Forever Knight (Season 3 Ep 14) - "Dead of Night"
Miss, do you trust me?
Nick:Of course, my lord, with all my heart.
Wife:Then close your eyes.
Nick:Okay. Kinda like the last one. I kinda like thinking that maybe my just inherent chaos is, is influencing the world in just a small way.
Matt:It's the contrast.
Nick:What's the Yeah. I mean, I tried an unboxing video. What can I say? I tried it. There, I did it.
Nick:My favorite comment of my own.
Matt:That's the first step to getting better at unboxing
Nick:videos. My my fur oh, my favorite comment on the video of that I made on the video was, I could have watched unboxing videos and figured out how to do this and do it like they do it, but that's not how I've ever lived my life from this from in the past ever. So why would I do that from this point moving forward?
Nick:You just feel like how can I find new paths if I'm always looking at my feet? So I am Rachel.
Matt:Maybe that is how you find a new path.
Nick:Shut up. Hi.
Matt:You're not looking at the the trail that other people have put.
Nick:That's what I mean. If I'm always looking for a path, how can I find new paths? See? Sometimes you trip more obviously because you're not looking at your feet, but ultimately you find a new way. So, hi, I'm Rachel.
Nick:And I'm Matt. And this is comment god damn it.
Matt:It says it on the display there. No.
Nick:It doesn't. No. It does. Okay. Hi,
Matt:You're welcome.
Nick:Where is your bit on the fucking button?
Matt:You you can also tap the touch screen.
Nick:Tap the touch screen. I just wanted to have never said that. So I have possible time high ability forever. Okay. Hi.
Nick:I'm Rachel.
Matt:And I'm Matt.
Nick:And this is Come in 81 kilo.
Matt:A forever night podcast.
Nick:Okay. So today, we're talking about Forever Knight season 3 episode 14, dead of night.
Matt:AKA the ghost episode.
Nick:The fucking ghost episode.
Matt:I've heard the phrase, oh, the ghost episode so many times.
Nick:Yeah. I told her that'd be ghost.
Matt:But everybody's done a really good job of not revealing any details about the ghost episode.
Nick:Is it because we haven't revealed any details or because there are no details to reveal? I don't know. Inquiring minds wanna know.
Matt:You're about to find out.
Nick:I guess.
Matt:Stay tuned.
Nick:For this week's exciting episode of come in 81 kilo. We just got back. I just got back from 2 back to back vacations. I had a whirlwind tour of, MegaCon in Orlando where I met Katharine Disher, who is fabulous and wonderful. And please, if you see her anywhere within driving distance of you, go.
Nick:Don't think about it. Just go.
Matt:And tell her Rachel sent you.
Nick:And I yeah. Tell her I sent you. But I feel like now the the the more I talk to Kath Thrin, like, keep wanting to call her Kathy because we jokingly she I got a cameo Canva Cameo Cameo from her where she introduces, hi. I'm Kathy Disher. So we've been jokingly calling her Kathy, but, like, I don't think we're on a Kathy basis.
Nick:So, Catherine
Matt:Forced familiarity.
Nick:The more I, interact with Catherine Disher and fight find out how sassy she actually is in real life, the more I love Natalie. So it's a feedback loop of, like, the more you know one, the more you love the other. So if you already love Natalie, bonus points, go meet her. You'll love Natalie even more. So we also went on a cruise, which is why I sound like this because people are dirty and that's why I generally try not to be associated with them, humanity, as a whole.
Nick:But here we are. We went on a cruise and the kids really had a good time, but cruise crud.
Nick:And con crud. And I don't know. Maybe my body was so overjoyed from when I walked up to the table and Kathy knew who I was and was like, can I have a hug? And I like I don't know. The the favorite part okay.
Nick:So Meg and I are gonna do a recap. We're gonna do a recap, and we'll probably post it on Gear Can Get It and cross post it here. But I just wanna share that when she came around the corner, I went, oh, like, I feel the lips yips out. And then when she was like, you're Rachel. I was like, yeah.
Nick:Like, can I can we hug? Yeah. Yeah. We can. So I just want right now.
Nick:I I hug Katherine Disher, and I feel like I don't know. Life where where do I go from here? The highest of highs has already happened. Alright. So, yes, as Matt noted, this is the ghost episode.
Nick:It's like stealth ridiculous, like on the on the surface, this is a super ridiculous episode. But if you think about it a little bit, it gets less ridiculous, which is kind of why I like this episode. Also, fun fact, this was the last new episode I ever saw.
Matt:Like, the last episode that you had never seen before.
Nick:Correct. I think I mentioned I watched them. I had to watch them out of order because for some reason, sci fi was, like, do these do these go in order? And they were like, no. They don't have an order.
Nick:Just throw them up there. Nobody gives a shit. They're what they're they're sitting down at noon to watch Dark Shadows and Forever Night. They don't care what order it's coming in. So I watched these in the order that they were aired, which was out of order.
Nick:And for some reason, I missed this one. I ended up having to find it on the Internet and download it, like, back when it took you, like, days to download a single episode, and it was still itty pitty when you got it. And I actually think I burned like a VCD of this. Mhmm. Because everything else I had recorded on videotapes, but this I had a VCD of.
Nick:But, it's, I hesitate to say it's one of my favorite episodes, but there's definitely, it's one of those episodes that can be as deep as you want it to be. It can be the whoo, it's the ghost episode, or it can be like, oh, we are all haunted by past mistakes. And maybe there are places in the world that are thin enough that literally the the guilt and doubt we feel inside can manifest into something physical. Mhmm. Yeah.
Nick:Yeah. So we open on our haunted house, which is a really this cold opening is like
Matt:This cold open feels unusual.
Matt:It has a different vibe than most of the, like, here's the crime before the intro.
Nick:You know what this feels like? It feels like the Halloween episode.
Nick:Do you remember it? Get into October and all of your favorite shows would suddenly be like, okay. Upcoming is the Halloween special, and the Halloween special was always just a little bit spooky. Or the Simpsons used to have their Halloween special every year that was always over the top and crazy. Yeah.
Nick:This feels like the Halloween episode. Like, stay tuned. Forever night will air its special Halloween episode. So we start with this haunted house. Probably feels weird because this is not an exterior we've seen before.
Matt:It's not the house.
Nick:It's not the house. It's a new house, and they're walking inside. And the little caretaker guy is like, oh, there's no power. We had some contractors come in to turn it on, but they they got run off on account of the ghost. The guy was touring and is like, you're a moron, and I'm not keeping you.
Nick:And he's like, I come with the property. In fact, the realtor is like, part of the contract that you're preparing to sign stipulates you have to keep them on. And he's like, no. I don't. No.
Nick:I don't. But the property owner, whose name is Ogden, he's not there because it's in the middle of the night for some reason. They're touring this house at, like, 10 o'clock at night, which it's not occupied. You could tour it at any time. So I don't know why they're there so late, but it doesn't matter.
Nick:So, wine trough, who is this guy, the asshole guy who's planning to buy it? We don't find his name out for a while, but it's, wine trough, like a trough full of wine.
Nick:And I'm like, I think you know what? These people had to come up with a lot of names because we we have to come up with names for every single episode. Episode. I'm sure after a while, they were like, I don't know. I'm drunk.
Nick:Maybe wine wine trough? Wine trough. Wine trough. That's his name. And he turns to the realtor, and he's like, why isn't he here?
Nick:She's like, because it's the fucking middle of the night. And he's like, well, then go wake him up. And she says, I guess I'll go try him on my car phone. And he goes, you do that then. And then so she walks off.
Nick:So the caretaker's gone off to go to try to turn the electricity up. Turn on the juice as he says later. And the realtor goes out to talk on her car phone, so our asshole is left all alone.
Matt:And decides to explore the house.
Nick:Well, he hears a voice. He hears a disembodied voice upstairs
Matt:Calling him.
Nick:And so he goes goes upstairs exploring with his flashlight. And he's up in this attic room, and the double window doors fly open. And he's like, oh, what's happening over there? So he walks over to look through the doors. And while he's staring at the doors, there's actually a shadow.
Nick:Drop. There's a shadow in the doorway behind him. It's pretty cool looking. I mean, this is a spooky episode. Yeah.
Nick:It's sufficiently spooky. And he turns, and he's like, oh, no. And then he gets pushed out the window and impaled on this fence. And Matt was like, that's a
Matt:An unrealistic amount of gore.
Nick:Like, I mean, there's gore on it. He was like, no. Like, there's not enough. There should be.
Matt:If he was impaled through the belly Yeah. With all that ornamentation, like, basically, barbs, it would grab a bunch of stuff on the way through.
Nick:It would nearly cut him in half. Yeah. And you're all squishy bits in the middle. Yeah.
Matt:You're all squishy stringy bits.
Nick:Yeah. That's all just muscle holding that in or, you know, just flesh depending on where you are in life. So we pan up, and we see a person in
Matt:the Where you are on your journey.
Nick:Exactly. We're we're all at different places and that's fine. I respect that. So we pan up and we see this person in the window and then bada bada go to the intro. That's it.
Nick:That's our opening. Spooky. Oh. It's the ghost episode. So we come back and Natalie is at the crime scene alone.
Nick:We see Natalie alone.
Matt:We get a lot of scenes where the scene at least starts with each main character alone.
Nick:I mean, like, where's Nick? Isn't he supposed be chaperoning her? I'm pretty sure she's not allowed out of the morgue if Nick's not with her. Or she said at the con, if they weren't dead, I probably didn't interact with them because she was sitting right next to George Busa, I think is his name. And he's the one who he was the voice of the beast, but he was also doctor Dave, and he was the religious brother in the sons of Billiell episode.
Nick:Mhmm. And Meg was like, oh, yeah. He was in forever night too. I'm gonna go over and get his I'm gonna go and get his signature. Natalie was like, what?
Nick:I didn't know he was in it. She doesn't have any scenes. Not Natalie. Her name is Katherine. Katherine Disher was like, I I didn't know that.
Nick:And, like, we didn't have any scenes together. She's like, yeah. If he didn't die, I probably didn't talk to him. She was so sassy. I loved it.
Nick:So, anyway, Natalie alone. And we come in and we get this interesting little line where the caretaker is talking to Tracy and he says, the house isn't haunted, just the people who come in it.
Wife:It's not the house that's supposed to be haunted. It's the people that go in it. That's the legend anyway.
Nick:That's the legend anyways. Which is an interesting premise
Matt:Yeah. To distinguish this from, oh, it's just another haunted house.
Nick:Yeah. There is not a specific haunting in this house. There is not the ghost of the past owner who died falling down the stairs or whatever. It is whatever ghost you bring to the house that haunts you while you're there.
Matt:It's like Luke in the cave on Dagobah.
Nick:That is exactly what it is like. Thank you so much. The only evil in there is what you take with you. Yep. Yeah.
Nick:I'm sorry. I did really good keeping it straight, then I just I lost it. So Nick is like Nick walks up because he's off camera, and he, like, walks up to the group. And he's, like, oh, yeah. I've I've heard about this place.
Nick:It's like a doorway or something. And that, Tracy says, oh, a portal. And the guy goes, it's a porthole to somewhere. And then the caretaker is like, I mean, personally, I've never had any experiences here, but I have no skeletons in my closet. I don't have anything I feel guilty about.
Nick:Even those people that I killed, nothing. I got nothing. I don't feel like I got it.
Matt:I don't have any
Nick:any strong emotions about it. Which means this is like a a sociopath or a psychopath would not be LaCroix LaCroix would not be haunted if you
Matt:walked in this house. Maybe Fleur. Maybe. Maybe Fleur. Maybe Fleur.
Nick:Oh, you could've seen Fleur again. Aw. Alas.
Matt:Either a, like, sociopath or the most mentally healthy person that anyone has ever met.
Nick:Yeah. So this caretaker.
Matt:Yeah. Yeah. He's one or the other.
Nick:But he's healed. Okay? He's
Matt:He's either healed or he's never or he's he's immune to damage. Yeah. He's immune to psychic damage.
