampire, aren't I? Like, I really like that. I'm so sorry. Because it's this, like, doe eyed look like, oh, shit. It's all true.
Rachel:And so the guy who called Tracy, not that it matters, is Leon Sharp, and we know that because Nick IDs him. Because he doesn't tell her his name. He just tells her that Jimmy believes in Santa Claus, which doesn't give us all that much information. And Reese recognizes him. He's like, oh, that guy.
Rachel:Yeah. That guy's brother got killed in a shootout, like, a couple of years back, and the captain that shot him was Tracy's dad. So this is a revenge thing. Well, good. I'm glad that Reese was there and that Reese knew all of that very you know what?
Rachel:It's because
Matt:To tell us the non important plot information?
Rachel:I think Reese has a bunch of, like, police commissioner trading cards that he's made for himself, and he's like, that's his most coveted one. He's like, I've got 3 copies of Better.
Matt:Yeah. It's like it's like other people are into, like, baseball stats or hockey stats Yeah. And he's into police stats.
Rachel:Yeah. Because it it fits with his overall like, he's the political captain. He's the captain who's on the rise and trying to be on the rise. And we cut to Tracy, and Tracy's at the cement docks, and it doesn't really matter. She gets shot at, and the guy's like, it's nice to meet you.
Rachel:And she goes, pleasure's all mine. Okay. We have some witty banter. I don't know. This is just to, like this was to get Nick shot in the head and then wrap it up.
Rachel:Yeah. Yeah. And Nick is back looking for Tracy again, and luckily, he remembers he can fly. He goes to his car, and then he's like, that guy looked at the skylight. Like, maybe he could fly.
Rachel:I kinda feel like I could probably do that. And then he flies off, and he flies to her apartment. So luckily, he both knows where her apartment is and remembers how to get there via the air. And he finds the note that she can't that she helpfully left was, like, meeting bad guy tomorrow at 10 concrete docks Harbor. And he's like, oh, I wonder where she could be.
Rachel:So he, like, flies off again. And then blah blah, Tracy, blah blah, Leon, blah blah
Matt:blah blah blah.
Rachel:No one cares. And then some barrels explode, which kind of sounds expensive. We must have had a lot of explosives because the whole back, like, thing with LaCroix, which we didn't actually cover, but he does pull the thing out of Lacroix's chest. And then he gives Lacroix his blood. He does the same thing that Lacroix doesn't know.
Matt:He doesn't do wrist to wrist. He just pours in Lacroix's mouth.
Rachel:Right. Because Lacroix's awake.
Rachel:And they must have had explosive left over because there's quite a few fires on the battlefield in the, like, Bolshevik revolution
Rachel:they are. And Nick, like, uses this distraction to land on the walkway, and then he, like, like, knocks, like, hisses at Leon, and Leon gets knocked off and falls down. And he's like, well, that wasn't actually that bad. And then he flies off. And what does he tell Natalie?
Rachel:Oh, it's fine. I killed him. I'm back now. Like, I already took care of that. Like, can we talk about how I'm a vampire again?
Rachel:Like, am I a killer? Seriously? I'm a killer? Like like, you didn't just go and
Matt:get that.
Rachel:And then we go to
Matt:The guy got surprised and fell down.
Rachel:Yeah. It was weird. No. He pushes him. He pushes him off.
Rachel:Because he like okay.
Matt:Yeah. I was
Matt:Thinking about
Rachel:surprised by story. Me putting my hands on his chest and pushing him backwards. So then we go to Lacroix and Lacroix's podcasting, but we had this really weird camera angle where it's, like, directly in front of his face. It's very curiouser and curiouser, the, like, odd angle. Because remember in curiouser and curiouser, we did the, like, above Lacroix, and then he had the itty bitty tiny little coffee cup.
Rachel:Well, it's kinda like that, but just directly on his face. And we get the, like, flashback to the raven lighting of old, the, like, purple greenish bisexual lighting that they used to have. And LaCroix is like, all's well that ends well, although it never really does end for some of us, does it? And this is when he says, when you have a friend in the nightcrawler, who needs enemies? Which I was thinking about updating our I'm working on more merch, and I was thinking about updating our nightcrawler one
Rachel:To put, like, when you have a friend in the nightcrawler who needs enemies.
Rachel:And we come back to Nick and Natalie, and Nick is like, listen. You just gotta bear with me. Like, we can get back to that thing that we had. Like, that was good, and I liked it. And I think we could get back there, but, like, I need a minute to figure out who I am and to figure out what all this means.