Nick:Could be. So Tracy's like, okay. So there was only 3 of them in this house. You know, there was the realtor, there was you, and there was asshole Weintraub. And the guy's like, yeah.
Nick:That was it. You know, I left to go turn the juice on, and then I don't know. She left to go talk on her phone or whatever. But, like,
Matt:She says the line, oh, yeah. I was in waiting in the car on my phone
Matt:Which sounds like a very modern line
Matt:That you didn't get much in the nineties.
Nick:Oh, waiting in the car. Well, she had to be in the car to be in her phone because that's where her phone lived. She couldn't take it out.
Matt:Sounds like, oh, yeah. I was just scrolling, Yeah. TikTok on my phone.
Nick:Yeah. Exactly. But they're like, you know, sorry, mister caretaker guy, but you need to go down. We're gonna get your statement at the at the precinct. And he's like, I mean, give me a lie detector if you want.
Nick:I didn't do shit.
Matt:Sure. Whatever. His soul is clean.
Nick:Yeah. He's like, I'm fine. I did I did nothing. So that's great.
Matt:And And Tracy is like, just bring a lawyer with you.
Nick:Yeah. She goes, we'll interview you. Get a lawyer. It's gonna be fine. You know, she knows.
Nick:They know. This guy didn't do anything.
Nick:And he walks off and they're turning to go walk towards the realtor lady and Tracy goes, I'm guessing you're not much of a believer to Nick. Like, I'm guessing the supernatural is just, like, not your thing. And Nick goes, I plead the 5th.
Matt:So in Canada
Nick:Yeah. Yeah.
Matt:I'm guessing it's not called the 5th amendment in Canada.
Nick:Listen. The majority of the Canadian population lives within, like, a certain range of the border. Mhmm. It's like a band of population. And I have to imagine there's some bleed through.
Matt:Oh, yeah. As a as a phrase, as a one liner Yeah. I plead the 5th. Yeah. There's enough, you know, shared cultural context.
Nick:Right. I actually hear I plead the 5th more in these nineties television shows than I hear in real life.
Matt:Well, yeah.
Nick:I'm not certain. The only amendment I ever hear about But is the second amendment.
Matt:And only
Nick:The right to bear arms.
Matt:Half of one of these sentences.
Nick:Just the right to bear arms, which there's way more to it than that. But I love the never mind. I just love the people that walk up in the like, the videos online, people that walk up to people at gun protests, and they're like, okay. Can you cite the entire second amendment? And they're like, yeah.
Nick:The right to bear arms. And they're like, there's way more to it than that.
Matt:It's a paragraph.
Nick:It's a paragraph.
Matt:Not half a sentence. Yeah.
Nick:Oh, so the realtor is upset, obviously, because her client died while she was out on her phone in the car. Not on TikTok, just making phone calls because you could have a cell phone and that was fine, but it had shit reception. Or you could have a car phone and that was like a satellite phone and that had better reception. So a lot of times you had a car phone because you got, you know, it was a better Bigger antenna. Yeah.
Nick:So, the realtor tells them that she heard him fall. She looked over, and she saw a figure. And we get this, like, weird flash thing where it shows, like, the house and it pans up, and there's a figure. And it's like
Matt:It's a figure with a backlight behind it.
Nick:And it's this weird, like, sound. And then she's like, and then I saw it, and there was no figure. And then we get the sound again.
Matt:Honestly, I noticed a few times in this episode, the Foley artist Yeah. The person who adds sound effects that aren't, like, audible on the microphones Yeah. They had a job to do in this episode. So, like, there's when Nick is first walking
Nick:in just the sound of leather on leather?
Matt:Nick is walking into a room, and there's a rocking chair. And he, like, rocks the rocking chair.
Matt:And it has a very, like, distinct You're like, oh. Creaky noise.
Matt:But it's not quite in sync with the rocking of the chair. I was like, oh, okay. So somebody Look. They woke
Nick:him up.
Matt:Okay. We need we need the Foley artist for this episode. But it's it's gonna be Jeremy, not not not, Fred.
Nick:Well, no. No. No. They woke him up, and they were like, okay. We need sounds.
Nick:And he was like, okay. I'll get my high heels on hard floor. And he's like, no. No. Not hard.
Nick:Not high heels on hard floor. We need other sounds. What do you mean other sounds?
Matt:Are there other sounds?
Nick:What other sounds could I possibly? The whoosh? You need the whoosh? Not the whoosh.
Matt:Because I just go in the microphone, and then I slow it down.
Nick:Like the guy who did the worm sound for the new worms in Dune, and he, like, stuck the microphone in his mouth and made a gargling noise.
Matt:Yeah. He stuck it all the way down into his mouth.
Nick:That'd be kind of fun, actually. Yeah. But, anyway, Nick goes up because they tell the realtor they're gonna go to the precinct, and they're like, okay. Well, we're gonna walk around, not they. She needs to go to the precinct.
Nick:Sorry. They tell the realtor that she needs to go to the precinct, and she's like, well, I didn't do anything. And they're like, okay. Well, that, like, remains to be seen. You need to get
Matt:Also bring your lawyer.
Nick:Also bring your lawyer. So go go go. And she leaves. And so Nick is like, well, I'm going up. And Tracy's like, okay.
Nick:Well, I'm gonna walk around down here. Like, let's divide and conquer. Let's check out this house. And Tracy's like, listen, Nick. If I see anything weird, I'll scream.
Nick:And Nick's like, please don't. It it does a thing. Like, I have instincts. They can't be trusted. Please don't screw.
Nick:So he goes up to look at the window. He looks around for a while, and then he, like, breaks the police tape, steps out the window. And I mean, like, what's gonna happen? He can't fall and die. So he's like, it's fine.
Nick:I'll go up here. And he's actually hearing whispers, like, for oh, I missed that part. Sorry. My gosh. He's standing at the bottom of the stairs, and he looks up and we start to hear whispers, which I like this effect in this episode where when they're sensing something supernatural happening, there's, like, a overlapping voices sound.
Nick:And he's, like, caught up in it for a minute, and then Natalie Huang puts her hand on his shoulder. And he's like, what? What?
Matt:Yeah. He Gary's doing a good job of looking distracted.
Nick:Yeah. And Natalie's like, well, in highly technical terms, he fell, he died. Well, it looks pretty cut and dried to me. Railing broke. In highly technical terms, he fell, he died.
Nick:Yes. Thank you. And then she looks over at Nick, and she's like, this place frightens you? Because he looks a little scared. And Nick goes, yeah.
Nick:But let's keep it between us. K. And so he goes upstairs, and then a lady walks over to get Natalie to sign, like, the officers on duty paper. It's like a Rudy duty roster paper thing. And she takes it to sign, and she looks over at the officer's name badge, and it says, Natasha.
Nick:And Natalie's like, woah. That takes me back. My grandmother used to call me Natasha. And the lady's like, I'm sorry. What the fuck?
Nick:And so she looks back over, and the name badge says Kate Nash. That was pretty cool. Yeah. It's a nice subtle uh-oh. Shit's gone awry.
Nick:Instead of having, like, later when we have actual chairs floating around and blinking lights and whatever.
Matt:They they ease us into it.
Nick:We do. We do. We it's like steeping tea. It would takes a while to get to full ghost mode. But Tracy's looking around.
Nick:She walks past this doorway, and when she walks past it, there's a little girl in a snowsuit standing
Matt:in the doorway. Doesn't notice.
Nick:Tracy Tracy doesn't notice because god bless Tracy, but observation observation is it maybe her strong suit.
Wife:Like Nick?
Nick:Like Nick. I mean, they're a real partnership. You know what I'm saying? Skanky covered a lot of gaps. I feel like Nick and Tracy are just sort of simpatico.
Nick:Like, they're just kind of the same. And then Nick is upstairs, and the electricity fizzles out, like, the electricity fizzles out. And we hear this, like, moan scream, which now this one does not sound like it was added. This sounds like they had somebody off screen go, woah. And Nick is like, oh, woah.
Nick:What could that be? And this is when he goes out on the ledge, and he looks down, and he sees a white figure among the cars. And I've always thought this one was really funny because she's supposed to be looking ethereal and out of place because she's lit, and she's got a cloak kinda like in last act when the lady had the cloak because it
Matt:And she looks really glowy. Yeah.
Nick:But she's also just leaning on a car staring at the flashing light.
Matt:She looks like when she leans over, it's this really awkward looking position.
Nick:Yeah. But she's staring at the flashing light in the front window of the car. And then she turns and looks up, and it's a young woman, a young blonde woman. And so we know immediately he has hit that.
Matt:Or he tried to.
Nick:Or he tried to anyway. And this is actually I think her name is Carrie Machette Machette. She plays in cube 2 hypercube with him.
Matt:Okay. She and she's been in a ton of stuff.
Nick:Yeah. She plays in code 8, which is a newer movie, and I think they're actually making a sequel to it. Code 8 something, the continuation part 2, the search for more money. And then, she was in, like, a bunch of television shows where she was in, like, 75 plus episodes. She's gone on to have a very good, like, TV career.
Nick:Mhmm. So you probably recognize her, but this is one of the first things she's in. So we all come back down. We convene on the car. And Tracy looks over at the car, and in the car seat is the little girl ghost, like, in her her car seat.
Nick:In her in her booster seat in the front. It's this little girl ghost. And she sticks her head in, and she's like, oh my god, Nick. Did you see that? And Nick's like, see what?
Nick:Are you are you okay? And Tracy's like, honestly, I'm not sure. It doesn't help that Tracy is very open to supernatural things and that Nick actually is a supernatural thing. And we spend a lot of time investigating the ghosts in this episode, and I love every time Reese calls them out, like, you are not investigating the murder. This is not about a fucking ghost.
Nick:Ghost did not murder this man. Stop looking into the ghost. And they're like, but the ghosts, though, cap. Like, look at the ghosts.
Matt:The captain. The ghosts.
Nick:These must be the most infuriating 2 people in his entire life, Because every once in a while, I mean, they solve every case. They solve every case. How they get there is highly suspect every single time. It must be like, so Nick has tenure. He can't do anything with her.
Nick:Tracy, him. And Tracy can't like, what can he do with Tracy? She's the commissioner's daughter. So these are 2 people he can't get rid of. And
Matt:Right. And then anytime he even mentions it to someone Yeah. Like in HR, HR is like, well, okay. Let's let's take a look at their their record. Yeah.
Matt:Wait. This this is your best performing
Nick:team. They close every case, and he's like, have you looked at the cases? Look at what they do. And what he needs what he needs is a string of failures so he can bring that up and be like, hey, we really need to get this Nick guy off the force and maybe put Tracy on a desk. And it never happens.
Matt:But when it goes into when when it gets to the point where they need to justify, like, a complaint Yeah. It's always just I don't know. It bothers me when when we're going through the process of them solving the case. Yeah. I just feel like things are kinda hand wavy, and it always works out.
Matt:But But only because the backpack reveals themselves. Argue with the results. It's just the technique.
Nick:They literally just blunder.
Matt:They're doing it wrong.
Nick:They literally bundle around in the dark until they hit the bad task.
Matt:Failed successfully.
Nick:Failed successfully every fucking time. Like, in the feet look at the last episode. They investigated nothing. They talked to no one. They brought in no one else who was in the study.
Nick:They didn't talk to any of her colleagues. They did nothing. And both of them kept leaving to go, quote, talk to a sick friend or sit with a sick friend. So they were alternatingly not even being there to solve this case. And literally, the only way it got solved is Nick got yelled at that he needed to go talk to the like, he needed to go talk to Calvin.
Nick:So he goes to talk to Calvin, and Calvin's like, yeah. I did it. And that's how it gets solved. So anyway, they actually go do some investigation, I guess. They go talk to the property owner.
Nick:They're like, I don't know. I'll go talk to the property owner. They go talk to the property owner and this is the weirdest scene cause he's like, oh, yes. It's extremely haunted. Sharell can attest to that.
Nick:Can't you sweetheart? This little like blonde lady who's serving everybody tea or coffee or whatever. And he goes, she's had encounters there in the dead of night.
Wife:Of course, it's haunted. Ch'rell can attest. Can't you, we? She's had encounters there in the dead of night.
Nick:Oh, episode title. But I don't think she even gets a line. She's just like, nod, nod. Yes. And then he says later, he's talking about, oh, I have an alibi.
Nick:I was exercising. Sharelle was helping with me with that. Weren't you sweetheart? Look, it's just the weirdest, like, lecherous old man and his hot secretary.
Nick:Yeah. Which is probably good because it makes us immediately dismiss this character. You're like, oh, okay. Yeah. His hot secretary.
Nick:Okay. Whatever.
Matt:Right. Right. It's just a part of this guy's character introduction.
Nick:And Ogden is surprisingly open minded. He's like, ghosts are just people without bodies, detective. There's still people. They just don't have bodies. And he says, Kessel House, which is the haunted house, is a reverse medium in which the dead come to the living for closure.
Nick:And they're like, okay. So Gepfer Gepfer. That's his first name. Gepfer Weintrough. Did you know
Matt:he did this character?
Nick:Did you know him? And Ogden's like, I mean, I didn't know him except that he was an asshole, and I didn't kill him because I was exercising. Wink wink. Right, Shirelle? She's my personal trainer.
Matt:Don't you know?
Nick:Don't you know? And he says, one of the things I'm looking forward to when I become a ghost is losing all of the extra, like the Yeah.
Matt:Like, bulky package
Nick:or anything. The bulky packaging is what he says. And Nick is like, okay. But he does say that he had Gafford sign a waiver before he inspected the property. He's like, I told him it was hella haunted, and he said he was gonna be fine, and I made him sign a waiver.
Nick:So whatever. And Tracy says, did Gafford believe it was haunted? These are not important questions to the murder. Like, whether or not the house was haunted has absolutely fucked all we do.
Matt:Nick and Tracy's process works, so they've never had to correct it.
Nick:It's literally instead of being like, did you did what did he interact with anybody else in your group? Did he interact with Shirelle? Was there anyone that you saw who was upset with him? Did you notice any strange behavior? Like, did he look like he was being like, none of that.
Nick:They're just like, do you think he thought it was haunted? And Ogden goes, well, I know he didn't yesterday.
Matt:I haven't talked to him since.
Nick:I haven't talked to him since. And And then we go to Natalie in the morgue, and she's recording her notes. And this older lady appears behind her. She's in the, freezer room, which we don't see very often anymore, but she's in this freezer room. And this old lady appears behind her,
Rachel:and she's like, oh, in that pie shop, this is
Nick:an awful place. I didn't know Natalie was Russian.
Matt:Is she ethnically Russian?
Grandma:Why don't you come to see me, Natasha?
Nick:Natalie's like, grandma? And then she said something about she says something in Russian, something like
Grandma:Natasha, why you don't come see me in hospital? Why you don't come see?
Nick:I don't even remember now because you made a crack. You were like, hang on. When did Natalie become Russian? It just blew it all out of my head. Anyway so, yeah, apparently, Natalie, whose name is Natalie, is also Natasha, the granddaughter of her Russian babushka.
Nick:Isn't that what her mother is?
Matt:In the credits, she's nana cash.
Nick:Oh, okay. Nana Tash?
Matt:I'm guessing that was that was her nana.
Nick:Okay. But she's not okay. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Matt was like, wait.
Nick:She's Russian? I was like, yeah. Lambert is a well known Russian surname, obviously. Yeah. So that's Natalie's first encounter.
Nick:Well, I guess it's kind of her second encounter because her grandmother also fucked with that name tag, but this is, like, her first, oh, shit. I got followed home by this supernatural entity. And we come back, and we're in this interrogate like, in the interrogation room is somebody that they're talking to. I forget. Maybe the realtor.
Nick:And Reese is talking to Natalie, not Nick and Tracy in the little room right outside the interrogation room, the weird cinder block room that they always have intense conversations in. And and Reese is like, okay. We know this was foul play. He went over the force. He went over the railing with enough force to push the railing down.
Nick:That tells me he was pushed. And Tracy goes, don't know how we missed that one, but she's, like, looking at Nick like wink wink. Like, what what do you mean, Tracy? Are you mocking Reese? Are you mocking yourself?
Nick:Who are we mocking in this moment? Because she literally goes, don't know how we missed that one. What? And then Reese is like, we aren't focusing here, people. I mean, what else is new?
Nick:I feel like they're on an improvement plan because he's following them. He's following them this entire episode because last episode, he was leaving them to their own devices and look what happened. They solved the case, but, like, by accident.
Matt:Right. This seems like the the head canon of Nick and Tracy are are on a performance improvement plan. Yeah. The only justification for, like, a correction to the way they do things from, like, a management perspective is it's just PR issues. Like, guys, we're police officers.
Matt:You're detectives. We need to be perceived as more professional Yeah. Than you are.
Nick:Well, the problem is that they solve the case, but it always takes 1 to 2 additional murders before they figure it out. So instead of catching the guy right away and stopping all the additional murders, we have to keep waiting until the evidence mounts up so spectacularly that they trip over it and land on the villain.
Matt:But then it's always a slam dunk conviction.
Nick:Yeah. Well, I mean
Matt:And a larger sentence.
Nick:If you wait long enough, they're gonna mess up. Sure. So Reese is like, okay. The agent said she left to go use her car phone. And Tracy goes, well, that's easy enough to verify.
Nick:And Reese goes, well, did you? And looks over at Tracy. Tracy goes, no. And then he looks at Nick, and Nick's like, you can verify that?
Matt:You what? You can just ask the spirits in in the boxes?
Nick:I still don't know.
Matt:And you trust them?
Nick:I still don't know how electricity works. You want me to do that?
Matt:Like like, when the electricity flickers earlier
Matt:It doesn't bother Nick because he's lived the 94 95% of his life with no electricity.
Nick:That was fine. So Reese is like, well, surprise motherfuckers. I tried to verify it, and the cell phone company said that it wasn't used all night. So there goes her alibi. What are we gonna do about it?
Nick:And Tracy and Nick are like, crickets. Talk Talk to her. Yes. Forget to talk. And Rhys goes, the caretaker said he left Gafford with the lady realtor, and the lady realtor said she left Gafford alone.
Nick:And that's 2 prime suspects, so please, for the love of fucking god, go get me something. You only have to talk to 2 people. 2 people. And they're like, okay. We got this.
Nick:And Natalie comes in. Natalie comes in.
Matt:Yeah. I I have I have the the questionnaire, like, script
Matt:With multiple choice answers.
Matt:Just please follow the police procedure.
Nick:Did you murder the victim? Yes or no? Check yes or no.
Matt:You can hand this to the person. They can fill it out themselves. You don't even need to read it.
Nick:I made it for you.
Matt:Just read the answers after that. If yes, please explain in 2 to 3 sentences.
Nick:Yes. Please explain. But Natalie comes in and she's like, she starts to talk, and Reese goes, don't tell me it's accidental. And Natalie's like, well, I mean, yeah. He fell he fell out of the window.
Nick:It's kinda accidental. And Reese is like, no. Fucking no. Which, actually, Reese doesn't get to decide that. Natalie gets to decide that.
Nick:The police actually don't have shouldn't have any jurisdiction over what the crime is ruled as.
Nick:She could put indetermined. Like, I can't decide if it's accidental or if it's clearly, like, homicide. I can put
Matt:I I don't know. Impaled.
Nick:I mean, she can put that's manner of death. But cause of death, is it or, like, no. Cause of death would be impaled. Manner would be, like, homicide or, you know
Matt:Or accident.
Nick:Accidental or undetermined. Yeah. Yeah. Or natural, whatever. So there it's like the, did he get killed?
Nick:Can I confirm he got killed deliberately? Like, if he got shot, that's clearly he didn't fall on the bullets, except for the lady that did no. I'm just kidding. So Reese is like, okay. Well, you guys need to know something about me.
Nick:Not only am I unable to use the water cooler.
Matt:Vendetta. Can't leave.
Nick:But I also am confused about why people kill people. Those 2 things.
Matt:I cannot relate to it. It's inconceivable to me.
Nick:The third thing is I don't like it when people get away with murder on my watch. So we're gonna look at this again and we're gonna pretend it's a homicide and that we're gonna investigate it like homicide cops.
Matt:Treat this like a hypothetical situation. This was a homicide.
Matt:Now approach the crime with that from that perspective
Matt:And explain to me how it's a homicide.
Nick:Yeah. Find me something. He's like, these people are gonna get away because I have nothing. I need you to act like cops and find some evidence. And they're like, fine.
Nick:He goes, you know what? Sleep on it. Like, go home. Try tomorrow.
Matt:And they can't even do that.
Nick:Can't even go go home.
Matt:They can't trucking. No. Because nobody sleeps.
Matt:On account of the ghost.
Nick:On account of the ghost. Yeah. Well, Nick actually goes back to the house. He doesn't go home. He goes back to the house, and he sees the blonde lady again.
Nick:And he's like, Alyssa? My wife? And she's like, you said we'd be together forever. And she goes, listen, just say you remember me. Like, do you remember me?
Nick:We were together for, like, 2 weeks. Do you remember me? And he's really looking at her like blonde.
Matt:Like 750 years ago.
Nick:Cape? Okay. Well, there's been a couple of blondes. I don't know. This one, like, I think I think I it started with an a and a, ah, Alyssa.
Nick:Yes. My wife. Yeah. No. I remember you.
Nick:So he goes into a flashback.
Matt:He's like, ah, yes. The big booty shorts.
Nick:This this flashback is so much. 1st, there's columns, and there's, like, ivy rapture on the columns, and there's guests, which I guess they're all her family. I don't know. There's wedding guests. And for some reason, they're they're is there a cross?
Nick:I didn't even look. I don't think they're really in a church. That's a
Matt:good point.
Nick:But there's an officiant, so they're clearly getting actually married. So he's, like, getting married to this woman. And she has on this really pretty kind of sparkly white dress, and then she has this cape, this fur lined cape on, and then he has on some straight Shakespeare neck rough, doublet, puffy pants, tights, shoes, the works. It I lose it every time. I know this is supposed to be really dramatic, and this is supposed to be like, oh, no.
Nick:He's getting married to this woman because he really loves her, and he's about to accidentally kill her. But also, puffy pants. Also puffy pants. And, of course, LaCroix is there. And LaCroix holds up this flower and smells this flower.
Nick:And it's not a tiny white rose, like, from om like, from be my Valentine. But headcanon for me is he's remembering Fleur in this moment, and he picks up a little white rose to smell it. Like, ah, I could have had this. I could have had love too, and Nick fucked it up.
Matt:So the I was looking up clothing
Nick:Oh, okay.
Matt:History stuff. Uh-huh. The the neck ruffle
Matt:Is just called a ruff.
Matt:But it wasn't like a a fashion item until the 1600.
Nick:Okay. So he's 400? He's tried to turn people before
Matt:this. Right. So I'm thinking this would have happened in, like, the 1300 Yeah. Maybe 1400 if we're really stretching out his, like, vampire adolescent period.
Nick:Well, he has a similar roughen in the episode where when he's getting a divorce from Jennette. Remember the medieval episode where he's, like, been together 80 years? And he's got the rough on.
Matt:Right. But they could have been that could have been, like, a formal marriage
Nick:Well, it's no. I think from much later. I'm just wondering about the overlap if we're using the because the rough wasn't popular for very long. I mean, it was popular for a while, but it wasn't popular for, like it's not like a tie or like a neckerchief where a neckerchief could be anywhere in a certain period.
Matt:Okay. The according to Wikipedia, let's see, 15 sixties, people wore
Nick:it. Yeah. Shakespeare has one on. So that that tracks.
Matt:So so it would have been after the mid 1500?
Nick:Yeah. It's just interesting. It's interesting. I don't know why they chose this time period. I don't know why they chose this outfit.
Nick:I don't really I mean, it's a gift. It's a gift, and I'm just thankful for the gift we were given.