Rachel:And, you know, I think I know who I need to go to to get all the answers. And she's like, well, I know I can't fill in all the blanks because I haven't known you that long. So, you know, go go to your manipulative evil master. I'm sure that he will help you become a better person. That's fine.
Rachel:Go ahead. Go ahead. And so, I mean, what what else can she do? She can't. He apparently wants answers.
Rachel:He'll stop at nothing to get them. She can't give them to him. Only Lacroix can. So fine. You just have to trust that Nick will remember enough that Lacroix can't take him in and be like, we have traveled together all 800 years.
Rachel:We are like bros. And I mean, like, bro bro. Like, we're best friends. Like, everything I tell you to do, you do. You don't question me.
Rachel:You just follow me. We're, like, best friends. That's what best friends do.
Matt:Every week, I call you up and say, hey. Party time. And you know exactly what that means. Yeah. And you're here in, like, 30 seconds.
Matt:Yeah. And we go out, and we
Rachel:We party.
Matt:We paint the town red.
Rachel:Oh, we do? Oh, okay. That that feels right. But, you know, he walks in. Like, Nick walks into the Raven, and he walks past a bunch of fish, which I thought was really funny because we went to see when we went to Salva, which is the restaurant that is currently in the location where the original Raven was filmed.
Rachel:Mhmm. They had fish hanging from the ceiling, and so the fish here.
Matt:Right. These ones are on, like, posts Yeah. In in some kind of, like, decorative border.
Rachel:I'm very much done. It was a callback, but the fish was a a hysterical irony. There was no oh, man. We didn't go to the Raven. That's why I was gonna say there's no beefcake booty short in this episode.
Matt:There was no Vashon?
Rachel:Maybe that's why I like this episode. Okay. So he walks in and LaCroix is like, oh, Nick. This can't possibly be a social call. Is it an urgent police matter?
Rachel:And you gotta feel for LaCroix in that moment because, like, he likes Nick. We know that because he said several times, like, if you die, I would miss you. Like, I miss you for, like, a whole week. Like, I would feel sad if you were gone. And, like, he's he obviously likes him in some way because he refuses to let him go.
Rachel:Like, he refuses to let their relationship go. Does he handle trying to get him back well? No. Not at all. But is it well meaning from his perspective?
Rachel:Yes. And yet, the only time that Nick even wants to have anything to do with him is when he needs him for work.
Rachel:And so he shows up, and it's like, I mean, I saved your life, and I tried to help you, but what what the fuck ever? Are you here? Because you've got, like, you're solving a case or whatever. And he's like, no. I figured that the only person who could tell me who I was is my oldest friend.
Rachel:He's like, well, the sun's coming up, so you're gonna be stuck here. And he's like, I'm aware. He's like, okay. Well, it's gonna take a long time. And he's like, yeah.
Rachel:I'm told we have eternity. And he goes, good. Like, I'm glad Natalie told you that, because your story is a long one. And that's where we leave it. It's just like, they're gonna have some good dad son bonding time.
Rachel:Like friend, they're more like friends, like
Rachel:I know. He literally made himself a friend, but then didn't know how to keep him.
Rachel:So I like this episode so much. I think it's because to me, it just feels like an outlier. It's kinda like curiouser and curiouser, where curiouser and curiouser. Yes. They're all sort of short stories, but some of them are more Mhmm.
Rachel:Like, what could Nick be? How could how would Nick move through the world if he had no idea where he had come from? If he thought he was, like, a mid thirties police officer dude who was good at his job. Yeah. And I think they pull it off really, really well, And I think they pull off all of the interactions really well.
Rachel:And I think that it ends up making the reveal, like, having to tell him he's a vampire and then having to have him go and learn all of the terrible things that he has done, like, as bittersweet as it should be. Like, yes, he has the right to his memories. But what would that be like to come back and be like, oh, I'm a good dude. I I got hurt saving my partner. Okay.
Rachel:Well, let me tell you about the 102 to 300000 odd people that you've murdered over the last 800 years? Take a seat at the bar. We've got plenty of time. Oh, and then that's how you killed that lady. Oh, and then there was this one time you got really creative with some toothpicks.
Rachel:Like, how did that story go? Like, how did that go? Because there was a time in Nick's life where he was not, he was just
Matt:He was a monster.
Rachel:He was a monster, and so he has to learn all about that too. And then he has to learn about, like, all the all the times that Lacroix tricked him.
Matt:Yeah. My interpretation is that Nick is, like, piecemeal getting some memories back, and and he doesn't have to, like, relearn his entire history. He just needs, like, a reminder to recall the memory.