Matt:Alright, Nick. Alright, Gar. This is gonna be a flashback to your first love. And you need to we're gonna have a flashback where, like, you see the scene where Nick and this woman get married. Yeah.
Matt:So you're having, like, a formal marriage. She's a mortal woman. She doesn't know you're a vampire, whatever, blah blah blah. So we need we need fancy clothes, And Gary's like, I have just the thing.
Nick:Did he show up in that outfit?
Matt:I have something in my closet that would be perfect. I was just in a play where they made me this really nice outfit. Yeah. And I love the the They're
Nick:so roomy.
Matt:Breathe. That's how he shows up in this.
Nick:And they're like
Matt:They're like, the costume designer's like, that's that's not
Nick:That's fine.
Matt:The right time period. But it is extremely well made. So go with it. You know, actually excited. I don't have to make an outfit.
Nick:There you can find a timeline of all of his flashbacks online where somebody went and figured out dates. Mhmm. And and, surprisingly, there are there's no contradictions. Like, there's no 2 he's not into place that was. And I feel like somebody somewhere had a spreadsheet the whole time, and they were like, no.
Nick:No. Wait, guys. We gotta move this a little bit because he's actually in Russia at this time or he's over here. And for as
Matt:inconsistent It was Nigel.
Nick:Irreverent as they were for consistency, the fact that the flashbacks actually don't
Matt:contradict each other.
Nick:Each other is a fucking miracle. And you know what? Sometimes you just have to say thank you and not look that gift horse in the mouth, and we're gonna do that with these puffy pants and this ruff and all of that. And back to my statement about Lacroix is, we are as consistent as we are, we actually forgot that Lacroix is sworn to vendetta. Like, he's sworn to kill every woman that Nick ever loves.
Nick:But that's okay because I
Matt:Well, was this before or after Floor?
Nick:Well, no. His his when his human family is still alive, that would be Oh, yeah.
Matt:Yeah. I guess this would have to be
Nick:That'd be the 1200.
Matt:This could technically be before. But Did he invent the rough? Did.
Nick:Is he a fashion icon? Did he get his head stuck in it and he couldn't get it out? He was like, well, here we are. I'm just gonna wear this to my wedding. I don't know.
Nick:We're we're not I don't wanna I don't wanna dwell anymore on this. The it's just we forgot about the whole Laplace being sworn to kill everyone he loved thing, Kind of, maybe. I don't know. Maybe he figured Nick was gonna do it, or he would just wait Although we don't contradict that.
Matt:No. We just at towards the end, we get LaCroix like tsk, tsk, tsk. Yeah. You should have been more careful. And I could totally see
Nick:smells of death.
Matt:Lacroix sneaking in and, like, finishing her off just to teach Nick a lesson.
Nick:Yeah. I mean, he could've I don't know. He's sniffing this little rose to me that he's remembering floor. This is this is canon, and I'm leaving it here. So then Alyssa disappears into the darkness in the present, and Nick comes out and he's like, oh, wow.
Nick:I knew I knew vampires are real, but ghosts being real, that's pretty fucking sweet. And so luckily, he's stem he's, like, staggers. God, I couldn't think of the word staggers. I was like, stutters. No.
Nick:Stutters. No. He staggers a little bit, and he grabs the, like, post at the end of the walkway. And when he looks down in the rocks, there's a metal, like a star metal.
Matt:I looked up the flashback timeline. Okay. And this says, dead of night, Nick marries Alyssa von Linz.
Matt:Date, 15/28. Okay. See? We're right. So it fits.
Matt:Yep. And then 3 years later is, young oh, Javier's foot fixed.
Nick:Okay. This is important news, and it can't wait till the end. Ben Bass is now a licensed psychotherapist.
Matt:He retired from acting.
Nick:No. He's still doing some acting.
Matt:Oh, he still does acting.
Nick:Yeah. But he's also a licensed psychotherapist. But, like, the the woo woo kinda like.
Matt:Oh, he really is?
Nick:Yes. Woo woo is not a great word, but it feels like the appropriate word. Like, if you look it up and then you look at his, you look at his credentials, his credentials are like I understand those words separately, but when you put them together in that string of of words that I don't know what you're trying to say to me, it's like he's, like, certified in brain spotting and, like, somatic holistic
Matt:best counseling dot com. Yes. Yes. Integrated counseling and somatic therapy.
Nick:Yes. So if you find yourself, in need of some brain spotting, Javier's got you. Okay? Ben Bass can go ahead and help you.
Matt:Diploma in transpersonal psychotherapeutic counseling. See.
Nick:It's not that's not I mean, I don't know. If that's not woo woo, I don't know. Maybe I just don't I I don't I I am an advocate for therapy, but, like, the type of therapist that has gone to college for therapy, like, has a 4 to an additional year degree. Anyway, the episode, Matthew, the episode. He finds this star, and he learned nothing from the last episode because he just picks this evidence up barehanded.
Nick:And he, like, looks at it with his fingers. He rubs his fingers on it a little bit, then he, like, flips it into his palm and then sticks it in his pocket. So, I mean, clearly, he's he's respecting this evidence.
Matt:Yeah. He's definitely not contaminating
Nick:Yeah. No. He's fine. He doesn't have fingerprints. It's fine.
Nick:So then And
Matt:there's no blood in his body. That's No human blood anyway.
Nick:Yeah. They're gonna be like, why is there cow blood on this? I don't know. So Tracy Tracy's trying to sleep. But in fact, she's having a dream about walking along the railroad tracks with her friend, with her with sled, but, like, there's no snow.
Nick:What were they doing with this sled? I don't know. And her friend's sled gets stuck in the railroad tracks.
Matt:She She tries to unsticker the sled.
Nick:Runs stickers.
Matt:And her sweater gets stuck.
Nick:Sweater gets stuck. And Tracy's like, come on, Susan. And Susan's like, help me. I'm stuck. And then she turns and, like, there's a train coming, but it's coming, like, immediately.
Nick:Like, they didn't hear it coming. And she just turns and she's like, oh my god. It's already here. And it, like, hits her. And Tracy's like, this was all my fault.
Nick:And like, kind of, because your friend was stuck and you were just standing there like,
Matt:I have walked along railroad tracks. Yeah. And you can hear you can feel it Yeah. Far away.
Nick:Well, we went to school or we went to college, there was a railroad track that went directly through the middle of school of college. And one time
Matt:right on the edge of the campus. Yeah.
Nick:One time we were standing there. I think we may have put a penny on the tracks or something. So we were waiting to pick up our penny, and, a train went by and we didn't notice. I was just like, why was I just shouting? Oh, because the train went by.
Nick:Like, you get used to the sound. But also, you're running you're walking on the tracks. You're alert for trains.
Nick:I don't know. Whatever. It's kind of like Tracy's magically disappearing uncle and the fact that her dad only interferes when we need to advance the plot. And I think in a couple of episodes, her parents are getting a divorce for 1 single episode, and then they're not getting a divorce anymore. So, like, it's fine.
Nick:It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. The the rules are made up and the plot doesn't matter. So they go to see the partner because Reese yelled at them. Like, he made them feel bad.
Nick:So they're they're going to actually talk to people. So they go see, Gafford Weintraub's partner, Skalley. And they're like, don't you care that your partner died? And he's like, yeah. Sure.
Nick:I care. Now I have twice the work. And they're like, wow. You don't feel you don't seem very sympathetic. And he's like, he didn't have any friends.
Nick:Weintraub was an asshole. You didn't meet him because he was all dead already by the time you got to him, but trust me, nobody misses him. He had mostly enemies. And they're like, okay. Well, why was he planning to buy this?
Nick:Did you know what his plans were? And he's like, actually, we didn't have any much overlap by the time he died because we weren't really getting along. The last few months. Yeah. And they're like, okay.
Nick:Well, we're gonna have to ask you to stick around in case we have more questions for you. And he's like, sorry. I'm going to Calgary tomorrow. And they're like, yeah. Sounds like you're gonna have to change your plans.
Nick:And Tracy gets this little smirk like, sticking it to the rich person.
Matt:So the least realistic part about this to me
Matt:Is he implies that they each do half of the work, But anyone who's worked together with someone else knows that one person does most of the work. Yeah. May maybe they split They could've split the count. On maybe they they split on, like, types of tasks Yeah. So that, like, he does most of the, like, closing work, whereas Gifford, Weintraub does more of the, like, speculation, like, going out and investigating properties and, like, do the talking to people part Yeah.
Matt:The going out into the world and talking to people.
Nick:And I'm a people person.
Matt:Does the the paperwork side.
Nick:I feel like maybe that was a mistake because Weintraub didn't seem very, people y.
Matt:No. No. No. But they don't look super successful either.
Nick:Yeah. Well, they leave and
Matt:But I oh, I guess it is the middle of the night.
Matt:So we don't really know what the workplace is doing.
Nick:Working in the middle of the night, so he must be busy.
Matt:Which means he's bad at his job if he has to work 16 hour days.
Nick:Well, maybe he works from, like
Matt:He's bad at time.
Nick:2 o'clock in the afternoon to 2 AM, and then he goes to bed and he gets back out of my doesn't matter. So we go back to the precinct. The plot's made up and the rules don't matter. So we go back to the precinct and, Reese is like, oh, the pin was military, and it's covered in Weintraub's blood. And Nick is like, yay.
Nick:I did a thing. And I have to imagine I
Matt:did police work.
Nick:Yeah. I was useful. And I have to feel like he came back and he pulled it out of his pocket and he was like, and showed it to Reese. And Reese was like
Matt:Reese, look. I did the police work.
Nick:Is that evidence?
Matt:Oh. I have evidence. Woah. And it actually had his blood on it. I'm so proud.
Matt:And I talked to the ghost too.
Nick:Reese, slap. No. Bad. I'm sorry.
Matt:Bad boy. Now go to your desk.
Nick:Think about what you said. So Tracy confides that she saw a ghost at Castle House, confides it to Nick. She's like, Nick, I have to tell you something. I saw a ghost at Castle House. And Nick is like, okay.
Nick:Like, he doesn't laugh like she was expecting him to. Nick, what if I told you I saw a ghost at Castle House?
Wife:The little girl in the car.
Nick:I thought you'd laugh. And she tells him, like, I saw a friend get killed by a train when I was little, and I blamed myself. And her name was Susan Feldman. And Nick is like, okay. I mean, that's horrific.
Nick:Tracy just said she watched her friend get run over by a train.
Matt:Which is gruesome.
Nick:Oh, well, okay. Sure. That's
Matt:crazy. Did you go to therapy
Nick:about that? Like, oh, I know a therapist.
Matt:You know a therapist. Tracy knows a therapist. So this whole episode, I was waiting for Tracy to go see Vashon Oh. To have a candid supernatural discussion. And I really wanted Vashon's take on ghosts, but I didn't get it.
Matt:No. No. I bet Ben Bass believes in ghosts.
Nick:We can't make those kinds of assumptions about people, but given his credentials on his website
Matt:Given his credentials.
Nick:Feel like that's probably a good guess. Yeah. So we go back to Natalie, and Natalie drops a tray and we, like, pan up because her grandma is back, and she's like, not that I shall lie. And Natalie says, I know you're just a figment of my imagination, but don't sneak up on me like that. And her grandma's like, sorry.
Nick:And Natalie goes, you're dead. Why are you here? And her grandma's like, I don't know. I saw you.
Matt:I saw you. I just followed you. Say hello.
Nick:I just followed you home. Natasha. And then Nick and Tracy walk in, and they're like, Natalie, who are you talking to? And she's like, oh my god. She, like, falls over on the table, and they're, like, giving her a glass of water.
Nick:And they've turned the lights on because apparently, she only works in the dark. Maybe there's, like, a budgeting shortage. She has to turn the lights off more often. But Natalie, Natalie's like, I don't know. Is it hallucination?
Nick:Is it hallucinogenics? Am I losing my mind? And Tracy's like, actually, it's happening to me too. And they both look over at Nick, and Nick's like, okay. I mean, I saw something.
Nick:Sure. And
Matt:I'm not going to explain anything, though. He's like, yeah. I saw someone. A woman.
Nick:Yeah. There you go. He doesn't say he just goes, I saw somebody. He might say a woman.
Matt:I think he says a woman.
Nick:Yeah. Everybody else is like, I saw my grandma. She said this. And Tracy's like, I saw my friend who got run over by a train 5 feet in front of me when I was a child. They all look at Tracy, like, what the fuck?
Matt:Sorry. And Nick's like, I saw a lady.
Nick:Yeah. Yeah. And Natalie's like, well, I'm done with this conversation. And Nick's like, well, good. Because we actually do need to focus on people because ghosts didn't kill these guys.
Nick:Ghosts didn't kill Weintraub. And, like, fair call, Nick. Thank you for actually redirecting everybody to, like, yeah. Shit's weird, and it's really interesting. And, like, I'm having fun chasing this rabbit hole with everybody else, but also we kind of have a job and Reese is noticing that we don't do it.
Nick:So we need to, like, get on this. So Tracy is, like, yeah. I hear you. But Natalie, did you talk to your grandma? Were you honest with her?
Nick:And Natalie's like, well, no. Not really. I mean, she's a figment of my imagination. It didn't really occur to me, to be honest with her. And Tracy's like, that means she's going to be back.
Nick:Okay. And then we got to LaCroix podcasting. He's like,
Matt:go outside of us. So right before this scene came on
Matt:I told Rachel that my head canon up to this point is that all of the hallucinations that everyone is having or I guess not hallucinations. Everybody believes they're sand
Nick:ghosts. Supernatural experiences.
Matt:These supernatural experiences that everyone is happening is really just Lacroix sneaking around, hypnotizing everybody, convincing them that they had an experience with a ghost. Yeah. And then removing the memory of him being there telling them that. And all of this is just to fuck with Nick.
Nick:Yeah. Oh, no. This is one giant troll.
Matt:I can see that. Which would totally work. Yep. And part of my reasoning for that is after we explain if the house is a reverse medium and the ghosts find you, I would have expected Nick to walk into that house and, like, not have any room to walk around
Matt:Because the house was so crowded. But we didn't get any of that.
Nick:Not till later.
Matt:Not to not till later.
Nick:Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's a better episode it's Luvak, but if at the end, he's like, psych y'all.
Matt:Got you. Got you. I even hired a whole bunch of extras with spotlights. He put together a team.
Nick:He put together a team. He installed smoke machines. What else is he doing? The raven practically runs itself. He's got so much time.
Nick:He set up a recording booth in the back.
Matt:And this could be a just playing the long game or just a Hail Mary of he needs to so accusing Nick or trying to frame Nick for murder Yeah. To get Nick to leave his human life and return to Lacroix
Matt:That didn't work. Right. It it was a little too heavy handed, and, and Nick could see the manipulation, very straightforwardly.
Nick:Right. It was easily solved. You just find the actual murderer.
Matt:Yeah. Yeah. So Maeve then Lacroix is like, okay. I need a little more subtle gambit to bring my Nicholas back to me. Okay?
Matt:What if I get, like, him and his partner and, like, his closest human connections to all think he's crazy, get him fired from his job for believing in ghosts without, like, hypnotizing anybody and telling them directly to distance themselves from Nick or fire him or whatever.
Matt:It's all just at the edges introducing friction into Nick's life. And maybe in a year or so, Nick's human life will fall apart. Yeah. And Nick will return to Lacroix. That's uncharacteristically subtle.
Matt:But yeah. Right. But all of his all of his
Nick:Lacroix likes to believe he's a scalpel, but he's a hammer.
Matt:Right. Yeah. All of his attempts up to this point have failed. Right. So maybe, LaClue's back to the drawing board.
Matt:Let's try something new.
Nick:Ghosts. And
Nick:Fake ghosts. That's it. That's where we're gonna go in.
Matt:I'm just gonna fuck with people in a completely different way
Nick:That's fair.
Matt:And make them think they're all crazy or having legit supernatural experiences. So okay. So Yeah. I I still have a little bit of head canon for this whole thing is just Lacroix messing with Nick.
Nick:I mean, sure. And to underscore that, he makes a podcast about
Matt:it. Yeah.
Nick:And he's like, ghosts are from inside of us. Each ill considered thing we've done is a ghost that haunts us if we let it.
Wife:A ghost is an hallucination of some famous regret. No more. Ghosts are mistakes that we have made. They come not from beyond the pale, but rise up from our gravest doubts about ourselves. Each ill considered thing that it's on point.
Wife:How does Laquan know
Nick:so much? Finis is on point. So inspiring.
Matt:How does Laquan know so much about how Nick and his friends, Nick and friends, are interacting with company. These ghosts
Nick:If he's not actually doing it?
Matt:If he's not behind it. Yeah. It's too succinct a summary of the whole reverse medium thing.
Nick:Right. I know. You got a point. You're wrong, and we don't ever come back to it, but you got a point. So there's and then we go into a flashback Go into a flashback, and it's Nick with his new wife.
Nick:She's like, are you happy, my lord Nicholas? And he's like, yeah. Because we're gonna be together forever. Right? And she's like, yeah.
Nick:We're gonna be together forever. We're gonna be together forever. Right? And he's like, yep. Eternity.
Nick:Whatever you say, baby, because they're making out. So whatever. We're into this. And he's like, okay. So when you say forever, you, like, mean forever.
Nick:Right? Because, like, that's actually a thing. Like, I could make you immortal. And she's like, what?
Matt:She goes along with this
Nick:I mean, she's been making out for 6 hours. She doesn't have a thought left in her brain. The proximity was bad enough, but then he's literally been, like, depriving her of moisture for the last 45 minutes. She's dehydrated. She can't think straight.
Nick:And he's like, okay. So I'm immortal, and I can make you immortal, and it's gonna be my gift to you. Okay? And so he, like, rolls over, and he has the eyes and the fangs. Yeah.
Nick:Katharine Disher said she used to feel left out when they'd all start filming the flashbacks. She's not she's only in stranger than fiction. She's not in any of the flashbacks. And she said until they had to stop to put in the teeth and the eyes, and then she was like, nah. Never mind.
Nick:I don't feel left out. Because it's not actually, like, 2 clip on fangs. It's like a whole flipper thing. It's like a, this whole the teeth are actually on this, like, root. They're connected.
Nick:And they're, like, pushed up against the roof of their mouths. Mhmm. Some you know, like, modern fangs, if I were to buy a pair of fangs, you know, they just fit over the tooth. That's not what they do here. They're like a whole mouthpiece.
Nick:That he puts in. Plus the contacts were painful because Yeah. They're they're gas permeable. They're not plastic. And so he rolls over and he's like, do you trust me?
Nick:And she looks at him and she's like, okay. Alright. I am married. It is 15:30. I've got about 10 years left anyway, and I can't get divorced because divorce isn't a thing.
Nick:And, I mean, I'm in it. So sure. Yeah, baby. Whatever you say. And he's she says, of course, my lord, with all my heart.
Nick:And then he's like, then close your eyes and give yourself to me. And he, like, bites her. Then we come back to the present, and the claw is like, regret is for the weak. Kill it before it bleeds you dry. And then Tracy goes click and turns out the radio.
Nick:She goes, sorry. That guy gets under my skin. And then Tracy's like, so, Nick, what do you think Susan wants? Like, what does Susan want from me? And Nick goes, why not ask?
Nick:She never does ask. We never find out what Susan wants, but,
Matt:you know, she could have asked. We never get Tracy's closure.
Matt:Well, no. Susan wanted
Nick:Tracy to also die. I think that's
Matt:why. That's implied. Yeah. But only because
Nick:No. We don't get closure.
Matt:Tracy has does Tracy continue to be haunted by Susan for the rest of her life?
Nick:Maybe. Maybe. We'll find out.
Matt:So See if I can find a situation in the upcoming episodes where we can throw in, oh, maybe that's
Nick:Susan distracting her. Yeah. Well, they're gonna tear down the building. And she's
Matt:learned to just ignore Susan.
Nick:She's like, don't why is that chair floating? What's that rotten egg smell? Nothing. Don't ask. So Weintraub's partner calls them on their car phone and says someone is tailing him just like they tailed my partner.
Nick:And Nick is like, okay. Who is it? And he goes, it's someone dead. And then they ask no clarifying questions. They're like, cool.
Nick:We're on the way. Not, okay. What's her name?
Matt:Well, because he grabs his gun and runs.
Nick:Oh, yeah. He hangs up.
Matt:The phone.
Nick:Yeah. He doesn't it's the yield. I'll tell you when you get here. And then, of course, by the time they get there, he's already turned
Matt:It's too late.
Nick:And Nick says, when they get there, he's like, oh, something's not right. I'll go around.
Matt:They've matured to the point in their relationship, their partnership.
Nick:I think this is the second time we've used it.
Matt:He almost used the phrase, I'll go around back. I think he he said something where he used the word around in it. Yeah. But he didn't say it like, I'll go around. This time, he says, I'll go around back.
Nick:Yeah. You go in the front. So he goes around, and Tracy turns around because she hears something. Well, she hears something behind her. And then we actually see a shadow go up the side of the building, and we hear whoosh because he runs, like, 5 feet off to the left.
Nick:Wides up. And then we see glass breaking, which, oh my god, this is how he gets into buildings. We never cover that. There's just broken windows all over Toronto. And everyone just blames the Toronto Mothman.
Nick:They're like, goddamn it. Mothman strikes me.
Matt:Even tries to open the well, occasionally, he must try to open the window. Yeah. Maybe maybe it's when he lands on a balcony, and there's, like, a window. Yeah. Maybe maybe it's when he lands on a balcony and there's, like, a balcony door.
Nick:He can give it a jingle.
Matt:Or there's a window that's already open
Matt:He doesn't break in.
Nick:Right. Well You know what? In Toronto, everybody leaves one window unlocked at all times because that way, the Toronto Mothman doesn't break your windows. If you lock them all, he's gonna break 1.
Matt:Coming up with a whole urban mythology.
Nick:Yeah. This is part of the Toronto cryptid ledge legend. Okay? So that's, anyway, that's how he gets through windows when you don't leave one unlocked. So be warned.
Nick:You must leave a gift, the gift of an unlocked bathroom window.
Matt:This is the the forever night extended universe
Nick:Yeah. In urban mythology. So Tracy sees Susan behind her and gets distracted, and someone slips out the door. Like, behind her, someone's walking out the door as she's like, Susan? Susan?
Nick:And Matt goes, oh my god. It's Sarah. And I was like, Susan. See, that's part of your problem. Tracy doesn't remember.
Nick:This started with an s. It was s Sarah, Susan. Like, I mean, I get that Tracy needed a ghost, but could we have I mean, it could have been her uncle. Why not bring her uncle back? Why didn't
Matt:she Her uncle who died of her death. Why didn't you get me a heart?
Nick:Why did why did you make up look at the tragic backstory that we're building for Tracy. This is terrible. And Susan almost lures her out into the road and then disappears. And meanwhile, Nick finds the guy's dead body, the Scally's dead bar body, and he's sitting in a chair. And there's no obvious signs of foul play.
Nick:He's just sitting in this chair. And so we come back, and Reese is like, don't say it. Natalie goes, I think it was an accidental death. And Reese is like, mother fucker.
Matt:It was a heart attack.
Nick:Yeah. Natalie says, I mean, he died of a massive heart attack, and Reese says he was too young for a heart attack. I'm sorry, Reese.
Matt:Excuse me, Reese. Who's who is actually a medical doctor here
Matt:At the table Yeah. Like, within 3 feet of you.
Nick:I mean, Reese, I know you put Nick and Tracy on an improvement plan, but do leave Natalie out of it. Okay? She's just doing her fucking job.
Matt:Natalie's great at her job.
Nick:Yeah. Because he's like, did you check his medical records? And she's like, yeah. And there's nothing I do my job. I can tell what animal a blood comes from from the smell, Reese.
Matt:Give me 5 minutes in the morgue, and I can identify the host species.