Rachel:Yeah. I mean but just how shitty would that be? Like, you're Matt. You wake up one morning and you're like, ah, I got a good girlfriend. I got a good job.
Rachel:And then throughout the course of the day, you're like, shit. I think I'm an 800 year old vampire. Oh, did I kill how many people have I killed? Oh my god. Did I kill somebody like that?
Rachel:That oh, no. That's fucked up. Is that me? Shit.
Matt:I can't believe I could have done something like that.
Rachel:Oh, god. And so you have to relive all that trauma all over again. Mhmm. I don't know. I like this episode.
Rachel:It feels very small, very micro, I think, because there's not a lot going on. It's really just the characters.
Rachel:of course, the characters are my favorite. They're what make the episode. Do the plots make the episode? Almost never. Almost never.
Rachel:Do the characters make it? Yes. Fucking yes. That's why I watch the show. And this is my favorite version of LaCroix, the, like, bittersweet psychopath
Matt:who The buddy system.
Rachel:Who just doesn't know how to connect with the people that he wants to connect with and doesn't even have the tools in his toolbox to figure it out. He can't cobble together a personality that Nick will like. He doesn't want to. He just wants Nick to like him for him. Right.
Rachel:But it just never seems to happen. And we're gonna get a little bit we're gonna grow on that from here on out, and so that's what I really love because we get more growth of their whole dynamic in the next episode. So I'm excited to get to that one. But bittersweet, just like Nick's returning memory, because every episode we cut from here on out is the second half of season 3, which is the last season ever of forever night until we reboot it, which I just need anybody whoever knows who holds the rights. Just go ahead and sign them over to me.
Rachel:I know exactly what we need to do. I've already got a good team together. Just we're gonna make this happen.
Matt:Okay? Alright. Maybe Garrett can be the police captain.
Rachel:I want no. Okay. Here's what so my joke, not joke, is I think if you ever rebooted this, you have to bring Gair back as the Lacroix character. Oh. Just straight as Lacroix.
Rachel:Don't change the character. Just make Gare be Lacroix.
Matt:The actor that plays the Lacroix character. Yeah.
Rachel:Yeah. And then you could have Nigel as, like, the police captain.
Matt:Unless he's retired.
Rachel:He probably I don't know what he's he's doing. I I hope he's doing wonderful, and I hope he's doing having a great time at whatever he's doing. I know Kath the rendisher is because she does a lot of Hallmark stuff.
Rachel:And she gets to be, like, quirky and funny, which is when she looks like she's having the most fun being Natalie is when she gets to be, like, a fun character and not the, like, I'm traumatized and dramatic.
Matt:Or I'm here purely for exposition.
Rachel:In last episode, somebody tried to take my heart.
Matt:So And it wasn't Nick.
Rachel:It wasn't Nick. Actually, Kathryn Disher is gonna be at a, con in Florida at the beginning of February.
Rachel:Orlando, Florida. So if you're anywhere around Orlando, she's gonna be there. So It's
Matt:like February 1st?
Rachel:I think so. Like, 1st to 3rd, something like that. Yeah. So I'm really excited. We're gonna drive down and see her.
Rachel:So I'm stoked. Then I'll have met Nick and Natalie. I'll remember meeting Natalie one hopes. If I don't, there's something I need I need there's help that I need of some of some version or form. And Meg is going with me, which means we're probably going to get, like, the Meg recap, which I know we're all excited about.
Matt:So we just need to track down Nigel and Deb.
Rachel:Yeah. Which Deb retired. She got done with Furmanite, and she was like, peace out, motherfuckers. So I don't even know where she is. There's it would feel inappropriate to find her because, like, she's lived a whole life, like, 30 plus years since Forever Night.
Rachel:She probably never comes up in her day life that she's she was in this cult classic television show forever ago. They did her dirty, so I get it.
Rachel:Yeah. I'm pretty sure Nigel lives in Stratford, so we just need to go door to door.
Matt:Have you seen
Matt:this man?
Rachel:Seen this man? Hold up a picture of LaCroix, like season 1 LaCroix with the dark eyebrows, the, like, punk rock LaCroix?
Rachel:Hell, yeah. Alright. I think this is a good place to end it. So until next time, friends.
Matt:Bye. Bye.
Matt:All's well that ends well. Although, it never really does end for some of us anyway. Until tomorrow, I remain a friend to all. And as always, when you have a friend in the Nightcrawler, who needs enemies?