Nick:I, it was implied last episode. I could find the cure for HIV if I just had the time. So I need you to I just saved an entire race. I just saved an entire fucking race. Okay.
Matt:In my spare time.
Nick:In my spare time. And Natalie literally goes, I don't know. He died of a heart attack, but so much weird shit has been happening. If you said he died of fear, I'd believe it. And Reese is like, these people had real enemies.
Nick:They were killed by a real person. Please stop chasing ghosts. And Nick goes, wish they'd stop chasing us.
Wife:Did he know who was following him? It was a dead someone, he said. These guys have real flesh and blood enemies. Stop chasing ghosts, will? I wish they'd stop chasing us.
Matt:You're not helping me. You you say that under your breath in your partner's ear.
Nick:And I
Matt:wonder in front of your captain.
Nick:I wonder if there was a gap in filming here, because his hair is way longer in this episode than it is in previous episodes, and he stops wearing anything but these, like, black outfits. His black trench coat, black shirt, black pants, which I'm not mad at. But also, we went from, like, barely trim haircut to, like, the exact same hairstyle he had in, grand magic, which is, like, wild and wooly, but slightly brushed back.
Nick:But Reese pops out. He's like, well, the one piece of police work you did where you found this medal, congratulations. I followed up on it for you, and it is a US Army service star from 20 years ago. That's what that medal was. And Nick is like, yes.
Nick:I did a thing. And he says he must have grabbed it from his attacker in the struggle. So when whatever was happening in the struggle, grabbed the pin and jumped off, fell off the roof with it. And so Tracy has figured out that Weintraub and Scally were frat brothers in college. And Nick is like, oh, maybe the ghost had it in for both of them, like an old debt.
Nick:Why are we assuming it's just the fact that we only run with the ghost angle in this entire episode, and yet somehow we still succeed?
Matt:Well, they they trace the connection between 2 victims.
Nick:Yeah. I mean, they're kind yeah. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine.
Nick:So Natalie is back in the morgue, and she's taking more notes in the dark again. And she's like, grandma? No. Okay. No.
Nick:That's fine. And then all of a sudden, her grandma, like, grabs her shoulders. So Natalie twists around, and her grandma goes, that that nice boy, Nick, he likes you. I can tell.
Grandma:That nice boy, Nick, he likes you. I can tell. He seems like a very down to earth young fellow.
Nick:He seems like a very
Matt:Don't rub it in, grandma.
Nick:Even her grandma from beyond the grave is like, why is he not that into you? And she's like, but seriously though, why did you not come visit me when I was in the hospital? And Natalie's like, like, well, since you made the crack about why does Nick not like me better, I didn't come to the hospital because you hit me. Because when you were raising me, you were not a nice person. And the grandma's like, yes.
Nick:I recognize now that that was not a great approach, and I apologize. I apologize. And Natalie's like, thank you. I accept your apology.
Matt:Yeah. Like, I was I was dealing with my own trauma at the time, and I'm sorry that I took it out on you. Yeah. Yeah. And Natalie probably recognizes that.
Nick:Natalie's like, okay. Thank you. Like, I just wanted you to say you were sorry. That's all I ever wanted. And the grandma's like, cool.
Nick:I'm happy now. I can rest. She's, actually, she's like, I am happy now. I can rest. And she, like, does the picture.
Matt:It just starts slowly backing you up.
Nick:Natalie's like, wait. Wait, grandma. Where are you? Where are you? And she's like
Matt:I'm right here, Natalie.
Nick:And she goes, I am sleeping. Natasha in a beautiful dream. And then we get this really cool scene.
Matt:We need a smoke machine.
Nick:No one could see it. We just need it in here to set the Yeah. Set the scene. If we recorded it for YouTube, we could have it, and it would be like, oh, the Halloween episode in February. I really love this scene that follows because she's, like, turning to look at her grandma, and the camera pans around her, and Nick is standing in the far background in the shadow.
Nick:It says he's wearing all black. He's kind of, like, obscured in the back, and he's like, Natalie? Like, are you okay? And she turns around, and she's like, oh my god. I just got an apology from my grandma.
Matt:That's all I've been waiting for. Entire life for an apology.
Nick:Nick's like, do you know how long I've been waiting for an apology from my father? 800 years. And and I don't think she's gonna come back because, I finally got a resolution, and he actually steps forward. I like this scene because we start out with him in the dark, and it's a very, like, he's at his most vampire y where he's, like, on alert. Did something happen?
Nick:What's going on? And then as he softens to, like, human Nick to talk to her, he steps forward into the light. Mhmm.
Nick:he ends up stepping forward into the the one light that's in the morgue right now. And so it ends up, like, illuminating him. And I just love that. I don't know.
Matt:His face shifts from, like, gray to yellowish.
Nick:Yeah. And Nick is like, okay. Well, like, I'm really glad that that's you got that for me. And by the way, I found the star, which I apparently gave to Reese before I gave it to you because I was brown nosing a little bit. Sorry.
Nick:I found the star. It's got blood on it. We I think it was used I think it was, like, on the perpetrator
Matt:case here. Says it has Weintraub's blood on it.
Nick:Right. Who
Matt:tested the blood if it wasn't Natalie?
Matt:Did they go around Natalie's back?
Nick:And in fact,
Matt:Reese different corner.
Nick:In fact, Reese says, you are correct. It was Weintraub's blood on it, which means Nick was like
Matt:Right. And and we've
Nick:discussed Weintraub.
Matt:Nick is probably the best at identifying blood samples. Yeah. Like, oh, there's some blood on the wall. And then he just, like, rubs it a little bit to scrape some of it loose and then sniff. Oh, okay.
Matt:Oh, yeah. No. This isn't our victim's blood.
Nick:Yeah. No. They gave it to forensics. Not Natalie, but, like, the people that would actually test the blood. Uh-huh.
Nick:Yeah. Go figure.
Matt:But why did he check it out of evidence and have it in his hands to show Natalie?
Nick:Well, it's in a baggy.
Matt:No. When when he shows it to Natalie, it's not in a bag.
Nick:It's in a baggy.
Matt:It is?
Nick:Yeah. Because Reese gives it back to him in a bag, and he takes that bag and gives it to Natalie.
Matt:Why does Reese give it back to him?
Nick:I don't know, honey.
Matt:That's that's not proper. It should go into an evidence line. Doesn't matter. Into a box somewhere.
Nick:Made up and the rules don't matter. So he gives it to Natalie, and he's like, can you figure out if there's a wound on the body that matches this? And she's like, yeah. Yeah. No.
Nick:I can do that. He's like, but seriously, are you gonna be okay? Like, are you gonna be okay if your grandma comes back? And she's like, oh, she won't be back. And it goes, how do you know that?
Nick:And she's like, I don't know. I just know. And then he gives her a hug, which is really cute, especially after the grandma was like, how come he doesn't like you more? But this does send him into his flashback, and he's laying next to his very obviously dead wife. And he's like, we're gonna be together forever.
Matt:filling a cup up with blood.
Nick:Yeah. And he gives her a cup of blood, and he pours it in her mouth, and he, like, licks the extra off from under her mouth. And then he sits in the cup like, and he's like, yeah. Go ahead. Sleep.
Nick:Sleep. Do what you need to do. I'll be back there.
Matt:When you awake, we will be together for eternity.
Nick:So he comes back up and he's like, Alyssa, wake up. It's time to get up. And so he tries to shake her, and she does not move. And then he's like worried. Oh, shit.
Nick:And then Lacroix pops up because Lacroix was waiting to watch. He didn't get a show. Oh, yeah. So he's got to fuck with him because he need to be entertained somehow. So he shows up, and he's like, yeah.
Nick:Your love nest reeks of death. I don't think she's gonna be okay. She's been laying here for hours next to that fire. Sorry. But there's a smell.
Nick:And he's like, you fucked up, dude. Because I told you life is a fire, and it can be rebuilt from the smallest of Evers, but not if you let them cool all the way. And Nick is like, oh, shit. Can you can you fix it? Can you you fix it for me?
Matt:Fixes it.
Nick:Look look how it fits it. Look how it fits it. Look how it's like, sorry, man. I told you. She's dead.
Nick:Dead is dead. I can't undo dead. And he goes, yeah. It's fine. Just subtle art.
Nick:It was your first try. You get better. You had better next time. Did he really wait 300 years to try to turn somebody into a vampire? I guess.
Nick:Doesn't matter. Don't answer that question. It's under torture.
Matt:I checked the flashback chronology. Yeah. And there were no other flashbacks before this that mention or that I recall him turning somebody.
Nick:Okay. So Maybe.
Matt:Yeah. I guess they they held up on that.
Nick:Yeah. LaCroix is like, I told you don't take too much. And then we go back to the castle house because Nick goes back to the castle house. Because if Natalie got some resolution, he wants some resolution too. And this you know what?
Nick:This always reminds me of actually, this predates it, so it would remind me of this. Anyway, there's an episode of Buffy where Angel confronts the ghosts of a bunch of people he's killed in the past. You remember that one?
Nick:It's actually the first evil. It's like the embodiment of evil. So it's just taking the form of all of the people that he's killed before. It ends up turning into Jenny Calendar most of the time and talking to him. But every time I saw when I saw that episode, I was like, oh, like the forever night episode where you get tormented by the specters of your past.
Nick:But Nick comes in, and he's like, Alyssa, I just want you to know that I really did love you. And I was really young and dumb, and I didn't think it through. And I should have had my master do it, but I kinda thought that would be weird. And I'm just really sorry, and I wanted us to be together forever.
Matt:I should have asked LaCroix to come watch and make sure I did it alright. Alright.
Nick:Yeah. He tapped me on the shoulder when I'm, like, when I'm done. Thanks. And he goes, you know, I'm just really sorry. I'm sorry.
Nick:And then the fire lights up, and she pops out of the shadows. And she's like, I already forgave you. Like, I love you. I know what you were trying to do. You were trying to trying to make it so we could be together forever, and you're just kind of a fuck up, Nick.
Nick:And I'm like, I love that about you, but also I died because you were. So I don't know. It's a complicated situation. But you shouldn't have come here because it's dangerous for you here, because I'm not the only one here. And a lot of the ones that are here don't want to do nice things to you.
Nick:And because of all that you've done and all that you've been, if you do die, you won't be with me. Ever. Ever.
Wife:Nicholas, I know that what you say is true. I love you still. But I must tell you because I love you that you should not have come here. You are in danger here. You will die here tonight.
Wife:And because of what you have been and done, you will not be with me ever.
Nick:Ever. Like, you remember when you you remember when you went to the afterlife and you saw your soul and it was filled with maggots? Like that, Nick. Like that. You you don't you don't there's no no coming back.
Nick:Like, you a bad dude. Okay? So sorry. And they go back to the precinct, and Tracy is talking to Reese. And all I could think is there's a guy on a ladder in the background, and why are there always people doing work on the precinct?
Nick:There's always somebody on a ladder. Or remember the guy got electrocuted in the Sons of Billiell episode? Well, they were looking for a sewage leak somewhere in the building at that time. But it's just like, why are they always painting? Why are they always doing construction?
Nick:I don't get it. But Tracy comes to Reese, and she's like, I found something. And Reese is like, okay.
Matt:I did police work.
Nick:I did some research. And Reese is like, okay. But please tell me it isn't their ghost. And Tracy's just like, and he's like, motherfucker. And she says that both the dudes were frat bros 22 years ago in Ohio, and there was a sexual assault and murder that happened in that area that went unsolved.
Nick:And Reese is like, so that's the ghost that came back and killed them? Fucking seriously, Tracy? And Tracy's like, I mean yeah.
Matt:I'm trying. I'm doing my best here, boss. Yeah.
Nick:She's like, they maybe did it. Like, it seems like probably they did it. And Reese is like, yeah. But that would still mean it's a ghost killing them, and there is no such thing. And then the camera pans around Tracy.
Nick:And behind Tracy, shit's gone sideways in the office. There's chairs floating upside down. There's flashing lights. It's kind of dark. And she sees Susan pop out of the chaos, and she's just standing there.
Nick:And Reese turns around, and literally, Tracy is just standing there staring at the rest of the precinct.
Matt:Oh, she drops her coffee.
Matt:And so Reese turns around to see what happened.
Nick:And Reese is like, Tracy, are you okay? And she goes, tell me what you see, captain. And he, like, walks around her and stands in front of her, and we see nothing is there. And he goes, nothing?
Nick:Cops? What do you see? Let me go back to Nick. Because Alyssa's like, look. I forgive you, but you're still in danger.
Nick:Others are coming.
Matt:You need to leave now. But wait. Follow me.
Nick:Yeah. Oh, but just a second.
Matt:I understand. Seek is here.
Nick:Yeah. I know what you seek. The answer is here. And I'll help you find it, and then you need to get the fuck out. So she, like, disappears.
Nick:She, like, glow transfers to this spot in the ground?
Matt:He turns his flashlight on. And so I thought that was a really cool transition of her fading away and him, like, bringing his flashlight up at the same time. Yeah. So it looks like she turns into his flashlight.
Nick:Yeah. And what it is is Shirell His flashlight's haunted forever. Well, he doesn't use it ever anyway. It's fine. It's the first time I've
Matt:seen him use flashlight. The flashlight's actually not on because he doesn't need it.
Nick:Right. It's been a ghost light the whole time. So it's actually
Matt:It's a modern, will o wisp.
Nick:So, it's Shirell's only earring. Stop derailing me. Shirell's earring is, like, in the debris by the fireplace, and he picks it up. And he actually remembers the, like, getting served tea at Ogden's house and the fact that she only had one earring on.
Matt:Well, I think this served an additional purpose Yeah. Which was when Tracy went to talk to Reese and Reese shot her down, we saw a picture of the woman who had been murdered.
Nick:Not yet.
Matt:Oh, I thought we she showed it to Reese. And then shortly after, we see Nick's memory.
Nick:She just had, like, details. She was waiting on a photo or something because we don't see the photo until she runs off, and they bring the photo over and hand it
Matt:to me. So it's right after this.
Matt:Good. We we see the hot blonde assistant to Ogden.
Nick:And that's true. He remembered? Because he was looking at her. That's why.
Matt:Absolutely. He
Nick:was looking at her neck.
Matt:He remembers every hot blonde he's ever looked at.
Nick:Yeah. Yeah. He's like, oh, yeah. I have flashbacks about those people all the time. He was looking at her neck, and, you know, your ears are right there.
Nick:So and her hair was up, so it's easy to see her that her earring was missing. And we go back to Reese and Tracy, and Reese is like, I'm gonna take you to the ER, Tracy. Like, that's fair. That kinda feels like there's a gas leak in this house. That's probably the problem.
Nick:And Susan
Rachel:is there, and she's like, I'm going back to the house because they're closing it, and I need to get back
Nick:because, like, the door's shutting. I don't know. And Tracy's like, okay. I have to run off to the house. So she turns just in time to miss the, like, photo reveal.
Nick:Because the woman looks exactly like Sharrell. In the meantime, Nick is getting chased by women in the house, which I feel like this could care if it went to this house.
Matt:This is not an unfamiliar situation for Garrett.
Nick:Oh my god. Is it Tuesday?
Nick:You guys weren't supposed to tell them about each other. It's a joke. It's a joke. Obviously it's a joke. Was that joke?
Nick:This is a comedy podcast. So Nick is getting chased by women in this house, and he, like, snarls at them, which I thought always thought was kind of a cool scene. Does my little vampire heart happy when they're, like, chasing him and he, like, hisses, snarls at them? And then he runs off. He actually runs through them and through this door.
Nick:Like, he could have turned around and just flown out the window behind him, but that's fine. That's fine.
Nick:That's fine. So they come at him through the wall. Like, we get the cool squishy wall effect.
Nick:I love this effect. We use this
Matt:This episode has the most special effects of any episode I've seen so far.
Nick:Yeah. Yeah. Like, a lot. There's an a movie called, I think it's the frighteners, And Yes. It's another movie.
Matt:Face pushing through the wall.
Nick:It's about the same guy who did the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Matt:Really? Peter Jackson?
Nick:Yeah. Peter Jackson. Did the frighteners. I didn't know that. It's got,
Matt:Michael j Fox.
Nick:Michael j Fox, and it's a really good, really good
Matt:Scary ghost movie.
Nick:Scary movie, but, like, the fun kind of ghost scary movie where it's both scary and, like, just entertaining to watch. Anyway, the use of
Matt:the jump scare, and there's not a lot of gore.
Nick:They use this effect a lot in it, and they use it to very good effect. Like, it's really well done. So I always like the squishy wall to, like, push against the fabric Mhmm. Face thing. And they do that right by Nick, and Nick's like, oh, and he falls down the stairs.
Nick:It's like, dude, you can fly. You didn't have to fall down the stairs. I feel like after 800 years, his knee jerk reaction would not be to throw himself sideways
Matt:and he took it off. He was propelling himself downward.
Nick:No. He didn't
Matt:trip. This was intentional.
Nick:Oh, okay. It was the fastest he rolls down.
Matt:It was the fastest path. Okay.
Nick:But he ends
Matt:up finding him too early. He rolls, he gets a full 360 view around him.
Nick:Oh, it's strategic. I got it. Okay. I got it. He, like, did
Matt:he But he he pulls it off so cleanly
Matt:That it it, confuses the other person into thinking that he's just fallen down the stairs. Yeah. But, really, he's pulled off a technical a technical feat of propelling himself away while getting a full, a full 360 view around himself, like, update his situational awareness and then get ready for the next move.
Nick:Well, it must work because he ends up going into an empty room and shutting these doors behind him because we know if you shut doors, ghosts can't get through them. And when he turns around, Ogden is there, but he's dead And Chenille
Nick:Dogden. Yes.
Matt:Dead up.
Nick:And Chenille is in there. Her name?
Nick:Sharel. Sharel. Oh.
Matt:Susan's there.
Nick:So Sharel is in there. Like, look. It worked. His vigilance worked because he found the bad guy.
Matt:Shock up another closed
Nick:case? Yeah. Check that box out, because Shirell comes up. 1st, she tases him. She tases him, and he's like, ah, the fuck?
Nick:He tased me, which it wouldn't work because he doesn't have electrical impulses, but it's fine. And then she reveals that it was her mother that those 2 people killed and that she knew that because she came to this house, and her mother came to her and told her all about it and told her how she needed to kill those people, that was gonna be her closure. And Ogden was gonna have this house torn down, and that was her only link to her mother. She couldn't let that happen. And then meanwhile, Tracy has come to the house but got totally distracted because Susan shows up and she's like, Tracy,
Matt:come play with me.
Nick:Tracy, come play with
Rachel:me. Tracy.
Nick:K. And so Tracy's like, oh, okay. So Susan's like, walk into the road, Tracy. And Tracy's like, I'll walk into the road. That's bad.
Nick:And so she's walking into the road slowly, and Nick actually gets shot by Shirell. I have her name 4 different ways. Because in this one, she's Chanel. And, like, the last one, she was Chanel, It's Shirell. Nick gets shot by Shirell and surrounded by when he wakes up, like, he lays there dead for a bit.
Nick:When he wakes up, the ghosts are all around him. So he, like, breaks free and jumps out the window because he didn't leave a door window unlocked. So Toronto Mothman, got you. Jumps out the window.
Matt:Toronto Mothman vandalized his house.
Nick:And, like, can't they follow him? Because all the other ghosts seem very untethered to this location.
Matt:Right. It's not the location that's haunted. It's the people.
Nick:So Nick ends up saving Tracy from getting run over.
Matt:It did take them a long time to show up. Yeah. Was that because Alyssa was keeping them at bay?
Nick:I don't know. Or maybe they're not as strong. Like, they've been gone too long. I don't know.
Matt:Well, Alyssa oh, it's it's the emotional connection from Nick that's weak.
Nick:Yeah. Maybe when he was thinking only about Alyssa, he wasn't feeling guilty about the other people. And then as soon as that was coming to resolve, all the normal people brought it up. Yeah. She mentioned it.
Nick:And then all of a sudden, he remembered all of the people that he had killed who would probably wanna kill him, and that's what brought them to chicken and the egg scenario. But he does save Tracy from getting run over by
Matt:a kid. Or or, like, in The Matrix when the oracle is, like, now the real thing that's gonna bug you is would you have knocked over the vase if I hadn't mentioned it?
Nick:Yeah. That's exactly what
Matt:this is. Ghosts have shown up if Alyssa hadn't mentioned it?
Matt:Which is just a little bit of, yeah, I forgive you. I'm still a little upset, though.
Nick:Yeah. I mean, I would be a little salty, so it's fine. So Nick saves Tracy from getting run over by a car, she says, trying to redirect the common 81 kilo episode back to the actual episode. And then, luckily, Reese didn't trust them to do their job because he followed Tracy, and he ends up shooting Shirod, the bad guy. He ends up shooting the bad lady, and then he runs over to check on her.
Nick:And when he looks up at the stairs, there's a soldier coming out of the house, and he points the gun at him. And the guy goes, watch where you're pointing that little Joe. And then he turns around, he's got a bullet hole in his back, and he, like, walks off. And they come over, Tracy and Nick come over, and they're like, did you just see something? And Reese is like, nope.
Nick:I saw nothing. And then we go back to the loft. But just one moment here. So from a Reese's perspective, he follows Tracy over. Tracy gets out of her car, takes a couple steps towards the towards the house, and then turns around and starts slow walking into the road.
Nick:Meanwhile meanwhile, on the right side of the building, Nick jumps out of a window in, like, a spray of broken glass.
Matt:Of this derelict house.
Nick:Of this derelict and then runs over and saves Tracy. And Reese must just be like, oh, my God.
Matt:But then the bad guy
Nick:shows up. Right. But somehow, they're both here because the bad guys
Matt:He's like, I can't fault their methods because they always
Nick:fight bad guys. You can't fault their results. You can fault their methods all you want.
Matt:But their methods produce the results.
Nick:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And Nick can say he was running away from her because, I mean, the bad guy was there. I don't know.
Nick:It it's just sometimes when you take a step back and think, what did Reese see was what was what did that look like to Reese? Because he didn't see Susan out in the road, and he didn't see that Nick was being chased by a hoard of women from his past life.
Matt:Or that Nick got shot.
Nick:Yeah. I don't know.
Matt:Did Nick use vampire speed to get to Tracy? Oh, maybe. Maybe maybe from Reese's perspective Oh. The window broke, and he saw a blur.
Nick:And then something somebody was And then saving Tracy.
Matt:Nick who Tracy who was by herself.
Matt:Glass breaks, blur, look back. Now Nick is dragging Tracy out of the road.
Nick:Well, they go back to the loft because nobody cares.
Matt:Now we have some fan canon that Reese is in on the vampire thing.
Nick:I mean, maybe maybe, all previous captains have left notes. There's, like, a coded file that's like, listen. We don't think he's human, but he gets results. So whatever you see him do, you just look the other way. Okay?
Nick:It's fine. So we go back to the loft, and Nick and Natalie are at the loft. And Natalie is standing in the
Matt:Doesn't Shirell explain?
Nick:No. She's dead. She gets
Matt:shot. Well, we don't establish that Reese's shot was fatal. But in the room, she explains that
Nick:Yeah. I said that
Matt:her mom She found us. Okay. So how did she find the house? Her mom, 22 years ago Yeah. Was killed in Ohio.
Matt:Yeah. How did she make her way from Ohio to Toronto? And then
Nick:Listen. If you live in Ohio, you would also flee to Toronto.
Matt:How does she find this house? Does she get a job with Ogden and then visit the house?
Nick:It's a chicken and egg.
Matt:Does she is she, like, drawn to the house and then she gets a job with Ogden?
Matt:What I'm try what I'm leading up to here is this all of that, all of how did she get to this house would be explained if we make the outrageous assumption that all of this is still I knew what you're gonna LaCroix fucking with everybody. LaCroix has orchestrated this.
Nick:Okay. Listen. Listen. I read these books with Kate and Hannah by this author named Sarah j Maas. And she has created this explanation, which from my perspective is I don't want to create believable plot lines, so I have created this this magic ring for myself because every time I write myself into the corner, I can just slip it on.
Nick:I can I can tell a riddle game and I can get out of dodge? And it is that there is a there is an actual present divine force in the world that guides fate and puts you where you need to be.
Matt:And it moves you there?
Nick:Yes. It's the divine mover. It puts you where you need to be in order for the thing that you need to have happened to you happen to you. And so either it is that, it is fate itself that guides the people to these moments, or it's Lacroix, or to both. Yeah.
Nick:I don't know. It doesn't matter. Maybe she just got a job and it was purely coincidence. Anyone who went to work for him who had a tragic backstory would have experienced a ghost in that house. It just so happened that her tragic backstory included 2 murderers who also worked in Toronto.
Nick:She could have also suspected that they were the people that killed her mom. She could have been there to investigate them. She could have gotten a job with that guy or heard because even Nick knew that this house was haunted and that it let you see people from your past.
Matt:Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. If if she'd So
Nick:it was like calling a psychic hotline except it was visiting us.
Matt:Dropped a pamphlet in her apartment.
Matt:Here's this house that your the dead that you are connected to Yeah. Come to you.
Nick:You know what comes back to Lacroix? You want it to come back to Lacroix? It comes back to Lacloy.
Wife:In my head. It all comes
Nick:back to Lacloy. I am with you. I fully believe he has the time, the attention, and the
Matt:And the motivation.
Nick:The spiteful motivation to get that done. So we go back to the loft and Natalie is standing by the mantle piece and she's like, oh, okay. So is your case closed? And Nick jumps up from the side and he goes, boo. Natalie's like, eee.
Nick:She's kinda cute. And he goes, oh, you mean my ghost? Like, oh, my case? Yeah. I always close my cases.
Nick:However, they get closed out of that. Doesn't matter. But you mean my ghost?
Matt:My partner always takes care of
Nick:the people. Like, whatever.
Matt:I just know how to print the report.
Nick:Yeah. And he's like, no. No. Yeah. My ghost had all wrapped up.
Nick:And she goes, you know, you didn't tell me who it was. Wink wink. You didn't tell me. You should tell me. And Nick goes, well, it was a woman I loved a long time ago.
Matt:And lost.
Nick:And she just wanted to be remembered. He doesn't tell her about the other ones that all attacked him. I mean, if anybody's gonna bring some fucking baggage to this house, it's Nick. So
Matt:Do you think Lacroix has any baggage? No. Maybe
Nick:There once was a man with a suitcase full of guilt.
Matt:Which is Nick? All
Nick:I was trying to remember the rest of that one, which is just like all he ever all he needed to do was put the suitcase down and get out of town, which I think is the rest of it. It was like, just need to drop the suitcase.
Matt:Just never carried a suitcase.
Nick:Yeah. He's like, fuck it. I pack light.
Matt:Travel light.
Nick:I need to travel light. No. He that's his whole thing is guilt is an anathema to the vampire existence. You cannot both hold the guilt of all that you have done and expect to be able to
Matt:flourish as a
Nick:vampire because you will always be bogged down by what you have done. And you have no choice but to do a lot of the things that you do. And so you can either feel bad about it forever or die or die Or don't feel bad about it at all and be just fine. So no. Lacroix would walk in there and be just fine.
Nick:It probably would just feel like a house. He probably doesn't even believe in ghosts because he's never seen one. Because if ghosts are the things that
Matt:we Each person doesn't even see each other's ghosts.
Nick:Yeah. Because if ghosts are regrets, then he ain't got one.
Matt:And we know that the the whole ghost, like, sighting is fully hallucinatory. It's completely internal because Tracy is seeing chairs levitating and papers getting thrown around and but we have Reese also in the same room
Nick:at the same time,
Matt:and nothing is actually happening. Right.
Nick:And it's really interesting because that's what Natalie talks about next. Because Nick is like, what do you think the what the shit was that? And she goes, you know, I would I'd be more willing to believe that this was an actual ghost sighting, like a ghost event, supernatural event, if every single ghost was not actually the projection of our own desires and subconscious needs. Like, I needed to hear my grandmother say she was sorry, and so I saw my grandmother and she said she was sorry. You needed to believe that your wife knew that you didn't actually kill her and you saw her and she told you she forgave you and it was okay.
Nick:And Tracy almost got hit by a car. So, I mean, everybody had the fulfillment of some deep seated desire, sort of. And, so I don't know. Like, it could have been just something in that building that, like, manifested something in your subconscious, not necessarily a ghost, but something from inside you, which kind of fits with what we were talking about earlier. And Natalie says
Matt:Or Lacroix was in therapy mode.
Nick:Natalie says, I'm not gonna say that I saw a ghost, but if someone asked me if I just had a religious experience, I would say I plead the 5th.
Matt:So we open this episode with I plead the 5th.
Nick:And we close it with I plead the 5th. Nobody nobody puts their foot down on any kind of a determination. And then we come to Tracy because Tracy is actually out putting a rose on the tracks where her friend died, and Reese is reminiscing over a photo.
Matt:Tracy's putting a rose down like, I fucking believe in ghosts.
Nick:She's like, please don't try to kill me anymore. That's because she's been coming to her every night since.
Matt:Wait. I'll have Sean here's about this.
Nick:I'm so sorry. I didn't come over, and I'm so sorry you didn't know how to take off your own glove. Like, I don't know what to tell you. So sorry.
Matt:I I said, Tracy arrives here, and she's resolved her guilt. She's like, you're right. Like, this wasn't my fault, you getting killed by the train. This was your fault. You got your sweater stuck on the track.
Matt:You just pull on it. Yeah. Like like the the old song says
Nick:A train
Matt:stuck on it. To destroy my sweater. Hold this thread as I walk away.
Nick:Did you just bring Weezer into this room?
Matt:Yeah. And she just pulls on her sweater. I'm not gonna have to
Nick:change it again.
Matt:She hooks her sweater on the train tracks and pulls, and it's gonna unravel her sweater.
Nick:Yeah. I don't know what to tell you, honey. It kinda feels like that scene from Austin Powers when there's the steamroller.
Matt:It's like What I wanted to say is Tracy Mhmm. Got did get closure Yeah. By putting the blame back on Sarah Susan.
Nick:Yeah. She was like, Susan, it was your fucking fault.
Matt:The whole time.
Nick:The whole time. And I can't believe you traumatized me by getting killed in front of me, you stupid
Matt:I can't believe you didn't even try to get off the tracks and pull.
Nick:Do you know what I would do?
Matt:You can pull your arm into the sleeve.
Nick:She pulls a full Natalie, and she's like, lots of people see other people killed. I can't believe you had to do it right in front of me. This is your fault. I don't know. We don't get a resolution to her.
Matt:My trauma is my fault because I looked.
Nick:I could've looked away. No. I don't know. I feel like we're in a rabbit hole here, and we just need to dig our way out because we're digging down, and down is not the way we wanna go. We wanna go up.
Nick:We had a lot of fun with this episode, but I don't hate this episode. I like this episode. There's a lot of moments in this episode that I really like. The dark to light one, I really love. The moment where he snarls at all the ghosts, I really like that episode.
Nick:And I think we have
Matt:I really like how the filming was cut, like, edited Yeah. For transitions.
Nick:This felt like a fun, spooky episode.
Matt:Yes. It was a good Halloween episode.
Nick:Like, we've had, we have actual vampires in the show, but we have never played with anything. So when we did the sons of Billio, which is just a whole other kettle of fish. But we haven't really played with, like, what other supernatural create beings might there be, and what would happen if Nick had any supernatural beings?
Matt:The other time we've talked about a ghost.
Matt:It wasn't a ghost. It was just vampire ex girlfriend.
Nick:It was the manifestation of his regret?
Matt:No. The I think it was in season 1.
Nick:Yeah. It was his it was the lady that he regretted not knowing that she was suffering. It was it was his vampire ex girlfriend who was prob who had definitely had some need for therapy for a while because she's
Wife:the one that was like
Matt:chasing him for 400 years.
Nick:Oh, yeah. That one. I I thought we were talking about last act where the lady sits out on the bench and commit it's called Oh, oh,
Matt:that's the vampire lady who sat out for the sunrise?
Nick:Yeah. And then he sees her for the whole rest of the episode, and she's like, join me, Nicholas, because she's
Matt:just his memory of her. I I was talking about the was it Annabelle or something?
Nick:Oh, yeah. That was the one where
Matt:Where he
Nick:chose her in the train yard. To fuck with him, brought her back, and then she somehow spent 400 years looking for him because that's what a woman does, you guys. As soon as a man does something to her, her only purpose in life is revenge for 400 years. And he's like, don't tell me you've never killed anybody. And she's like, yeah.
Nick:I killed plenty of people, and I love it. But that doesn't mean that you had that you could have done that, you son of a bitch. That's oh, yeah. That one was,
Matt:But at first, Nick thinks it's a ghost.
Nick:I cannot remember the title. This is one of those ones that the title always escapes me. It's the one where Stonetree almost gets, convicted of wrongfully shooting that one little boy
Nick:Or kid or whatever. It's, not false witness. I don't know. You stopped me. Dang it.
Nick:I'm not looking it up. I'm not looking it up because if I don't know, I don't deserve to know. So I guess we're just gonna leave it there. We're wrapping things up, here at Come In 81 Kilo, kind of. We're on episode 14, which means we've got, like, 8 ish episodes left to go, 7 or 8.
Nick:I don't know. This has been a lot of fun. I don't know if we're gonna do another TV series immediately. But if you have one that you think we should consider doing in the future, do feel free to send us a recommendation.
Matt:Yeah. Mini series would be fun.
Nick:Yeah. I wanna do some mini series. I think that would be
Matt:4 to 8 episodes Yeah. Of something.
Nick:Oh, I've got some ideas. You wanna do mini series? I got so much.
Matt:But if you guys have any suggestions
Matt:Send it in.
Nick:Yeah. And I I mean, I do read them. I will add them to the list. I can't promise we will do them, but I can promise I will read them and respond and tell you thank you. And you can find that in a contact form on our website, which is
Nick:There is a recommendation form on there. Feel free to fill it out and send us a recommendation of what you think we should do next. And we also have an Instagram. You can contact me there. It's at strangeandbeautifulnetwork on Instagram.
Matt:Link in the show notes.
Nick:Link in the show notes as well as a link to all of the other podcasts that we do do. So if you think you're going to be missing our lovely voices, we also do, like, 6 other podcasts. We have strange and beautiful book club where we cover movies and books in the sci fi, fantasy, and horror genre. And we also have feast, sheath, and shatter, where I chat with 2 other ladies, Kate and Hannah, about, popular books and more like romantic fantasy books. And it's really fun.
Matt:Especially up smart.
Nick:And straight up smart. And we also have Gare Can Get It, which is the, the spiritual successor of Come In 80 1 kilo, I think, which is really just started as a joke, which is that there can't possibly be an actor.
Matt:It's like a game of chicken with you and Meg. Neither of you have backed out yet.
Nick:She was like, we're gonna start 1, and we're gonna call it Garrett Can Get It. And I was like, okay. But we have to know, like, know that we have an entire podcast about how horny Gerrit Wind Davey's career has been and still be able to look him in the eye when we go meet him. And she was like, I can do that, and so here we are.
Matt:She'll have no memory of not doing it.
Nick:It's it's a really it's a lot of fun. We have quite a bit more to cover because he has quite an illustrious career. Couple we're gonna combine, but for the most part, we've done things episodically so far. So, you know, go check out Gare Can Get It. That's a ton of fun.
Nick:Matt was a guest on one of the episodes, so he's over
Matt:there too. Consultant.
Nick:Yeah. Science consultant's done an Outer Limits episode. Oh my god. It was so much fun. So I guess until next time, friends.